Originally Posted by BGWhoDat
(Post 404397)
On PFT's piece, they outlined what he was told. He was told to "just play dumb."
There's a difference between playing dumb and acting like nothing is going on and outright lying, saying bounties don't exist.
I think he played dumb, the NFL viewed this as a form of "lying" and not helping their investigation, and turned his words around.
Yes they (the league) are totally playing semantics with all of this. For example, they said that Hargrove's statement "did not deny the existence of a bounty program." Well now we know that in fact it didn't really mention
anything at all about an actual bounty program, and it also didn't confirm it existed, either. Now we are hearing that they also turned Gregg Williams' words around (and according to some, that they wrote his confession for him). Which to me is like something that would happen in a Communist or revolutionary country like Nicarauga or the USSR, not the USA...the kind of thing where you're being held in a windowless room, or threatened to be sent to Siberia, and the two guys at the table say to you, comrade, if you ever want to get out, here is your confession, we have already typed it up neatly for you, here is a pen, now sign it.
There's also the weird thing with the "make sure our ducks are in a row" comment from Payton, that the NFL is kinda twisting around as well. To the NFL, they make it sound like Sean Payton was saying, "okay, make sure we LIE about it and cover it up." But really, it's actually kind of normal, that a person might say something like that, if you were being investigated or interviewed for something and the league was coming in from New York, etc.
I mean, if let's say hypothetically you are on a military Navy ship, and the big brass Admiral is coming to visit for an inspection...they will make you clean every inch of that ship with a toothbrush, and make sure everything is extra sharp and done by the book, while the Admiral is there; clean uniforms, snappy salutes, etc. It doesn't exactly mean that you are
covering anything up, just by preparing and getting ready for his inspection. But the league is constantly twisting the semantics of stuff and it is really starting to sound like they are playing fast loose with the facts, as well.