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WillSaints81 12-03-2012 07:50 PM

Lets be honest
Because I truly don't know what will happen. But will the players really be vindicated in this matter? Everyone is saying something different and I feel there is too much confusion to the former comm that he will just go with Williams. Also everywhere I look on non-biased forums like ESPN and Twitter people think we are mostly guilty and that we did have a bounty and that Brees knows about it and said nothing.

I don't know what to think really....

saintsfan1976 12-03-2012 07:57 PM

Re: Lets be honest
Non biased? Twitter?? ESPN???

C'mon man...

Tagliabue is at least giving the impression of a proper investigation.

WillSaints81 12-03-2012 09:30 PM

Re: Lets be honest
discussion boards not the people who work for ESPN. I was also googling bountygate on twitter and seen some fans of teams like ravens and steelers talking about wanting bounties put on Batch and such, even someone saying Suh would got a bonus is played for saints. It seems the majority out there don't believe our players.

saintfan 12-03-2012 09:30 PM

Re: Lets be honest
The Feds are ready to step in it would appear. We'll see if Tags screws the pooch by being Roger's homer or not. We'll know soon enough...

TheOak 12-04-2012 07:11 AM

Re: Lets be honest

Originally Posted by WillSaints81 (Post 462521)
discussion boards not the people who work for ESPN. I was also googling bountygate on twitter and seen some fans of teams like ravens and steelers talking about wanting bounties put on Batch and such, even someone saying Suh would got a bonus is played for saints. It seems the majority out there don't believe our players.

Oh... so fans from other teams on discussion boards are not biased? :shock:

Please explain how "fans from OTHER teams" are not biased? I am sure your talking about unbiased Falcons fans right? :shock::shock:

4thqtrsaint 12-04-2012 08:01 AM

Re: Lets be honest
Its gonna be what its gonna be. We will deal with it and move on.

Mardigras9 12-04-2012 08:47 AM

Re: Lets be honest

Originally Posted by 4thqtrsaint (Post 462584)
We will deal with it and move on.

And hopefully soon.

CharityMike 12-04-2012 10:08 AM

Re: Lets be honest

Originally Posted by TheOak (Post 462576)
Oh... so fans from other teams on discussion boards are not biased? :shock:

Please explain how "fans from OTHER teams" are not biased? I am sure your talking about unbiased Falcons fans right? :shock::shock:

Lmao..right. Did you happen to go look at some Vikings message boards also while you were at it? I am sure there fans should fit your idea of bias LOL

SaintsBro 12-04-2012 01:55 PM

Re: Lets be honest
I'm playing the long ball with the Bountygate thing. The Long View. Of course nobody knows what's gonna happen. But here's the thing.

Take the Kennedy assassination. At the time it happened, 1963, everybody was very concretely set on the story, like, "Oswald acted alone, he was a Communist, lone gunman," etc. Then, over time, people's thinking expanded. Now, most reasonable people's opinion of the Kennedy assassination is probably something more open, like this -- "okay, it probably was Oswald, but we don't really know what happened. He could have acted alone, but there is definitely some weird stuff that happened with that, there could have been others in the conspiracy, all these tendrils of connections and we may never know the truth." Which, while accepting that the "Oswald lone gunman" thing may still be TRUE, this is a completely different thing than believing the simplest original 1963 version of the story straight up, without question. It's just admitting that it's complicated and we don't really know everything.

Then there's "Gore won Florida." Back then, around ten years ago, 2002-2003, there were LOADS of people who would swear up and down that Gore got robbed, that he really won in Florida. Now, after it calmed down, they studied it and it's been analyzed and written about, and the end verdict most of them reached is kinda like, well, no -- he wasn't robbed. If they had counted the whole thing up, he almost certainly wouldn't have won, in the end. But AT THE TIME, it was what a lot of people thought.

So right now, people "out there" are of pretty mixed opinions about what happened with Bountygate. But more of them are starting to look at it critically, and question what was going on with Goodell and the concussions, with Brad Childress and where the story originally came from, with the shoddy investigation, the lack of evidence, with the snitch who got fired from the Saints and then begged the NFL to help get him a job, all that stuff that WE have been talking about all along, it is now COMING OUT TO LIGHT.

