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lynwood 12-09-2012 06:48 PM

Last 3 Games
Bench the 100 million dollar man to prevent the investment from getting hurt.

Rest the other injured players.

Let the practice squad and Bench play to evaluate.

Plan for next year.

Signing Payton takes 1st Priority after last game is done! He needs to come back sooner than later.

Just my Opinion

AllSaints 12-09-2012 06:53 PM

Re: Last 3 Games
In reality Brees r the starters won't sit... But I do agree Payton should be signed ASAP....

onebyone 12-09-2012 06:57 PM

Re: Last 3 Games
Hell no we do not bench Brees or anyone else that is healthy for that matter. They are signed for a full season, they should play it. You don't get to take off early just because you sucked.

Besides, they have taken enough games off this year already. That's why we are in this mess.

dizzle88 12-09-2012 06:59 PM

Re: Last 3 Games
Divide 100 million by how many picks brees throws by season end

At this rate he could throw 25 picks

The Dude 12-09-2012 07:14 PM

Re: Last 3 Games
This is what is it is going to be like from now on if we don't get Payton back.

iWho_Dat 12-09-2012 07:15 PM

Re: Last 3 Games
I disagree with benching Brees. But I do think we should start planning our defense for next season. It won't happen. But bench Smith, Bunkley, Ellis, Vilma, Robinson, Greer, Harper, and Jenkins and see what u got in the other guys. And yes. They better not prolong Paytond contract as they did with Brees.

xan 12-09-2012 07:17 PM

Re: Last 3 Games
It is interview time for 52 players. Only exemption is for the $100million man

RailBoss 12-09-2012 07:19 PM

Re: Last 3 Games
It is a good time to look at the talent on the bench, why not!

bobdog86 12-09-2012 07:26 PM

Re: Last 3 Games
"The Dude Abides" Yes sir, that kinda poop is gonna happen til Coach P returns

WhoDat!656 12-09-2012 07:31 PM

Re: Last 3 Games

Originally Posted by xan (Post 463980)
It is interview time for 52 players. Only exemption is for the $100million man

Really? You are ready to replace Colston, Moore, Graham, Sproles, PT, Ivory, Ingram, Henderson, Lofton, etc because the league knee-capped our season?

I don't remember such talk n '07 or '08!!!

The Saints are playing through the NFL's version of Sudden Death.

I am kinda surprised Goodell didn't suspend a trainer and waterboy for good measure!!

I guarantee you that if ANY of the other 31 teams had to play under the conditions the Saints did, they wouldn't have done half as well!!

saintsfan403 12-09-2012 08:23 PM

Re: Last 3 Games
Payton will be back, and just imagine what he's been able to scheme up in an entire year off. Enjoy it while it lasts, Atlanta.

Rugby Saint II 12-09-2012 09:01 PM

Re: Last 3 Games
Start rotating defensive players in from all back up positions and have them get some game time and film.

lynwood 12-09-2012 10:02 PM

Re: Last 3 Games
I'm only saying bench Brees because we have an Investment in him. He gets 60 million Guaranteed and we need him to play for that kind of money. He gets hurt in any of these last 3 games I bet everyone will be crying about why he was in on meaningless games. I don't really care about the rest of the team, They need the reps. Might as well Run Ingram 20 to 30 times a game to see what he can do as a feature back.

jlouhill 12-09-2012 10:30 PM

Re: Last 3 Games

Originally Posted by WhoDat!656 (Post 463986)
Really? You are ready to replace Colston, Moore, Graham, Sproles, PT, Ivory, Ingram, Henderson, Lofton, etc because the league knee-capped our season?

I don't remember such talk n '07 or '08!!!

The Saints are playing through the NFL's version of Sudden Death.

I am kinda surprised Goodell didn't suspend a trainer and waterboy for good measure!!

I guarantee you that if ANY of the other 31 teams had to play under the conditions the Saints did, they wouldn't have done half as well!!

Well said. We've got a chance to finish .500 after a horrendous start and it's like most have forgotten the predicament Goodell put us in. I was one who felt we would be ok but I, like some, underestimated the loss of Sean. I just hope Sean comes back next year pissed off and coaches like a man possessed and gets the team to play like a team possessed and reeks havoc on the league. Oh yea, and if the falcons think they are going to get past the likes of the 9'ers, Giants, or even the Seahawks in the playoffs...well let's just say I see another early exit for the dirty birds and ole skid britches.

