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AsianCajun 09-30-2012 06:50 PM

Missed the Game.....!
Did the Saints D-fence even force a Packers punt ...?

TheEnigma 09-30-2012 06:52 PM

Re: Missed the Game.....!
Yes they did, but I don't think you'll want to hear about anything else.....

Boutte 09-30-2012 06:54 PM

Re: Missed the Game.....!
Lucky you!

dizzle88 09-30-2012 06:55 PM

Re: Missed the Game.....!
Don't watch it, sproles will piss you off, Hartley will piss you off, all the defense will make you want to kill yourself

Belair57 09-30-2012 07:07 PM

Re: Missed the Game.....!
you call yourself a saints fan and you miss the game???

AsianCajun 09-30-2012 07:22 PM

Re: Missed the Game.....!
So sorry I missed the game. It's only my LiL girl's 7th B-day party today. Kinda have to keep both eyes on a dozen of her school friends running around at a bouncing air gym place ....

4everSaint 09-30-2012 07:25 PM

Re: Missed the Game.....!
Oh and poking the other teams QB in the eye didn't work out as well as I thought it would

4everSaint 09-30-2012 07:26 PM

Re: Missed the Game.....!

Originally Posted by AsianCajun (Post 444779)
So sorry I missed the game. It's only my LiL girl's 7th B-day party today. Kinda have to keep both eyes on a dozen of her school friends running around at a bouncing air gym place ....

there's irony in keeping both eyes on things. You'll see

Srgt. Hulka 09-30-2012 07:52 PM

Re: Missed the Game.....!

Originally Posted by AsianCajun (Post 444779)
So sorry I missed the game. It's only my LiL girl's 7th B-day party today. Kinda have to keep both eyes on a dozen of her school friends running around at a bouncing air gym place ....

For this you get a pass. Your priorities are in the right place...except...why in the world did you schedule a birthday party the same time the Saints play?!

AsianCajun 09-30-2012 08:55 PM

Re: Missed the Game.....!

Originally Posted by Srgt. Hulka (Post 444833)
For this you get a pass. Your priorities are in the right place...except...why in the world did you schedule a birthday party the same time the Saints play?!

Well can't really help it, she was born Sept. 30th 2005 LoL ..! With all the evidence above, not sure of what's more painful. Watching 11 LiL girls arounding or 11 saints defensive players running around ... God help us all...!

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