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ScottyRo 08-25-2004 11:18 AM

Who Are YOU and What Did You Do With WHODAT?
WhoDat, what is the deal with these non-negative posts? Now, I've never really believed that you were as negative as others claimed, but you've got to remember that this board needs BALANCE.

Haven't you seen The Phantom Menace? If you keep this up, we'll eventually have Emperor Saintfan running this board with Darth Billy strangling everyone who doubts the forth coming playoff run. All because you had to pull a Qui Gon Jinn and back the kid (who looks more like C-3PO than Ani) wearing #2.

Use the WhoTang. It will make you more powerful that Darth Billy good possibly imagine.

Mace ScottyRo - out

ScottyRo 08-25-2004 11:23 AM

Who Are YOU and What Did You Do With WHODAT?
PS. Everything I\'ve learned about life, I learned from Star Wars and EVIL women.

As if you couldn\'t tell?

saintz08 08-25-2004 11:36 AM

Who Are YOU and What Did You Do With WHODAT?

PS. Everything I\'ve learned about life, I learned from Star Wars and EVIL women.

As if you couldn\'t tell?
Which was more fun ??

ScottyRo 08-25-2004 11:50 AM

Who Are YOU and What Did You Do With WHODAT?
Unfortunately, the women. I must be as naive as they come cuz to me they all seem SO sweet...until they suck the life out of you.

saintfan 08-25-2004 01:05 PM

Who Are YOU and What Did You Do With WHODAT?

If you keep this up, we\'ll eventually have Emperor Saintfan running this board with Darth Billy strangling everyone who doubts the forth coming playoff run.
Sounds good to me. But I have a question. Does that make 08 a Jawa? I think the hood and the beety little eyes are CLEARLY appropriate.


WhoDat 08-25-2004 03:06 PM

Who Are YOU and What Did You Do With WHODAT?
Great thread. LMAO!

BrooksMustGo 08-25-2004 09:13 PM

Who Are YOU and What Did You Do With WHODAT?

WhoDat, what is the deal with these non-negative posts? Now, I\'ve never really believed that you were as negative as others claimed, but you\'ve got to remember that this board needs BALANCE.

Haven\'t you seen The Phantom Menace? If you keep this up, we\'ll eventually have Emperor Saintfan running this board with Darth Billy strangling everyone who doubts the forth coming playoff run. All because you had to pull a Qui Gon Jinn and back the kid (who looks more like C-3PO than Ani) wearing #2.

Use the WhoTang. It will make you more powerful that Darth Billy good possibly imagine.

Mace ScottyRo - out
WhoDat, You\'ve been the voice of reason and realism on this board for a long dang time. Like Scotty, I\'m convinced that you\'ve lost touch with your foundation man. You need to admit you have a problem. You\'re hooked on the Sunshine-Whine and we\'re having an intervention with you.

You used to be strong in the WhoTang and one true heir of the 08er-Ade. Don\'t forget the training you\'ve gotten from Obi-Wan/08. The Sunshine-Whine is dangerous and you have been seduced by it\'s power. Remember that Sunshine-Whine isn\'t more powerful than WhoTang or 08er-Ade, it is just quicker and easier. Rose colored glasses and beer goggles have made AB look better than he really is. I\'m afraid that one morning you\'ll have to chew your own arm off to get away from this dangerous fixation and it might be too late. Once you go down the loony sunshine road, forever will it dominate your destiny!!!

Hopefully master Pak will join our intervention...

Bring balance to the board WhoDat, you\'re my only hope!

BMG/Ki-Adi-Mundi (I really had to do some geeky surfing to write this post)

saintz08 08-25-2004 09:28 PM

Who Are YOU and What Did You Do With WHODAT?
You know our team colors are Black and Gold , so it seems fitting to have posts of gold sunshine and Black Darkness ..... :P

As Wesley Snipes says \" Always bet on the Black \" ...... ;)

Most likely a Saint fan too .... :P

saintfan 08-25-2004 10:04 PM

Who Are YOU and What Did You Do With WHODAT?

