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Danno 08-22-2004 03:55 PM

Need your "vote." Biggest Problem?
I think after viewing the 2nd pre-season game its become quite apparent my take on this teams problems is 100% spot on.
Its not he players, or any single unit, its coaching plain and simple.
I\'ll cut them a little slack(very little) since our two starting OT\'s were out and GB blitzed every down to take advantage of that fact, but with the continuity angle presented this year the sloppiness should have NOT reared its ugly head the way it did.
I was extremely impressed with our defensive effort. They did MUCH better tan I thought they would against a Green Bay team that was humiliated last week, but the offense was an absolute clusterf*** mess.
It looks a lot like last years preseason so far on offense.

I\'m very optimistic about our D, but I\'m quite disappointed in our O.
Our O-line may be the most overrated unit on this team.

Our D showed up, but our O didn\'t.

Again, I don\'t know how much to blame Gandy. Riley, constant drops or the uncommon pre-season blitz packages for the embarrassment, but the O better wake up fast if it doesn\'t want to start 2004 like they did 2003.

I NEVER thought I\'d say this but...
I think our defense may be ahead of our offense.


It ain\'t LB\'s or CB\'s or D-line my friends...


CheramieIII 08-22-2004 04:04 PM

Need your "vote." Biggest Problem?
Hey Danno, I agree with you on the defensive part of it, but on the offensive side IMO I don\'t think that stinkin performance by the offense last night should be blamed mainly on the coaches.

ScottyRo 08-22-2004 04:31 PM

Need your "vote." Biggest Problem?


Since mine was a singular vote, I feel the need to explain further (although I thought it was self-explanatory).

As compared to the LBs, if Aaron improves his play and playsat least 80% of his potential I think we win most games regardless of whether the LBs get better. I don\'t think the converse, that if the LBs improve and Aaron doesn\'t, we win, is true.
It may seem like a dumb question, but improve how?
My point is simply that Aaron can play great one week and then poorly the next for no explainable reason (at least to me). If he were to play well each week, then we\'d win more games.

I feel like we could bring in any LB group and not increase the number of wins by as much as we could if Aaron played well each week. I\'m not saying the guy can\'t have an off week, but I feel he\'s 8 on and 8 off.

IMO, Brooks played well against GB especially considering the pressure.

GumboBC 08-22-2004 04:39 PM

Need your "vote." Biggest Problem?
Scotty --

Have you ever looked to see how some other QB\'s do on a WEEKLY basis? There are VERY FEW QB\'s who are more consistent than Brooks. You might find that hard to believe, but it\'s the truth. Go look at Delhomme\'s WEEKLY stats. Or anybody else for that matter.

ScottyRo 08-22-2004 04:49 PM

Need your "vote." Biggest Problem?

Scotty --

Have you ever looked to see how some other QB\'s do on a WEEKLY basis? There are VERY FEW QB\'s who are more consistent than Brooks. You might find that hard to believe, but it\'s the truth. Go look at Delhomme\'s WEEKLY stats. Or anybody else for that matter.
Why do you have some sort of obsession over Jake Delhomme. Get over him man.

And we\'re not talking about other teams, other QBs. The question was asked what I though was wrong and I answered and elaborated. Maybe you could find some way to see how I might be on to something BEFORE you give one of your patented knee jerk defense of Brooks statements.

[Edited on 22/8/2004 by ScottyRo]

GumboBC 08-22-2004 04:57 PM

Need your "vote." Biggest Problem?
Scotty --

How \'bout sticking to the facts instead of hurling insults? What\'s the deal dude? I asked a question and you come back with that? I\'m being serious.

As much as you might not want to believe that Brooks is as consistent in the passing game as just about ANYONE else, that\'s the way it is.

Now, why don\'t you trying answering my question without one or your knee jerk insults?

GumboBC 08-22-2004 05:17 PM

Need your "vote." Biggest Problem?
QB Rating by Game:
09/07 @Seattle 76.0
09/14 Houston 111.5
09/21 @Tennessee 104.4
09/28 Indianapolis 57.1
10/05 @Carolina 67.8
10/12 Chicago 87.3
10/19 @Atlanta 148.2
10/26 Carolina 83.8
11/02 @Tampa Bay 44.8
11/16 Atlanta 52.5
11/23 @Philadelphia 92.6
11/30 @Washington 68.9
12/07 Tampa Bay 101.8
12/14 New York 138.8
12/21 @Jacksonville 100.3
12/28 Dallas 83.2

Instead of going by how we feel about how consistent Brooks is on a weekly basis, let\'s look at his QB rating on a weekly basis.

Brooks had 10-gamse where his QB rating was over 80. That only leaves 6-games where he was below 80. Some of the 6 games were worse than others. But, I\'ve looked at some other QB\'s around the league and MOST did worse than Brooks on a weekly basis.

Now, you can say Brooks fumbling the ball hurt us, and I agree. But we already knew that and that\'s not what you were suggesting. At least it ain\'t what it sounded like to me.