I could care less about the people who hate us, or hate on New Orleans, or hate the Saints. What I think is going to happen -- and what I think is the goal -- is for REASONABLE people "out there" to start to look back on this thing later, years from now, and say, "what the h-ll happened there? Where was the evidence? Man, the Saints really got a raw deal from Goodell."

SloMotion 12-04-2012 01:55 PM

Re: Lets be honest

Originally Posted by WillSaints81 (Post 462521)
discussion boards not the people who work for ESPN. I was also googling bountygate on twitter and seen some fans of teams like ravens and steelers talking about wanting bounties put on Batch and such, even someone saying Suh would got a bonus is played for saints. It seems the majority out there don't believe our players.

What I found out early on in the whole situation was your average NFL fan wasn't even going to try and form an objective opinion based on any kind of fact. The sensationalism with which the media spun the whole thing made it impossible to have an intelligent, adult discussion on the subject anywhere but right here (B&G). Consider the source as you wander the internet, :mrgreen:.

TheOak 12-04-2012 02:17 PM

Re: Lets be honest
Lets all try and remember our first reaction to the Patriots Spygate.

I believe it was "Those moth3r Fkers"!

Beastmode 12-04-2012 02:48 PM

Re: Lets be honest

Originally Posted by TheOak (Post 462655)
Lets all try and remember our first reaction to the Patriots Spygate.

I believe it was "Those moth3r Fkers"!

I hear you, but they admitted guilt. There was actual EVIDENCE to confirm what was alleged. So much in fact that the NFL destroyed it. Even still, the punishments were a joke. With the Saints you have a real lack of evidence but the punishments are extreme.

saintsfan1976 12-04-2012 07:05 PM

Re: Lets be honest
Move on?? Ha ha

Not in this lifetime my friend.

Even after a Superbowl Championship I hear "Aints" and see bags come out...

SloMotion 12-05-2012 05:21 AM

Re: Lets be honest

Originally Posted by TheOak (Post 462655)
Lets all try and remember our first reaction to the Patriots Spygate. I believe it was "Those moth3r Fkers"!

I thought they made a mountain out of that molehill as well ...

TheOak 12-05-2012 07:25 AM

Re: Lets be honest

Originally Posted by Beastmode (Post 462662)
I hear you, but they admitted guilt. There was actual EVIDENCE to confirm what was alleged. So much in fact that the NFL destroyed it. Even still, the punishments were a joke. With the Saints you have a real lack of evidence but the punishments are extreme.

All of which means nada if you are not a saints fan.

Look at Lance Armstrong... If your French or Italian you don't care what the facts are.

SaintsBro 12-05-2012 11:55 AM

Re: Lets be honest
The thing that is really interesting about Spygate vs. Bountygate. Spygate happened, it was announced, and it almost instantly WENT AWAY. Spygate was over as a news story, like a week or three after it happened. This thing just keeps on going and going and going, and WILL NOT DIE. Which is completely crazy.

TheOak 12-05-2012 12:57 PM

Re: Lets be honest

Originally Posted by SaintsBro (Post 462892)
The thing that is really interesting about Spygate vs. Bountygate. Spygate happened, it was announced, and it almost instantly WENT AWAY. Spygate was over as a news story, like a week or three after it happened. This thing just keeps on going and going and going, and WILL NOT DIE. Which is completely crazy.

Right or wrong... there was no fight back with spygate.

Its the fight that is dragging this all along.

CharityMike 12-05-2012 03:47 PM

Re: Lets be honest

Originally Posted by TheOak (Post 462904)
Right or wrong... there was no fight back with spygate.

Its the fight that is dragging this all along.

