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Saintaintso 09-21-2012 03:09 PM

Truth Of The Matter Is ... ( Lots Of Text )
Packers Lose 1 More - They are 1-2 , Pats Lose 1 More They are 1-2 , SF is Losing One when they come to N.O ( IDC what anyone Says about that ) And I'm sure someone is going to pop them sooner or later which would put them at 2 losses. Atlanta is surely going to lose at least 2 , IN DUE TIME WE WILL BE OKAY SHOULD WE GET OUR STUFF TOGETHER.

Look at some pointers here

Our Offense Is Still Elite. Despite Drew Throwing for 2 Pics each game ,
we still have put up consistent 30 + Per Game.

WE NEED TO BLOCK FOR HIM ... ANYONE WATCH THE GIANTS GAME ? ELI WAS UNTOUCHED UNTIL THE 4th Quarter and that was the ONLY TIME HE WAS TOUCHED ! If we can offer drew the same protection by Golly we are in the money.

If You Eliminate those Turnovers we can add 3 or 7 to our Totality and Subtract 3 or 7 from the opponents. Whole Different Ball Game. We Could Be 2-0.

I want to Point something very peculiar out about our team that I dislike.

3RD ( Should have been First )
1.Tackling , Lack Of Aggression on Defense , Missed Assignments. Nobody on Defense has that Clay Matthews , Ray Lewis , Patrick Willis , Demarcus Ware intensity. We Look like 5th Graders That are fighting but don't really want to be. Just Chicken **** Scared of the Big Play. We are allowing the Offense to Put Pressure on our Secondary and LineBackers instead of Us Putting pressure on them to block our front. Thats what happens when you lose the line of scrimmage battle.

I love this Statistic ... Last Season We Boasted the Best Offense in the NFL
OF ALL TIME. EVER , and yet our defense was so bad we didn't even make it to the Conference Game.
Spags does know what he is doing , our guys just don't have it or are half a**'n it. If we could find a way to be a middle of the road defense , we will win 90 % of our games. What I am looking for here is 3 More 3 And Outs...

All in All , Keep Drew Clean , Dirty the other QB's Jersey , Get 3 more 3 And Outs , we will be just fine.

OH AND RUN THE D*** BALL ! 5 Monsters and we throw it to Colston to watch him drop it ? NO !

The Dude 09-21-2012 05:41 PM

Re: Truth Of The Matter Is ... ( Lots Of Text )
While this is true, its not the record that bothers me its the manner in which we are losing these games. Even if our records were the same, we still would look worse. Those other teams are playing more complete ball than we are and are fielding good teams. We do not look good so far. We have no identity and simply cannot execute like we used too. Those other teams are playing with identity. Good thing is those teams hopefully cannot play at a higher level than they are. I think we can.

MatthewT 09-21-2012 10:29 PM

Re: Truth Of The Matter Is ... ( Lots Of Text )
Something that is really bothering me this season is the Saints went like 5 possessions 3 and out versus the Redskins, and I think it was another 3 against the Panthers. This is a very alarming stat, and one stat that really tells a story as to why the Saints are 0-2. Forget about number 3 ranked offense in the NFL, if they have to go the entire field because of their own failures, the stats will bloat. Just like defensively the Saints are 32, well, maybe that is more like it, the offense is putting the defense in a position to fail and yes it is true the other way around too. In all, the Saints are just a horrible team right now. Take it a step further and take away offensive stats for the 4th quarter when the Saints were out of it (take away garbage yards) and the offense is more like 20th stuff.

SaintsBro 09-22-2012 09:30 AM

Re: Truth Of The Matter Is ... ( Lots Of Text )
They were doing this (3 and out's) in 2010, just not as bad. The offense would kinda go to sleep in the 2nd. This year it's the 3rd quarter. We have scored 3 points in the 3rd quarter this year. The other teams have scored 17. That tells me that teams are maybe adjusting to us at halftime, and then we are not adjusting to them.

Both games, the 3 and out's are happening at critical points in the game where the momentum swings. And then the crappy defense digs the hole deeper. We used to have occasional 3 and out's, but never this bad, and even the worst Gregg Williams D could usually make up for it, after an occasional stalled drive or offensive 3 and out. But right now with this defense, we need to start at the 20 after every kickoff and drive and score, every single time we touch the ball, period, or else we will lose.

Marlboro Man 09-22-2012 05:21 PM

Re: Truth Of The Matter Is ... ( Lots Of Text )
We need a ring leader on this team, someone with an ATTITUDE.

GoofySaint 09-22-2012 09:19 PM

Re: Truth Of The Matter Is ... ( Lots Of Text )
The best part is the pats probably WILL go 1-2.

They're playing an away game AT Baltimore and the the Ravens probably want revenge for the AFC championship.

Plus Aaron Hernandez is hurt. Expect the Ravens winning by 14+ points.

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