WhoDat, You\'ve been the voice of reason and realism on this board for a long dang time.


I\'m convinced that you\'ve lost touch with your foundation man.
Truth be known, this happend a very long time ago.


You need to admit you have a problem.
Now here\'s something we can agree on.


Bring balance to the board WhoDat, you\'re my only hope!
No, there is another. ;)

WhoDat 08-25-2004 10:07 PM

Who Are YOU and What Did You Do With WHODAT?
08 - LOL. :P

BMG, I just have one question - Who do you think you are? (see link)

For those who may not know the Onion is a satyrical newspaper that comes out every week (I think) in Chicago. It\'s absolutely hilarious. This article should tickle every true Saints fan.

I just said tickle... something is wrong. Really wrong.

BlackandBlue 08-25-2004 10:16 PM

Who Are YOU and What Did You Do With WHODAT?
Tickle? Might start referring to you as the Rip Taylor of B&

BrooksMustGo 08-25-2004 11:30 PM

Who Are YOU and What Did You Do With WHODAT?

You need to post more. I\'d forgotten how clever you are. I laughed out loud at your post.
This weird blending of the personas of Billy and WhoDat really has me scratching my head. I\'m kind of worried that Billy has WhoDat locked in a footlocker somewhere while someone has assumed WhoDat\'s identity.

[Edited on 26/8/2004 by BrooksMustGo]

GumboBC 08-25-2004 11:47 PM

Who Are YOU and What Did You Do With WHODAT?


You need to post more. I\'d forgotten how clever you are. I laughed out loud at your post.
This weird blending of the personas of Billy and WhoDat really has me scratching my head.
If you really look at what WhoDat has said, it\'s not much different that last year. I think he\'s a LITTLE more optimistic than last year, but he\'s said he wouldn\'t be surprised to see an 8-8 finish.

But there\'s reason to be more optimistic at this point.

1. Stallworth appears to be ready for this season.
2. All Brooks needs to do is play like last year minus the fumbles and it should be good enough to get us to the playoffs.
3. The D-line appears to be in better shape.
4. We have one of the best runningbacks in the NFL.
5. John Pease seems to be making a difference and could be the biggest difference maker of them all.
6. Haslett is being tougher with the players.
7. The addition of Will Smith and Courtney Watson. Oh, and Devery Henderson.
8. Tebucky, Ruff and some other players know the system better now.
9. Going to the spread offense more.
10. Defense is going to play some 3-4 and it appears they are going to turn these players loose.

So, there\'s reason of optimisim. Now, I wouldn\'t go betting the house because if the Saints and Haslett have taught us anything ... this could be \"fools gold.\"

The truth is, nobody has a very good idea how this team will perform this year.

I\'d bet my last dollar if the Saints come out and stink it up against Seattle, WhoDat will be leading the charge for the moonshiners!! ;)

lumm0x 08-25-2004 11:51 PM

Who Are YOU and What Did You Do With WHODAT?
He\'s pulling the Ali \"Rope-a-dope\" on us boys.

saintfan 08-26-2004 09:59 AM

Who Are YOU and What Did You Do With WHODAT?
You guys are all makin\' a big deal outta nuthin\'. All it\'s gonna take is one INT (Brooks), one missed tackle (Tbuck) or one case of getting burned deep (Ambrose) and the honeymoon\'ll be over. Whodat has stuck his head out the window for a bit of sunshine, but the elements will get to him.

saintz08 08-26-2004 10:20 AM

Who Are YOU and What Did You Do With WHODAT?
By halftime of the Seattle game and Brooks pulls up limping .

They will announce Darkside season tickets have sold out ....... ;)

Week 3 in St. Louis and the Darkside season tickets will have a waiting list .....

WhoDat 08-26-2004 11:13 AM

Who Are YOU and What Did You Do With WHODAT?

Whodat has stuck his head out the window for a bit of sunshine, but the elements will get to him.
LMAO!! Probably true.