AlaskaSaints 12-09-2012 11:08 PM

Re: Last 3 Games
I'm with you, 'wood.



neugey 12-09-2012 11:55 PM

Re: Last 3 Games
I think I've said it before, but I would keep playing and everyone and try to play spoiler vs Dallas and Tampa. The last game versus Carolina, I'd be okay with resting Brees and some of the top line guys if that's what the Saints want to do.

SaintsBro 12-10-2012 04:41 AM

Re: Last 3 Games
Does anyone who has actual season tickets and goes to the actual games, do any of them want to bench Brees if he's healthy.

I kind of think I know where these threads are coming from.

SloMotion 12-10-2012 08:49 AM

Re: Last 3 Games

Originally Posted by lynwood (Post 464026)
I'm only saying bench Brees because we have an Investment in him. He gets 60 million Guaranteed and we need him to play for that kind of money. He gets hurt in any of these last 3 games I bet everyone will be crying about why he was in on meaningless games. I don't really care about the rest of the team, They need the reps. Might as well Run Ingram 20 to 30 times a game to see what he can do as a feature back.

It's a 'Catch-22'. In the end, I think you just play the guy because you've signed him to that big contract. I was gonna' say, "because the offense isn't the problem", but that was before the interceptions started.

Getting Payton back is Priority #1, that's for sure.

Mardigras9 12-10-2012 09:00 AM

Re: Last 3 Games
Benching Brees is not going to happen. They need to work him like pre-season and sit him later in the game. Give Chase some play time.

Kryptonite 12-10-2012 09:05 AM

Re: Last 3 Games

Originally Posted by onebyone (Post 463972)
Hell no we do not bench Brees or anyone else that is healthy for that matter. They are signed for a full season, they should play it. You don't get to take off early just because you sucked.

Besides, they have taken enough games off this year already. That's why we are in this mess.

Preach Brother...Preach!!!!!!

I like this guy.

skymike 12-10-2012 09:44 AM

Re: Last 3 Games

Originally Posted by SaintsBro (Post 464080)
Does anyone who has actual season tickets and goes to the actual games, do any of them want to bench Brees if he's healthy. ....

I've got Season Tix.

um? I dont know... right now, I dont give a flying sh** either way. Im driving from Texas to N.O. this weekend to watch a meaningless game between 2 sad teams, and paying 30 f*****g dollars to park. Roger Goodell owes me about 2,000.00, for stealing my 2012 season.

You think Drew Brees could buy up some parking garages & give us regular people a break? Even if he just charged 10 bucks, he'd make a profit, and he'd blow away Central Parking, and their evil little empire. Maybe open up his own chain of fast food/stadium food? Again, he could make a profit, which is perfectly fine with me, and at the same time, help us Joe Fan's out, by perhaps not selling overpriced crap.

He could even make a deal with Budweiser, and sell his beer for 6 dollars, undercutting the competition, and again, he profits and helps out us fans. Or, how about invest in his own cab service, and again, he could undercut them by charging just $5 per mile/minute, or whatever, so you'd only have to pay about 40.00 to go somewhere. Regular fans like me and my wife, might not have to walk from 6 miles from the game to somewhere to eat, maybe?

Or he could buy out that Rent-A-Liberal bike service, where they pedal you around.

How bout this? Stay at a nice, comfortable Brees Inn. He could afford to pay for competent desk people, and to charge a rate normal people could afford, but at the same time could hire some real security, so there'd be no drugs, rap, or cat-selling, ("NOPD will be called - the facts") (for you locals and frequent visitors)

I hope Roger Goodell has to pay for his own parking and superoverpriced hotel, during the SB. Then I hope they bungle his reservation & leave him in classic New Orleans Hotel Hell mode (we've all been there) for a whole night, where he drives all over, cant find a room, and he has to go stay in Boutte. (not that there's anything wrong with Boutte, I just want him inconvienienced.)

