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NellyFord 04-26-2004 11:59 PM

Overrated People
Yeah I want something that proves he\'s a great QB, I wanna see things like people on this board. I\'m tired of seeing the truth and not the numbers, I wanna come to your side of the world.....

pakowitz 04-27-2004 12:05 AM

Overrated People
well Y u want stats now? awhile ago u wanted me to watch football...., now u want stats... i just dont understand you....

what u need archies stats for anyway? are you a true saints fan? b/c all real saints fans know how good archie was....

NellyFord 04-27-2004 12:10 AM

Overrated People
Lol, not true, all saints fans do not know how much haslett and brooks suck.

only stats important is number of SB\'s and anything Deuce does!!

[Edited on 4/27/2004 by pakowitz]

NellyFord 04-27-2004 12:11 AM

Overrated People
sorry nelly, i knew u couldnt leave it alone, so u get edited again!!

[Edited on 4/27/2004 by pakowitz]

pakowitz 04-27-2004 12:16 AM

Overrated People

Lol, not true, all saints fans do not know how much haslett and brooks suck.

only stats important is number of SB\'s and anything Deuce does!!
no one said anything about haz and AB, even tho they do suck.... we talking about archie... so, if he sucks so bad in your almighty opinion, Y does he suck? explain that one to me... b/c he didnt win a SB? marino didnt win a SB and yet id say that he was pretty damn good.

and y u wanting stats when all that matters is SB\'s, right.....?

turbo_dog 04-27-2004 01:12 AM

Overrated People
Eli is still unproven in the NFL true. Did you watch him play in college? All he did was lead his team to ten wins in the SEC with nobody else on his team. He had no offensive line, no real receivers, no real running game, no defense. Name one person (without the internet) on the Ole Miss team last year besides Manning. I don\'t know if he\'ll be any good as a pro or not, but I don\'t see how you can say he wasn\'t a good college QB.

NellyFord 04-27-2004 11:07 AM

Overrated People
Don\'t get me wrong I believe he\'s a quality qb, but I think with a different name all of this hype about his isnt there. I was talking more about I dont believe he\'s gonna be as good as Payton in the NFL. Alot of what I\'m saying is just me being mad because we are still stuck with AB :casstet:

Halo 04-27-2004 11:36 AM

Overrated People

People believe too much of what they see and hear on tv, and thats why most people think George W. Bush is a good president, but thats a topic for another day.
I don\'t know Nelly, my TV says George Bush is a criminal, incompetent, lying, cheating, dumb President who \"stole\" an election... Yet he still leads in the polls and it appears he\'ll be re-elected.... hmmm - I dunno.

WhoDat 04-27-2004 06:11 PM

Overrated People
Aaaahhhh... this is going to be fun.

The Mannings suck as people and players... yet you say \"Don\'t get me wrong I believe he\'s a quality qb...\" Which is it Donny Double-Talk? You\'ve contradicted yourself a number of times already, but lets talk about the issue at hand.

As I have mentioned before on this site, I know the Mannings. I wouldn\'t say that we\'re exactly friendly now, but I knew them fairly well years ago. They are good people - Archie\'s one of the nicest guys you\'ll meet. You think he\'s a bad person b/c he didn\'t want his son to lose millions of dollars in merchandising and exposure or have to deal with the pain and suffering of playing on a bad team owned by a bad franchise, just like he did for years? Right, b/c if it were you you\'d gladly go to San Diego, right? That was a smart move from every angle you look at it. Don\'t agree, give me one reason to the contrary.

As for football players - all of them hold records at SEC schools with storied programs. Right, b/c any moron off the street can so that. Matt Mauck? Give me a break. Considering the stats put up by Archie and Peyton on generally bad teams in small markets, well, it\'s considerable. Peytons numbers are astonishing. If you think Peyton Manning sucks, you need to stop talking and go watch football. Seriously. He is the best QB in the league right now.

Boogro 04-27-2004 08:29 PM

Overrated People
I just love it how people are quick to fight and defend for Archie and Eli Manning. Everyone says Eli and Archie were just on bad teams with no help from the defense. Like Aaron Brooks played on a team with a good defense. Give me a break. Everyone is raving how Jake took the Panthers to the Superbowl and did this and that. Well, you know what, Carolina had a defense. New Orleans didn\'t. We gave up 140 yds/game on the ground alone.

Back to the Archie thing, he played 9 seasons with the Saints and is the All-time leader in yard with just over 21,000. Aaron Brooks, however has almost 12,500 yards through the air in 3 1/2 seasons. I think Brooks will shatter every passing record that this franchize has.

But he fumbles, true, but Jake fumbled more times than him last year...want stats? Jake fumbled 15 times, but only lost 6. AB fumbled 14 times and lost 11. We simply didn\'t recover more.

Here\'s some more stats for Brooks:

88.8 rating (3rd in NFC, T-7th in NFL)

3,546 yds (4th-NFC, 8th in NFL)

24 tds (5th NFC, T-7th NFL)

8 ints (1st in NFC and NFL)

The way I look at it, he is a top 8 qb in the NFL. Can\'t win if you don\'t play defense. Oh, and by the way, we beat the Cowboys (which had a winning record). I wonder, did Haslett out-coach Parcells or does Aaron Brooks get credit for the win?

I have another question, if we were to fire Haslett, what glorious coach will lead us to the Superbowl?

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