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cozz 06-22-2004 05:16 PM

New here
Been a regular at a couple of other sites... Hope to have some good hearted fun around these parts..


BlackandBlue 06-22-2004 05:22 PM

New here
Can you handle back-handed comments?

cozz 06-22-2004 05:24 PM

New here

Can you handle back-handed comments?

handle them??? I thrive on

Sniper_Wolf 06-22-2004 05:32 PM

New here
Oh goodie, looks like I found a new place to play too.

BlackandBlue 06-22-2004 05:35 PM

New here

handle them??? I thrive on
Well, good, we\'ll get along just fine.

GumboBC 06-22-2004 05:50 PM

New here
Welcome cozz and Sniper_Wolf. You guys just missed out on the free door prizes. They went to the last 20 new memebers that registerd.

I\'ll see if we can come up with something for you guys, though. :P


cozz 06-22-2004 05:57 PM

New here goes it my man

BlackandBlue... you guys getting a lot of the refugees from the implosion of the official site ???

BlackandBlue 06-22-2004 05:59 PM

New here
Oh no, they\'re from the \"official\" site....RUN!!!!! ;)

Can you elaborate as to the big implosion. I make a conscious effort never to log in over there, so I don\'t know.

cozz 06-22-2004 06:06 PM

New here
Well Admin went gestapo like, one of the mods lost her ever loving mind. Drama insued, not to mention the Wal-Mart parking lot Soap Opera that I will let you in on at a later point in time and they ended up just shutting \'er down ... the site went the way of the spotted owl for now... some of the regulars tried to go to of us didn\'t last long because of our desire to have more fun than anything else... and here you have me and Sniper it

That in a nutshell is the

gcd1313 06-23-2004 06:31 PM

New here
Hello Cozz and Sniper GCD13 here. What happened to the Official board you guys have any idea. I had been away for a while and came back and it hasn\'t been up since.

cozz 06-23-2004 08:13 PM

New here
gcd... IT was all the problem of a mod gone crazy... things got ugly...drama was everywhere... finally they said enough is enough and shut \'er down for a while

dberce1 06-24-2004 08:18 AM

New here
when yall say, are you talkin\' bout Saint Report?

cozz 06-24-2004 08:59 AM

New here

when yall say, are you talkin\' bout Saint Report?

Yes indeed... I didn\'t mean to start any problems here though if ya\'ll are fans of the site... just saying the admin and I didn\'t exactly strike up a friendship...same with a lot of my friends...which is why we are starting another site for people looking for an alternative to there...maybe when it is done some of ya;ll will want to add it to your favorites... NOT to replace this place obviously..but for another place for you to stop on your travels of the web and meet other

pakowitz 06-24-2004 08:23 PM

New here
welcome new guys, we are always glad to have new members as long as u guys keep it clean....

cozz 06-25-2004 07:29 AM

New here

welcome new guys, we are always glad to have new members as long as u guys keep it clean....
anytime a guy with Yoda in his Av asks me to do something I tend to

I shall keep it clean... I promise


Sarsippius 06-25-2004 08:47 AM

New here
keep it clean you shall...or sorry you will be hmmm

gcd1313 06-25-2004 07:19 PM

New here
Cozz, I was just over on saintsreport and it\'s like areunion over there. Belowsealevel, Kanona, Saintschic, just to name a few. Wha tin the world did you do to get banned so quick?

saintz08 06-25-2004 08:41 PM

New here

Wha tin the world did you do to get banned so quick?
Started a Thread on Delhomme , guesses me ...hmmmmm

saintfan 06-25-2004 09:34 PM

New here
C\'mon 08. Out with it. Tell us what you know... ;)

jnormand 06-25-2004 10:25 PM

New here
Yeah, whats up with Delhomme?

subguy 06-25-2004 11:28 PM

New here
It is great how Pak asks people to keep it clean......... ;) Subguy slaps Pak with a yellow card.......oh wrong football

cozz 06-28-2004 01:12 PM

New here

Cozz, I was just over on saintsreport and it\'s like areunion over there. Belowsealevel, Kanona, Saintschic, just to name a few. Wha tin the world did you do to get banned so quick?
I have been banned for being because I have had negative things to say about the site on other forums ...mainly because I did not kiss the admins butt and I like to be sarcastic...lmao

WhoDat 06-28-2004 02:40 PM

New here

mainly because I did not kiss the admins butt and I like to be sarcastic
Oh, you\'ll fit in fine here.

cozz 06-28-2004 05:09 PM

New here


mainly because I did not kiss the admins butt and I like to be sarcastic
Oh, you\'ll fit in fine here.
not sure who that is more of a comment or you

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