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Euphoria 04-11-2012 06:36 PM

I can see from this thread who also believes in UFO's.

Elvis still alive?

Why didn't SP or GW come out and say "WTF are you talking about" to NFL?
They didn't and why is that... GUILTY.

burningmetal 04-11-2012 07:27 PM

Precisely, saintfan

voodooido 04-11-2012 08:58 PM


Originally Posted by BGWhoDat (Post 396687)
Bountygate Evidence May Have Been Fake - Canal Street Chronicles

Seen this come through my timeline on Twitter. Worth looking at, includes audio clip.


Who cares? GW admitted it and we get punished.

BGWhoDat 04-11-2012 10:22 PM


Originally Posted by voodooido (Post 396987)
Who cares? GW admitted it and we get punished.

I figured someone would care. Just because you don't, doesn't mean that it shouldn't be shared with those who may take a listen at it.

UK_WhoDat 04-12-2012 06:14 AM


Originally Posted by Euphoria (Post 396897)
If you give me a gun and tell me to kill someone... you still go to jail.

I don't have to actually go and kill someone for you to go to jail.

Interesting perspective.

So if that person who gives the gun has a boss, does that boss go to jail also? And that boss' boss?

And what happens about the the someone who got given the gun?

TheOak 04-12-2012 06:35 AM


Originally Posted by saintfan (Post 396835)
No, the audio wasn't fake, but it WAS edited. The part at the end where he essentially said to play aggressive but by the rules was conveniently not presented.

While you are correct. Only fans of 1 out of 32 teams will recognize that. The fans of the other 31 teams will not care about the editing....

Its the same with politics in the media, a news company can chop, edit, do what they like.... The original message is what sticks with most people, especially those who are voting for another candidate.

To Falcons, and Vikings fans, the only thing they will remember is the audio they heard.....

saintsfan1976 04-12-2012 06:49 AM

The guy probably did go to the NFL. So what? Initial evidence was so unclear that Goodell gave the Saints the benefit of the doubt and ASKED them to stop.

"Sure" we said... (wink, wink) Then continued it, and did it openly (audio).

Try any angle you want - THE COAHES WERE WRONG

UK_WhoDat 04-12-2012 06:56 AM


Originally Posted by saintsfan1976 (Post 397041)
.........Try any angle you want - THE COACHES WERE WRONG

Seems like a coach was wrong

saintsfan1976 04-12-2012 07:02 AM


Originally Posted by UK_WhoDat (Post 397043)
Seems like a coach was wrong

Don't be naive. Any coach who continued allow this to continue AFTER being warned was wrong.

SaintGup 04-12-2012 08:47 AM

[QUOTE=Marlboro Man;396946

Is it wrong to hope Goodell has a stroke before the season & has to step down or worse? Not that I'm hoping that, just saying.[/QUOTE]
Yes, it is. As much as I do not like the man I do not wish him harm...I just hope that when he buys lots of apples, the box/bag splits and the apples are rolling all over the floor. Yeah, don't ever mess with me and my curses because that's what you'll get!

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