If you really look at what WhoDat has said, it\'s not much different that last year. I think he\'s a LITTLE more optimistic than last year, but he\'s said he wouldn\'t be surprised to see an 8-8 finish.
Amazingly, Billy\'s finally starting to get it. Last year I was undecided between 8-8 and 9-7. SO far this year I\'m undecided between 9-7 and 10-6, but wouldn\'t be surprised to see 8-8. Billy said it, I am only a LITTLE more optimistic this year. The difference is YOUR perspective. Last year there was RAMPANT UNCHECKED optimism on this board that had people talking about the Saints being 13-3. Some of us REALISTS (hehehe) looked pessimistic because we saw things as they were, and compared to 13-3, 8-8 is considered far worse.

This year, the Sunshine Club is operating under partly cloudy skies, and they now see the lunar influences on this team. ;) In other words, now that the rest of you can begin to see what\'s really going on, I don\'t look like some fanatic, even though my stance has been pretty consistent and realistic.

Funny that last year the \"Moonshiners\" were talking about, at worst, 7-9 or 8-8 and we were nuts. The 12-4 and 13-3 people knew what was really going on. Now the \"Moonshiners\" are talking about 8-8 and the \"Sunshiners\" are still talking about how nuts they are - it\'s obvious this team is going to be 10-6! ;) CLEARLY, those guys are pessimistic just for the sake of being pessimistic.

You want a safe bet this year, the saints will be WORSE than 8-8 or BETTER than 10-6, b/c NO ONE is saying that they will be. Of course, they could be 9-7 too. LOL. This team is just too hard to figure out - amazing talent and amazing ability to misuse it.

Danno 08-26-2004 11:34 AM

Who Are YOU and What Did You Do With WHODAT?
What I find a bit misleading in the mooshiner\'s \"I told you so\" rants is that if I told you last year that we\'d lose our best defensive player halfway through the 1st game, lose a starting LB for 9 games, suffer the 2nd most injuries in NFL history, have two losses NFL officials apologized for causing, play several games with about half our starters out, have a solid special teams unit completely fold, ALL you moonshiners would have predicted about 5-11 or 6-10 or worse and you know it.

Meanwhile if you had asked the same question of the sunshiners who were predicting 13-3 (I said 10-6 BTW) they probably would have guesses around 9-7. I probably would have guessed 8-8 under those circumstances.

So don\'t give me that I told you so crap cause it doesn\'t flush.

saintz08 08-26-2004 02:27 PM

Who Are YOU and What Did You Do With WHODAT?

So don\'t give me that I told you so crap cause it doesn\'t flush.
That is just the point ......

Enjoy the view ..... ;)

WhoDat 08-26-2004 03:33 PM

Who Are YOU and What Did You Do With WHODAT?

I probably would have guessed 8-8 under those circumstances.
A moment of silence please.

I\'ve been a member of BnG for a LONG time, and this is the first time I\'ve seen the coulda, woulda, shoulda defense. Given its popularity amongst the Saints, I\'m surprised this is the first time it ever came up. I\'m also disappointed in Tweek for pulling that one out. Never thought you\'d be the guy to pull a Mora... tisk, tisk. Can I get a PLAYOFFS rant our of you?

Danno 08-26-2004 03:52 PM

Who Are YOU and What Did You Do With WHODAT?


I probably would have guessed 8-8 under those circumstances.
A moment of silence please.

I\'ve been a member of BnG for a LONG time, and this is the first time I\'ve seen the coulda, woulda, shoulda defense. Given its popularity amongst the Saints, I\'m surprised this is the first time it ever came up. I\'m also disappointed in Tweek for pulling that one out. Never thought you\'d be the guy to pull a Mora... tisk, tisk. Can I get a PLAYOFFS rant our of you?
I\'m not sure what you mean.
Are you telling me you knew that last year that we\'d lose our best defensive player halfway through the 1st game, lose a starting LB for 9 games, suffer the 2nd most injuries in NFL history, have two losses NFL officials apologized for causing, play several games with about half our starters out, have a solid special teams unit completely fold?

