Seer1 |
09-21-2012 08:25 PM |
If not for the Saints
If not for the Saints I think I'd cancel my Sunday ticket and get my football fix on Saturday. Those rental recks are making "pro" football really hard to watch. They are ruining this sport. We need some national type forum where we, the folk who really fund this game have a voice. The NFL spinners have spen, the players have the same media outlets, but the fans? Nothing. What would happen if every football fan agreed to not tune in for one week of pro football?The kommisar and the owners could give a crap what we think, but still it'd be great to have some kind of chance to be heard. I'd love to find a letter in my mailbox from the great dictator telling me I owed $15,000 for standing up and yelling, "THESE REPLACEMENT REFS SUCK!" At least I'd know he finally heard what I, a fan was saying.