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WhoDat 07-28-2004 02:01 PM

08, Saintfan, Gator, and Lummox
BnB\'s life as a bachelor - AKA life with \"Lefty\"? LMAO!

[Edited on 28/7/2004 by WhoDat]

BlackandBlue 07-28-2004 02:30 PM

08, Saintfan, Gator, and Lummox
From what I\'ve been told by my married friends, you will be more susceptible to using lefty after you\'re married than I ever will ;)

JOESAM2002 07-29-2004 09:13 AM

08, Saintfan, Gator, and Lummox
By the way Gator, congrats on your impending doom. LOL. If you\'d like some insight i\'ll give you the phone number of my 3 ex-wives. LOL. You can tell your bride to be your present to her will be you and WhoDat\'s azzwhoppin in Fantasy Football. Congrats. :D

canucksaint 07-29-2004 12:47 PM

08, Saintfan, Gator, and Lummox
Congrats Gator, I am about to follow the same path in Oct.
I will give you the best piece of advice I\'ve recieved about marriage.
\" You can be happy or you can be right... pick one.\"

JOESAM2002 07-30-2004 01:59 PM

08, Saintfan, Gator, and Lummox
We have 2 spots left in our league. Let me know.

WhoDat 07-30-2004 03:57 PM

08, Saintfan, Gator, and Lummox

\" You can be happy or you can be right... pick one.\"
Amen. I\'ve learned one very useful sentence for the planning stage: \"I\'ll do anything you want me to do, honey.\"

B/c really, she doesn\'t want you to do anything, but if you look interested you earn points without actually have to do anything. Let\'s face it, she doesn\'t want your input or for you to make any decisions, but she wants you to do some work. It\'s lose, lose... or it was, until this statement came along. Use it men, use it early and often.

As for BnB - if you can get more action than a married man, bo for it. Just so long as those guys treat you nice! LOL. ;)

BlackandBlue 07-30-2004 04:45 PM

08, Saintfan, Gator, and Lummox
LOL- how do I respond to that???
Talking about how much you get laid, on a message board, is like threatening someone on a message board- pretty much worthless :P

saintfan 07-30-2004 04:46 PM

08, Saintfan, Gator, and Lummox
You\'ll be married for a long time Whodat.

Another one of my favorite expressions is, \"I don\'t wanna die on that hill today.\", which is the one my grandpa used to use to explain why he just let my grandma get away with something stupid. Ya gotta choose those battles carefully! ;)

whowatches 07-30-2004 06:58 PM

08, Saintfan, Gator, and Lummox
Whodat, your wisdom is beyond your years, my friend.

Have you heard the marriage advice about the jar and the pennies? Let me know and I\'ll enlighten you if need be.

whowatches 07-30-2004 06:58 PM

08, Saintfan, Gator, and Lummox
JoeSam, I pm\'ed you. I\'ll take one of those spots if you still have em.

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