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SaintsRule11 04-06-2012 12:50 AM

New York Giants admit to doing exactly the same thing as the New Orleans Saints!
I don't know if anyone caught this, but there was a blurb I just read on that indicated that Giants' players had discussions about "taking out" Kyle Williams prior to the NFC Championship Game. There were conversations about his history of concussions and how if they hit him real hard they could either get him carted off or at least rattle him.

Is this not the EXACT same thing he-who-must-not-be-named discussed with his defensive players prior to the Saints' divisional matchup with the San Francisco 49ers?

"The thing is, we knew (Kyle Williams) had four concussions," Jacquian Williams told after the game. "So that was our biggest thing -- was to take him out of the game."

Here is a link to the article: news: Flashback: Giants targeted 49ers' Williams in playoffs

And here is a link to the article: Did Giants Strategically Concuss Kyle Williams? -- The Sports Section

Call me crazy, but aren't the Saints just being singled out for sh*t that the entire league seems to endorse behind closed doors? I mean, I realize that the Gregg Williams audio is horrible and all, but my thinking is that the Saints are just the ones who got caught.

(cross-posted at canalstreetchronicles)

burningmetal 04-06-2012 01:55 AM

We have been singled out. That's never been a doubt in my mind.

The sad thing is I don't know whether we're really the only one's who got caught, or the only one's being punished. Obviously, the latter is true right now. The league definitely knows there are other bounties, and have done nothing about them, but I'm starting to think they know that other teams have done exactly what the Saints have, and still are doing nothing... Either way, justice isn't remotely involved.

B005TED 04-06-2012 07:53 AM

Ya know with all this going around, what I think happened was the owners of the league got together with GODell and put pressure on him to do whatever he could so we wouldn't have home field advantage in the superbowl. What is going on now is the outcome of that pressure.

But hey, I'm a conspiracy theorist. :(

PatMcIrish 04-06-2012 07:53 AM

You guys are pathetic if you try to defend any of this. It's ridiculous the stuff Gregg Williams was saying.

SaintsBro 04-06-2012 07:57 AM

uh-oh, we have another moron in the room. Pat McIrish, NOBODY is defending what Williams said: nobody is defending Williams or bounties AT ALL! Get a clue man! People are pissed off because the Saints are the only ones singled out for punishment, the only one the league is investigating, because of their being "arrogant" or "maverick" or some other garbage like that =- while meanwhile, the last THREE Super Bowl winning teams ALL had some form of bounty or targeted injury program recently in place. So spare us the morality lecture about what's right and wrong and go away. We know that already.

B005TED 04-06-2012 08:05 AM

Pat, plzgo.

sharke 04-06-2012 08:22 AM

Kudos to the Giants, they learned from the Saints mistake. Took the initiative and were open about it before anything was leaked and aren't trying to hide anything (so far). Still think the severity for most of this is our "cover up". Looks like the Giants saw this.

Brandon428 04-06-2012 08:22 AM

Well now we know who one of the two idiots that voted no is. :/ Like SaintsBro said,none of us here are trying to justify in anyway what GW did. In fact most hated GW before the scandal.That being said we are pissed that the Saints are being singled out and treated like our DC is the only one to ever do this. When there is blatant evidence being completely ignored by the hypocrite Rodger Goodell.

PatMcIrish 04-06-2012 08:47 AM


Originally Posted by SaintsBro (Post 395580)
People are pissed off because the Saints are the only ones singled out for punishment, the only one the league is investigating, because of their being "arrogant" or "maverick" or some other garbage like that =- while meanwhile, the last THREE Super Bowl winning teams ALL had some form of bounty or targeted injury program recently in place. So spare us the morality lecture about what's right and wrong and go away. We know that already.

How in the world would you know that? Answer is you don't. You have no idea who the league is investigating. You also have no idea about the last 3 SuperBowl teams either. If you do show proof like what has come out against you guys. I mean a film crew was in the room and the team was already under investigation for this when GW was talking!? I can't imagine what he said with no cameras around? Is this guy for real?

I like the Saints, live in Biloxi part of the year but this was unexcusable. I don't care if it's my team or some other team, coaches giving out money for his players to go after ACL's? That's flat out pathetic! The Saints deserve everything they get. And if you're a real fan you'd have spoken out against what you guys did instead of using the 8 year old "well Joey does it too" excuse for why you shouldn't be punished.

PatMcIrish 04-06-2012 08:50 AM


Originally Posted by Brandon428 (Post 395586)
That being said we are pissed that the Saints are being singled out and treated like our DC is the only one to ever do this. When there is blatant evidence being completely ignored by the hypocrite Rodger Goodell.

Link please!

Still don't think the "well everyone else is doing it" is much of an excuse but let's see that blatant evidence you're talking about.

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