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TXGSP 08-22-2012 09:44 PM

Another NFL lawsuit - From their Insurance Company
1 Attachment(s)
Looks like the NFL is getting pressure from their Insurance company over the brain injury lawsuits. Evidently the insurance comapny doesn't want to share the costs and arguing against having to "foot the bill" for the lawsuits.

Travelers sues NFL over brain injury lawsuits
Travelers sues NFL over brain injury lawsuits - Yahoo! Sports

Appears the League may be fighting the player's brain injury lawsuits on two fronts. The League apparently files suit last week against some of their other insurance companies over the same issue. I guess travelers decided to use the same tactic against the league.

They also had a loss on an injury to a punter...

Court: Ex-NFL punter eligible for workers comp
Court: Ex-NFL punter eligible for workers comp - Yahoo! Sports

The Dude 08-22-2012 09:45 PM

Re: Another league lawsuit - From their Insurance Company
Good for them.

Halo 08-22-2012 09:53 PM

Re: Another NFL lawsuit - From their Insurance Company
  1. OK so they're being sued by Vilma (who looks likely to win)
  2. The NFL is screwing the refs (don't want to pay or support them)
  3. Talking about having 1 ref on the field, rest done by review booth
  4. Now they're being sued for LYING about their studies conducted on concussions years ago that they CONCEALED!

This is all merely the current B.S. going on... and trolls INSIST GOODELL IS GOOD FOR FOOTBALL??

Hey Roger, GUESS WHAT?
No matter what you do, the truth about why you INVENTED Bountygate is coming, AND YOU CAN'T STOP IT!!!

saintfan 08-22-2012 09:59 PM

Re: Another NFL lawsuit - From their Insurance Company
Roger has been an amazing failure.

The Dude 08-22-2012 10:10 PM

Re: Another NFL lawsuit - From their Insurance Company

Originally Posted by Halo (Post 430527)
  1. OK so they're being sued by Vilma (who looks likely to win)
  2. The NFL is screwing the refs (don't want to pay or support them)
  3. Talking about having 1 ref on the field, rest done by review booth
  4. Now they're being sued for LYING about their studies conducted on concussions years ago that they CONCEALED!

This is all merely the current B.S. going on... and trolls INSIST GOODELL IS GOOD FOR FOOTBALL??

Hey Roger, GUESS WHAT?
No matter what you do, the truth about why you INVENTED Bountygate is coming, AND YOU CAN'T STOP IT!!!

Looks like Goodell and the NFL really shiit the bed this time.

Halo 08-22-2012 10:21 PM

Re: Another NFL lawsuit - From their Insurance Company
How is this possible...

An NFL spokesman says the league hasn't seen the lawsuit and couldn't comment.
Yet the Judge is already hearing arguments on this case....

Judge John Eldridge wrote in the opinion. ''Ample evidence was presented to show that Tupa suffered a compensable accidental injury during the course of his employment.''
And where have we heard this one before??

A portion of the collective bargaining agreement does deal specifically with the filing of worker's compensation claims.

Halo 08-22-2012 10:35 PM

Re: Another NFL lawsuit - From their Insurance Company
So glad to see 30 people trolling this thread who have nothing to say....


TXGSP 08-22-2012 10:50 PM

Re: Another NFL lawsuit - From their Insurance Company
What's interesting is how the makeup of the league could effect the player's cases.

My understanding is the teams are private businesses, except maybe for the Packers - who sold shares. They operate under the umbrella of the league, so ultimately the value of every team in the NFL could be devalued depending on the outcome of the lawsuits.

Not sure what type of shares the Packers sold, but the Packers do have some responsibility to their shareholders. The other teams do not have that type of responsibility due to ownership.

At some point we will find out how the owners are going to address everything going on because it will eventually effect their bank accounts. The profit sharing between the league, teams, players, etc could be involved in any settlement, judgement...

All this eventually will either completely change or end the game...

National Flag Football League

CharityMike 08-22-2012 10:55 PM

Re: Another NFL lawsuit - From their Insurance Company
Dude I will be the first one jumping up and down and talking sh!t the second this red face bafoon is knocked out. Until then, I am tired of talking about him. What else is there really to say that hasn't been said about this god less *****?

Nobody gives a crap what us in the whodat nation think. They think we are bias and not smart enough to look past our own pisstivity for what happened this offseason. Everything is coming together slowly but surely. I am just going to sit back with a smile on my face and enjoy watching the weasel squirm!! :bng:

Halo 08-22-2012 10:58 PM

Re: Another NFL lawsuit - From their Insurance Company

Originally Posted by CharityMike (Post 430539)
Nobody gives a crap what us in the whodat nation think.

That's not true at all.
Look, like you, I'm exhausted but IT'S BEEN HITTING gOD-HELL IN THE NUTZ!
He's getting bad PR all over the place.
Every post you make here legitimizes this thread more and more.
Spiders from Google and Yahoo pick it up.
Soon when you Google "goodell" or "goodell lawsuit" this thread picks it up, and BELIEVE ME, THE PRESS AND GOODELL READ THIS STUFF!!!!

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