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WhoDat!656 10-12-2012 06:03 AM

Former Saint Joe Horn in defense of Drew Brees goes off on Terry Bradshaw
Terry Bradshaw wasn’t impressed with Drew Brees breaking Johnny Unitas consecutive TD record, so Joe Horn decided to run to Brees defense via Twitter.

Hey Terry Bradshaw while u cry and give your opinion about why U think it wasnt important Drew broke the record stop PLAYER HATING JERK!!

— Joe Horn (@JoeHorn87) October 11, 2012

And by the way if it wasnt for the STEELE CURTAIN GIVING U THE BALL BACK 70% of the game u wouldnt have smelled 3 of your super bowl rings !

— Joe Horn (@JoeHorn87) October 11, 2012

Former Saint Joe Horn in defense of Drew Brees goes off on Terry Bradshaw

Crusader 10-12-2012 06:12 AM

Re: Former Saint Joe Horn in defense of Drew Brees goes off on Terry Bradshaw
I just regained som respect for Joe Horn.

dizzle88 10-12-2012 06:51 AM

Re: Former Saint Joe Horn in defense of Drew Brees goes off on Terry Bradshaw
Joe is exactly right

Bradshaws career stats - 212 TD's to 210 interceptions! They aren't hall of fame numbers

Steelers have always won by their D

Crusader 10-12-2012 07:09 AM

Re: Former Saint Joe Horn in defense of Drew Brees goes off on Terry Bradshaw

Originally Posted by dizzle88 (Post 448783)
Joe is exactly right

Bradshaws career stats - 212 TD's to 210 interceptions! They aren't hall of fame numbers

Steelers have always won by their D

You could even argue that he is not even the best QB in franchise history. As much as I dislike him I would give that honor to Rothlisberger.

Saint_LB 10-12-2012 07:24 AM

Re: Former Saint Joe Horn in defense of Drew Brees goes off on Terry Bradshaw
Why would TB's stats have anything to do with his opinion? Jealousy?
I formed the same opinion and I never played in the NFL.

I have searched my soul to see if I myself have some hidden or unconscious reason for not liking Drew's personality. I know a lot on this board will probably chalk it off to me being such an Archie homer...but I really don't believe that is it.

I think it is the fact that I don't like people who call attention to themselves. Then...when I think about that...I realize that when we come to this board, or FB, or anything like that...isn't that what we are really doing? Calling attention to ourselves???

Then, I realize that I don't like myself.


D_it_up 10-12-2012 07:38 AM

Re: Former Saint Joe Horn in defense of Drew Brees goes off on Terry Bradshaw

Originally Posted by Saint_LB (Post 448798)

Then, I realize that I don't like myself.


This gave me a nice laugh. Thanks, LB. :p

xan 10-12-2012 07:58 AM

Re: Former Saint Joe Horn in defense of Drew Brees goes off on Terry Bradshaw
Why is Joe Horn inserting himself into this?

Why is Terry Bradshaw saying anything about how anyone behaves?

Who really cares? Only those who have nothing better in their lives than to light fires.

TheOak 10-12-2012 08:16 AM

Re: Former Saint Joe Horn in defense of Drew Brees goes off on Terry Bradshaw

Originally Posted by Saint_LB (Post 448798)
Why would TB's stats have anything to do with his opinion? Jealousy?
I formed the same opinion and I never played in the NFL.

I have searched my soul to see if I myself have some hidden or unconscious reason for not liking Drew's personality. I know a lot on this board will probably chalk it off to me being such an Archie homer...but I really don't believe that is it.

I think it is the fact that I don't like people who call attention to themselves. Then...when I think about that...I realize that when we come to this board, or FB, or anything like that...isn't that what we are really doing? Calling attention to ourselves???

Then, I realize that I don't like myself.


Utah_Saint 10-12-2012 08:24 AM

Re: Former Saint Joe Horn in defense of Drew Brees goes off on Terry Bradshaw

Originally Posted by Saint_LB (Post 448798)
Why would TB's stats have anything to do with his opinion? Jealousy?
I formed the same opinion and I never played in the NFL.

I have searched my soul to see if I myself have some hidden or unconscious reason for not liking Drew's personality. I know a lot on this board will probably chalk it off to me being such an Archie homer...but I really don't believe that is it.

I think it is the fact that I don't like people who call attention to themselves. Then...when I think about that...I realize that when we come to this board, or FB, or anything like that...isn't that what we are really doing? Calling attention to ourselves???

Then, I realize that I don't like myself.


Maybe you should try a little self affirmation.

Mardigras9 10-12-2012 09:10 AM

Re: Former Saint Joe Horn in defense of Drew Brees goes off on Terry Bradshaw
Joe Horn, lol. His opinion is as important as Terry's.

UK_WhoDat 10-12-2012 12:49 PM

Re: Former Saint Joe Horn in defense of Drew Brees goes off on Terry Bradshaw

Originally Posted by xan (Post 448801)
Why is Joe Horn inserting himself into this?

Why is Terry Bradshaw saying anything about how anyone behaves?

Who really cares? Only those who have nothing better in their lives than to light fires.

Funny old world, isn't it?

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