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swamee 04-21-2004 04:20 PM

the swamee now looks at our own recievers.......
joe horn-could he last as long as jerry rice? damn straight......
does he have the heart of a lion? damn straight......
has he played hurt? damn straight.....
is he a playmaker? damnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnstraight............
would you trade him? your answer

jerome pathon-same question.................... probably not....
same question........................................... damn straight...
" "......................................... not with the same results as horn
" "......................................... he can be at times.....
would you trade him? your answer

donte stalllworth-same question................ he has to begin first
" "....................................... have'nt see it yet, of course, have'nt
seen it yet, of course, have'nt seen him
much either
" "....................................... this one causes me to smile abit
" " damnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnstraight...................................
" " your answer

of course we have some rookies, some first yr players and the "beer man"
out of these, gardner has some promise, and micheal, well ya'll correct if i'm wrong,
but ever since he got hurt, it seems he's cautious, almost afraid to let it all burn....
i hope he pulls out it we sure could use him.........
this brings us to the last question?
how bad do we need a goooooooood reciever?

BlackandBlue 04-21-2004 05:29 PM

the swamee now looks at our own recievers.......

i hope he pulls out
W-H-A-T??? :o

Chuck 04-21-2004 09:40 PM

the swamee now looks at our own recievers.......
B and B,


hope he pulls out
the combination of that quote and your picture is freakin me out. I\'m getting the whole erie prison hor nightmare vibe.

[Edited on 22/4/2004 by Chuck]

[Edited on 22/4/2004 by Chuck]

[Edited on 22/4/2004 by Chuck]

BlackandBlue 04-21-2004 11:01 PM

the swamee now looks at our own recievers.......
Fear Howard!!!!

This pic was taken after his rookie season. Look\'s like a badass. See a picture of him today and he looks like a pothead.

[Edited on 22/4/2004 by BlackandBlue]

swamee 04-22-2004 05:57 PM

the swamee now looks at our own recievers.......


i hope he pulls out
W-H-A-T??? :o
now b&b, you know i\'m not talking about what you\'re girlfriend is thinking here.....
i know you understand me and ot, i know you know why......
it\'s just like the little kid being questioned why he did\'nt like going to school......
he replied, it\'s not me, it\'s the principal of the thing..........swamee

whowatches 04-22-2004 10:06 PM

the swamee now looks at our own recievers.......
I wouldn\'t trade any of our receivers.... this year.

We have to have Horn. He had an off year last season and was still our best receiver. Pathon is the only consistent number two we have. No way to really replace him with a rookie from the draft.

Stallworth... we\'ve simply got too much invested at too little immediate cost to let this guy go. Just let him get the hammy and the heart things straightened out... I\'ve got a feeling about this year.

As for the other guys, I\'m with 08; I think Crowell will be the surprise, impact signing of the year. I also think that Gardner will grow roots and bark this season.


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