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saintfan 04-26-2004 12:31 PM

A tactless move by the Chargers

Condon who would gets a percentage of the advertising rights from Eli , most likely started the whole thing to get Eli in a larger market .
If, if if if that were true, then I\'d have even LESS respect for \'em. Agents are sleeze buckets, and it\'s not like Eli was manipulated 08. Archie knows his way around and Peyton has been there and done that. If Eli was some poor little redneck from nowhere USA then I might give him a pass (or at least consider it). No, this was greed and the need for the spotlight, and Eli is a grown man (at least in age) and is accountable. No excuses buddy. He\'s a PUNK PUNK PUNK PUNK PUNK! ;)

saintz08 04-26-2004 12:41 PM

A tactless move by the Chargers
Saintsfan an Eli basher ????

What\'s the scoop , San Diego would have been a death sentenance to Eli .

Even Taglipew stayed out of this one ....

saintfan 04-26-2004 12:43 PM

A tactless move by the Chargers
So even if it had been \"a death sentenance to Eli\", what makes him special. What makes him more deserving than any other player in the draft 08? The answer is nothing. Nadda. You and I both know it.

saintz08 04-26-2004 12:48 PM

A tactless move by the Chargers
You thinkin \" Good Ole Boy \" system here Saintsfan ????

saintfan 04-26-2004 12:53 PM

A tactless move by the Chargers
No, I\'m thinkin Eli is a Punk -- and not much more.

WhoDat 04-26-2004 03:12 PM

A tactless move by the Chargers

No, I\'m thinkin Eli is a Punk -- and not much more.
Famous last words. I will still be here a few years from now when he\'s the MVP of the league Saintfan, and THAT will be my signature.

saintfan 04-26-2004 03:25 PM

A tactless move by the Chargers
Well, his ability to play football has no effect on his ability to be a quality human being Whodat.

pakowitz 04-26-2004 06:37 PM

A tactless move by the Chargers
the giants could have screwed the chargers by taking rothlisberger........

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