Is that why you predicted 9-7?

Are you telling me knowing all those things would happen wouldn\'t sway your prediction a couple games?

Yeah....right crawfish, try that one again. ;) That fuzzy Mora reference may work on some folks, but I ain\'t buying it and I doubt you really do either.

GumboBC 08-26-2004 04:01 PM

Who Are YOU and What Did You Do With WHODAT?
WhoDat --

Why do you think it was so UNrealistc to think the Saints could have gone 12-4 or even 13-3?

Soon as you answer that. Answer this one please:

What was your prediction for the Bucs and how many games were you off?

Weren\'t the Bucs 7-9 last year? Can you explain to me how the Bucs finished 7-9?

Oh, and what were your other predictions for the rest of the teams in the NFL?

Anyone can look like a genius when only PART of the information is avalible.

Did you get the Falcons right?




Patriots at 14-2. You predicited that one............ right?

Buffalo with your boy Taeko Spikes?

Pennington and the J-E-T-S ... JETS JETS JETS????


WhoDat say they gonna fool dem sunshiners. WhoDat?

ScottyRo 08-26-2004 06:34 PM

Who Are YOU and What Did You Do With WHODAT?

Why do you think it was so UNrealistc to think the Saints could have gone 12-4 or even 13-3?
Take all the reasons you thought 12-4 and apply them as if they didn\'t happen as well as you thought. 8-8 or 9-7.

As far as all the injuries and bad calls are concerned, you should realize that this is the Saints and you should get used to this. Bad things are going to happen. It\'s just part of the fun.

GumboBC 08-26-2004 07:02 PM

Who Are YOU and What Did You Do With WHODAT?
So, everyone wants to be proven right about last year, huh?

Well, I\'ve already said I was wrong about the team last year. In fact, I started a new thread to admit just that. But some guys still want to point out they were right in saying the Saints were terrible.

OK, you guys got your props. To all the guys who predicted the Saints to finish 8-8... You guys are geniuses. For those of us who thought the Saints were a playoff team... well.... we aren\'t geniuses.

Now what? Do we continue to bring up who was right or wrong about everything last year? Not me. Leave me out. Not this year.

It\'s one thing to occasionally bring it up .. It\'s another thing to beat it in the ground.

Too many other things to talk about. Like this upcoming season.

I\'m well aware that the Saints only have one playoff win in their history. I\'m well aware of the Dec. collapses. I saw John Carney miss the extra point. I\'ve lived through it all !!

Someone wants to tell me the Saints still suck? That\'s fine. I welcome that. Just back it up with something. Something other than I told you last year they sucked and they did. Who cares?!?!

For those who haven\'t heard me say it: I was WRONG about the Saints last year.

Does that mean my opinions are wrong about the Saints this year? Does it make anyone any more credible because they predicted a losing record for the Saints last year?

I said all of this for ONE reason. If you are one of those guys who have nothing better to do than just stir things up, then leave me out of it.

If you\'re not one of those guys, then disregard this post.

ScottyRo 08-26-2004 07:14 PM

Who Are YOU and What Did You Do With WHODAT?

It\'s one thing to occasionally bring it up .. It\'s another thing to beat it in the ground.
How many times could this have been said about your pro-Brooks posts? (Some of which I supported)



BlackandBlue 08-26-2004 07:25 PM

Who Are YOU and What Did You Do With WHODAT?

For those of us who thought the Saints were a playoff team... well.... we aren\'t geniuses.
True dat :P
Had the Saints getting a wild card birth with a 10-6 record. :P
But, I did have the Panthers winning it at 11-5 ;)
Hey Cherry, where\'s my props?

GumboBC 08-26-2004 07:27 PM

Who Are YOU and What Did You Do With WHODAT?