You have the right to belive Brooks is the BIGGEST problem with this team. But you\'re the only one who thinks that so far.

But you\'re entitled to your opinion, Scotty.

[Edited on 22/8/2004 by GumboBC]

ScottyRo 08-22-2004 05:48 PM

Need your "vote." Biggest Problem?
Ok, well I don\'t see anything in that list of QB ratings that screams consistency to doesn\'t even whisper it.

There are four games on there where Brooks has a sub 70 rating. That\'s 1/4 of the season he really sucked. There are three games where he was rated above 110. Nearly 1/4 of the season in which he played exceptionally well. The rest are around average. The other nine he was a mixture of below average and above average.

Again, I think you could replace our LBs with the lleague\'s best LBs and not win more games than if Brooks eliminated he sorry outings. The LBs are bad or were bad, but Brooks is the Biggest problem to me.

GumboBC 08-22-2004 06:06 PM

Need your "vote." Biggest Problem?
Scotty --

As far as Brooks and consistency go... He was about as consistent as most in the PASSING game last year. His fumbling hurt us. I asked you if you\'ve looked at some other QB around the league on a weekly basis? If you do that, I think you\'ll see they had about as many up and down games as Brooks. I\'ve actually looked, so I know this is true.

Basically what you\'re saying is if we had Peyton Manning that would make the BIGGEST difference in terms of wins and losses.

I say the defesne has been the BIGGEST problem. Give me the Panthers defense and I think we\'re fine with Brooks.

[Edited on 22/8/2004 by GumboBC]

ScottyRo 08-22-2004 08:17 PM

Need your "vote." Biggest Problem?
Can I change my answer?

Not scoring more points than the opponents 8 games last year.

GumboBC 08-22-2004 08:29 PM

Need your "vote." Biggest Problem?

Can I change my answer?

Not scoring more points than the opponents 8 games last year.
Scotty, I agree with you completely on that. Some of that WAS Brooks\' fault. The fumbling damn sure didn\'t help. The receivers dropping CRITICAL passes didn\'t help either. Neither did McCarthys play calling. Neiter did CRITICAL penalties.

The problems were wide spread on offense. All of it contributed to keeping us out of the endzone.

With that said, the defense was still the biggest problem, IMO.

Boogro 08-22-2004 10:40 PM

Need your "vote." Biggest Problem?


Since mine was a singular vote, I feel the need to explain further (although I thought it was self-explanatory).

As compared to the LBs, if Aaron improves his play and playsat least 80% of his potential I think we win most games regardless of whether the LBs get better. I don\'t think the converse, that if the LBs improve and Aaron doesn\'t, we win, is true.
It may seem like a dumb question, but improve how?

Let\'s run a thought experiment. Swap Brooks and Trent Green of KC with last year\'s numbers which are somewhat similar. How would that swap impact the overall record of each team? Would KC still be 13-3 or near it? Would the Saints have won 3-4 more games? Why or why not?

Football more than anything else is a team game. It takes 53 guys on all sides of the ball for a team to be successful. Brooks doesn\'t call plays. Brooks doesn\'t block most of the time. Brooks doesn\'t catch (and more importantly doesn\'t drop) the ball. I haven\'t seen yesterday\'s game (And won\'t until 12PM on Tuesday on NFL Network) but from the news
reports Brooks had 6 imcompletions and 4 of those were drops by the receivers. So how is he supposed to \"improve\" when guys are not catching the ball?

I\'m more frustrated with his injury than with anything else.

If you swap Brooks and Green that means Brooks\' running back \"Holmes\" scores 19 more touchdowns that Duece. I bet you can win 3-4 more games easily with that. Also, throw in Dante Hall vs. Michael Lewis and compare them last year. With that kind of help 3-4 wins would have easier to come by. Also, throw in the Chargers and Raiders on the schedule for 2 games a piece. I just don\'t think that is a fair comparison.

You are right about the dropped balls, its not Aaron\'s fault. We need Denzell Washington coaching this group of receivers. Drop a pass, and run a mile. As far as the experiment, I really didn\'t know where you were going with it, I just threw in my own thoughts on it.

GumboBC 08-22-2004 10:52 PM

Need your "vote." Biggest Problem?

I\'m laughing at this one Scotty. The moment you say anything critcal of Brooks, Billy flys in talking abut Jake D. Classic Billy.

Go get him Mr. Logic!!! \" Knee Jerk Brook Defense\" I lov it.
Well, so far, I\'m the only one providing any real evidence to how consistent Brooks was in the PASSSING game. Instead of just saying \"that\'s the way I feel.\"

Brooks didn\'t get that 88.8 QB passer rating and get voted as a probowl alternate because he sucked. I can tell you that.

Anybody can post whatever they want. And anyone can believe whatever they want to.

If anyone thinks Brooks is the BIGGEST problem with this team then they are very misguided... ;) Which is what ScottyRo said. Do you agree with that statement gator? Cut to the SHET. :P Answer the damn question...j/k... :P

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