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saintz08 12-13-2002 10:24 AM

I want Delhomme
Personally I will stick with , \" Damn the Torpedoes \" .

Did they run at the Alamo ??

Brooks will have his moments and credit will be due him . Brooks has abilities and in some limited manner , can lead . Brooks is also limited in certain areas and excels in others . I would not trade Brooks for Everett , who I did not like on or off the field . Ricky Williams is another sore spot with me , he is a plow horse and his leggs are too short . Ricky would make a great fullback , Duece is a runningback .

Delhomme lacks the Big play ability . That takes me into an age old favorite , Montana/ Young debate . Years from now , fans will be hard pressed to even remember Steve Young , The cool , calculating field general Montana will always be an Icon for the 40 Whiners .The highly talented , big play ability quarterbacks litter the path way to the Superbowl . It\'s the cool , calm field generals that own it .

Brooks , unfortunately reminds me of another highly talented , Big play ability quarterback , Randall Cunningham .

Time will tell .........

JOESAM2002 12-13-2002 01:08 PM

I want Delhomme
Ok, here\'s my question for you guys. Do you really think now is the time to start playing with what got you to this record? My thought is that when you\'re trying to make your way into the playoffs in the best position you can attain, you dance with who brung you. After all you\'re replacing a guy who is at or near the top in touchdown passes. Not a good idea if you ask me. I like Jake but at this time he is a backup, a damn good one but still a backup. I do however agree with some of you that Haz needs to use AB more as the mobile QB that he is, AB needs to learn to move forward when he can\'t find a reciever and the rush is getting to close. :D GO SAINTS!

saintfan 12-13-2002 01:09 PM

I want Delhomme
Indeed, Sir...time WILL tell. As I have said before, AB is still learning -- by my own admission and by his -- but to cast someone with his obvious ability to the dogs without giving him time to grow would be the act of a foolish man. If you think he should have mastered the game by now, think again. If Brett Farve\'s earlier years were any indication, then he\'d be doing something else for a living today. His raw talent and ability was seen by people who are paid to recognize such things. Be honest. You\'ve seen the great Brett Farve stink it up a few times this year haven\'t you? I have.

Yes, the time for AB to perform is NOW, but that doesn\'t mean he shouldn\'t continue to improve or that he should have mastered the game by now or that he won\'t pitch a \"Cleveland\" every now and then. Not by any stretch. I\'d bet Payton Manning is still learning. I\'d bet Culpepper, McNabb, Garcia, etc etc are all still learning. Things constantly change, so being a player in the NFL would stipulate that learning is a constant. Why do you think Jerry Rice practices his route running with such dedication? In my opinion he does it to get better. The great Jerry Rice get better? You betcha! I\'m sure Brett Farve would like to cut down on his INT\'s. I think he has room to improve in that area. Don\'t you?

There are lots of VERY good QB\'s that either never made it to the Superbowl or never won it. Dan Marino comes to mind. It\'s a team thing. Also, it is not a requirement that one become an Icon to wear a Superbowl ring. In the game that featured \"The Catch\", Joe Montana was admitidly trying to throw the ball away out of the endzone. It\'s only because he FAILED to elevate the ball as much as he would have liked that Dwight Clark was able to catch it. A mistake makes an Icon? I don\'t think so. I think Joe\'s legacy is due in part to the fact(s) that he was a GREAT QB surrounded by GREAT players in what was at the time a GREAT organization. Timing has almost as much to do with it as talent. That\'s why Marino never won the Superbowl. He just didn\'t have the supporting cast to get it done. God knows he had the talent. I\'m not taking anything away from Joe. In my humble opinion he\'s one of the greatest...maybe THE greatest...thats up for debate. What I\'m saying is a team must be good as well as get a little lucky to win the big game in the NFL, and I don\'t think there\'s a player or coach alive or dead who would disagree.

AB is the best QB the Saints have had in a LONG time. His potential is almost unlimited. Nothing guarantees a Superbowl win, and no one player is responsible for the fate of a team. Not even the great Joe Montana. I bet he\'d even admit it.

saintz08 12-13-2002 07:26 PM

I want Delhomme
The Catch , was called by Walsh .

Walsh told Montana to throw the ball high so that if Clark was not able to get it , it would sail out of the end zone and they would get another shot . It was designed to be high , because Clark had the obvious heighth advantage . Although Clark was not the primary receiver on the route , Montana knew exactly where to put the Ball .

From the archives .

Losing his balance, going backwards, Montana hurled the ball to Dwight Clark at the back of the end zone. The toss to the 6-foot-4 Clark was thrown very high. The defender Everson Walls gave up on the play saying later that he thought Clark had no chance to make the catch since the ball was thrown so high. But a leaping Clark made the catch, grabbing the ball with his fingertips and coming down just barely in bounds for the TD.

Pandemonium prevailed at Candlestick. San Fran held on for a 28-27 win, giving them their first Super Bowl berth. What Dwight Clark accomplished has gone down in football lore as \"The Catch.\" There are those who argue that Joe Montana was trying to get rid of the ball and throw it out of the end zone, and that Clark happened to get in the way.

\"That\'s not true,\" Clark explained. \"That was a play that we practiced over and over again.\"

[Edited on 14/12/2002 by saintz08]

saintfan 12-14-2002 08:20 AM

I want Delhomme
You\'re correct sir. \"The Catch\" was indeed a designed play, and Clark was not the primary receiver. The primary receiver slipped and fell early in that play. Joe was rolling to his right being chased by virtually the entire Dallas defensive line. He\'s back peddling (ya\'ll hate it when AB does that) and literally running for his life. And you\'re also right when you say the ball was to be either thrown high or thrown away. I\'ve seen several interviews where Joe was asked about that play...and whether or not he was throwing the ball away. He has indicated many times...always smiling...that he\'ll \"Never tell\". He threw the ball across his body and off his back foot. I\'m not sure what that tells you, but it indicates to me that he was trying to get rid of the ball. You see it your way...and I\'ll see it mine. Maybe I\'m just being realistic. If you can find the interview of Joe Montana done by Chris Berman...the most recent I\'ll see exactly what I mean.

billyh1026 12-14-2002 04:22 PM

I want Delhomme
Are you two married? My freaking brain hurts from reading this stuff.

Oh AB right or give Jake the ball.

08..where\'d you get the PFW quote abut Jake?? I couldn\'t find it on the website. Cuz one person I have more faith in that knows more about fotball than anyone else in the press in Joel Buchsbaum

saintz08 12-14-2002 10:39 PM

I want Delhomme

Paste the quote and I will hunt up the link .

It may have been sent to me .

billyh1026 12-15-2002 08:17 PM

I want Delhomme

page 2 of this thread........your post - 10/12 @ 1:29

saintz08 12-15-2002 11:01 PM

I want Delhomme
Here is the link :

Lower portion of the article .

saintz08 12-30-2002 03:02 PM

I want Delhomme
Alright Saintsfan did time tell ???

2 years in a row Brooks tanks when the pressure is on ...

Here to me is the most important stat . In the last 2 years of the games that lead up to the playoffs a total of 7 games .

Record: 0-7

Pass Attempts: 241

Pass completed: 128 53%
For the record last (3) this year 48%

Td\'s: 10

INT\'s: 15

Record: 0-7

New Stat- SAL: Smiles After Lossess - 7 for 7

The last two stats says it all !

Did you once say something about eating crow ???

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