So why wasn't any players suspended for that. You mean to tell me, when Brady was in the film room with the coaching staff gameplanning, he couldn't tell that what he was looking at was filmed from the

The difference is, they knew they were caught and guilty, no denial.

atltillidie 12-05-2012 04:34 PM

Re: Lets be honest
@saintsfan1976 I think Tagliabue is a product of Goodell. I don't think Goodell would hand authority to anyone about things like this without them caring about the player lawsuits as much as he does. This whole bounty thing is about money. They don't care for plaer safety.

TheOak 12-05-2012 04:57 PM


Originally Posted by CharityMike (Post 462928)
So why wasn't any players suspended for that. You mean to tell me, when Brady was in the film room with the coaching staff gameplanning, he couldn't tell that what he was looking at was filmed from the

The difference is, they knew they were caught and guilty, no denial.

Ummm where are practices usually filmed from?

I may have a differing view point but I think the more obvious item would be having VIDEO OF OPPONENTS PRACTICE!

SloMotion 12-06-2012 04:58 AM

Re: Lets be honest
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought Spygate was over the videotaping of coaching signals during a game, and if I remember correctly, one of the sticking points was that had they been videotaping from just a few feet over, they wouldn't have been in violation?

It was pretty cut & dry, they have specific rules on where you can film from and NE violated that. Had they been within the specified boundries, no one would have known they were filming coaching signals.

That's the big difference between Spygate & Bountygate, the NFL had a specific rule and undeniable evidence to proceed with in Spygate, they're flying by the seat of their pants in Bountygate ... <sigh> ... I told myself I wouldn't talk about it anymore, :(.

TheOak 12-06-2012 09:34 AM

Re: Lets be honest
That is correct.

SaintsBro 12-06-2012 10:50 AM

Re: Lets be honest

Correct. Had the person in the circle in this photo been a few feet back, in the front row of the stands, there would have been nothing illegal about it. But whatever the rule, Spygate was based on FACT (the photo above, and the seized videotape) whereas Bountygate was based on heresay and second hand evidence and speculation from the very beginning. Major difference that few people outside of Saints fans seem to realize.

SloMotion 12-06-2012 01:59 PM

Re: Lets be honest
:lol:, a picture's worth a thousand words.

TheOak 12-06-2012 02:02 PM

Re: Lets be honest

Originally Posted by SloMotion (Post 463190)
:lol:, a picture's worth a thousand words.

or a fine and draft picks

WillSaints81 12-06-2012 10:12 PM

Re: Lets be honest

Originally Posted by TheOak (Post 462576)
Oh... so fans from other teams on discussion boards are not biased? :shock:

Please explain how "fans from OTHER teams" are not biased? I am sure your talking about unbiased Falcons fans right? :shock::shock:

Not just falcons fans, other teams fans too. Yes falcons fans do like to make their opinions known on the bigger boards.

NOS2SB 12-07-2012 12:43 AM

Re: Lets be honest
It's rigged. Tagliabue will never go against the guy that sucked his b*lls growing up (RG).

RockyMountainSaint 12-07-2012 12:59 AM

Re: Lets be honest

Originally Posted by SloMotion (Post 462651)
The sensationalism with which the media spun the whole thing made it impossible to have an intelligent, adult discussion on the subject anywhere but right here (B&G).

THE LIONS SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is this an exemplary post SloMotion?

TheOak 12-07-2012 04:14 AM


Originally Posted by WillSaints81 (Post 463313)
Not just falcons fans, other teams fans too. Yes falcons fans do like to make their opinions known on the bigger boards.

Falcons fans were used as an example. In regards to the Saints, falcons fans are the worst, although not the only. I'm very aware there are 30 other teams.

SloMotion 12-07-2012 05:43 AM

Re: Lets be honest

Originally Posted by RockyMountainSaint (Post 463328)
THE LIONS SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is this an exemplary post SloMotion?

:lol:, yes, that would be one example, :lol:

TheOak 12-07-2012 06:06 AM


Originally Posted by NOS2SB (Post 463327)
It's rigged. Tagliabue will never go against the guy that sucked his b*lls growing up (RG).

Depends on if Roger shaved or not. His balls may still be chafed.

However I understand what you are saying. Paul and Roger should dress like Neil and Bob for Halloween?

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