Wouldnt it be great if Roger Goodell forgot his ID badge & credit cards, and had to go thru the same security line we do, and then had to pay regular price for beer? Then he could scrap up some money, buy a seat
in the upper Terrace that was designed for teenage Asian girls, the seats are about 9 inches wide, and then sit next to the 290 lb Tackle Eligible who I sit next to. (Luckily, my corn-fed neighbor is super cool dude from MS, and we invent ways to be comfortable, since Im no supermodel myself. )

Then, after the game, I'd like to see Roger Goodell have to fight his way thru the CBD onto the High Rise and drive bumper to bumper 2 1/2 hours to B.R. Maybe he'd have to go to the bathroom over past the 310 exit, and he could hold it past the Bonnet Carre, all the way to LaPlace.

Hey, wouldnt it be great if Roger Goodell had to pee in the regular bathroom in the Terrace, and bust his azz on the eternally wet super-slippery floor. Maybe he'll be confused & pee in the Knee-High-Swear-It-Looks-Like-We-Should-Be-Peeing-In-It handsink. Too bad they finally
started enforcing smoke-free.

You know? If we were still IN IT... even just a little above mathematically, I wouldnt mind all this stuff. In fact, I'd be excited about going.

Its a dark, gloomy day here.

xan 12-10-2012 10:03 AM

Re: Last 3 Games
Given our salary cap situation, I hold firm to the 52 man review.

dizzle88 12-10-2012 10:17 AM

Re: Last 3 Games
andrew luck has thrown the same amount of int's that brees has, so the 12 year veteran is forcing the ball too much, only difference is - colts have won 9 games

RailBoss 12-10-2012 12:20 PM

Re: Last 3 Games
Reality Brees isn't sitting down someone here said it right, the fans are coming to see him play and the Saints have to remain competitive. I do believe other players should be looked at in the remaining games.

Mardigras9 12-10-2012 02:38 PM

Re: Last 3 Games

Originally Posted by skymike (Post 464171)

Roger Goodell owes me about 2,000.00, for stealing my 2012 season.

Man, I agree with you here 300%!!!!

neugey 12-11-2012 09:00 AM

Re: Last 3 Games
oops wrong thread, ignore comment!

Mardigras9 12-11-2012 09:09 AM

Re: Last 3 Games
The Saints getting their ass handed to them like the Giants did is a new pill to swallow. Pride may have had a lot to do with them trying to make the score more presentable. I don't think they make the same mistake if that happens again.

foreverfan 12-11-2012 10:37 AM

Re: Last 3 Games
Cut Brees, Release Payton, Fire Loomis... I loved 1980.

leilung 12-11-2012 11:14 AM

Re: Last 3 Games
Brees and everyone else get paid to play the game. I would only bench him if he's getting mauled out there and they can't protect him. Otherwise, he's got to work it out, same as any other player. Huge contract or not.

Shoe. 12-11-2012 11:44 AM

Re: Last 3 Games
All the starters need to be playing, not only for the season tix holders, but because we need to remain competitive (and spoil the Cowboys season)

But it would be foolish to leave them in the whole game and not take a look at some of the younger players, especially because they can get game reps against starting-caliber NFL players that are really trying to make a playoff spot. That will be a great crucible for us to see how they respond to game speed and real full-contact

and if we lose a couple of these next three and get bumped up a bit on draft day, well, there are worse problems to have than an ugly record. I'm not at all saying we should lose on purpose, not ever, but we should be using our remaining game minutes wisely for ALL players, not just the starters IMO

lumm0x 12-11-2012 12:14 PM

Re: Last 3 Games
I do want to see Chase get some meaningful game time. There will come a time when it will be forced on us if injuries occur and the more he can be comfortable with things the better. Same with a lot of positions actually. Some guys are very proven and we have known commodities. Time to get guys like Joe Morgan more looks. Time to see these young defensive players like Hicks, Wilson, White, Patrick, Quddus get the bulk of snaps in a game. I'm not sent bench/rest the starters, but I'm saying more rotation than normal is needed to assess the youngsters properly for next year. I'm sold on Hicks talent but I want to see how he holds up not just spelling starters.

I do want to play spoiler on Tampa and Dallas though. I don't want anything but a win out.

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