It\'s one thing to occasionally bring it up .. It\'s another thing to beat it in the ground.
How many times could this have been said about your pro-Brooks posts? (Some of which I supported)


You miss the point, grasshopper. That was last year. I\'m moving on. How \'bout you? ;)

ScottyRo 08-26-2004 07:36 PM

Who Are YOU and What Did You Do With WHODAT?
I\'m sorry. You\'ll need to send me a list of those 2004 Rules. Thanks :P

CheramieIII 08-27-2004 01:21 AM

Who Are YOU and What Did You Do With WHODAT?
Hey BB, Here\'s your PROP\'S.

WhoDat 08-27-2004 08:05 AM

Who Are YOU and What Did You Do With WHODAT?

Tweeky, predictions are educated guesses about the end result. In other words how you think the team will finish the season, NOT HOW DID THEY GET THERE ALONG THE WAY. The injuires and other BS are neither here nor there. Whodat and myself didn\'t think the team would go better than 9-7. And you know what, however they ended up with an 8-8 record doesn\'t matter. Point is they did and the 12-4 guys were WAY OFF ABOUT THIS TEAM. And that is the reason the 12-4 guys are catching flack is because they were 4 games. WAY OFF.
Couldn\'t have said it better myself Gator. Did I know all that crap would happen? No - but I did know two things, 1) the Saints were a team with above average talent and below average performance. 2)They have a history of that and it has been more prominent in the Haslett era. I didn\'t have to know HOW they would find a way to acheive mediocrity, I simply knew that they WOULD.

As for my other predictions, Billy, I was more right than I was wrong. I was right about Carolina. I did say NE would be a good team. Certainly, I was wrong about Buffalo and the Bucs. But all that is secondary... we come to this board to focus on the Saints, not other NFL teams. My predictions about the SAINTS were mostly right. You know that - you posted a huge thread at the end of last season abotu how right I was. Shall I repost it for you? To refresh your memory I think you said something like - Whodat was right about the defense not getting much better, right about the offense faltering, right about the coaching staff, right about special teams and M Lewis not being as good, and right about this team\'s performance. I\'m paraphrasing of course, but isn\'t that what you said?


I\'m not sure what you mean.
Are you telling me you knew that last year that we\'d lose our best defensive player halfway through the 1st game, lose a starting LB for 9 games, suffer the 2nd most injuries in NFL history, have two losses NFL officials apologized for causing, play several games with about half our starters out, have a solid special teams unit completely fold?
You guys act like if those things hadn\'t happened they WOULD have been 12-4. No they wouldn\'t have. There\'s no doubt that injuries and officiating can kill a team, BUT this was not a good team. We beat ONE team with a winning record all year and that was in the last game of the year when they were resting their starters to prepare for the playoffs.

Who would we have beaten? Maybe Carolina in one game. Certainly not Seattle, Tennessee, the Indianapolis game may only have been decided by 30 points instead of 60. I mean come on.

But hey, it\'s OK guys. This year is a new year. Don\'t harp on the fact that you were dead wrong on just about all counts last year. Just do what Billy does, pretend it never happened and focus on the future. Ignoring the past has worked wonders for his ability to predict the future!! LMAO. :P

Just kidding Bill, don\'t go off the handle.

[Edited on 27/8/2004 by WhoDat]

GumboBC 08-27-2004 08:26 AM

Who Are YOU and What Did You Do With WHODAT?
WhoDat --

I think often times some of us take a stand and we aren\'t willing to back off and admit we were wrong. I\'ve been guilty of it at times. I think this becomes counter-productive and we get locked into a debate that makes no progress because no one is willing to look at the other side of the arguement. That\'s no fun for anyone.

One of the reasons I like debating with you is there is some give and take there. The other reason is you back your opinions up well. Do I think you stretch it at TIMES? Yes, but we all do.

You and some others pointed out before the start of last season that there were some problems OTHER than talent and ya\'ll didn\'t see us as a playoff team. Very good insight. I was still a big Haslett fan last year. I suppose I overlooked some things I shouldn\'t have. Not to say Haslett was totally at fault because he wasn\'t. Injuries did play a part but it went WAY beyond injuries.

I did give you your props for your prediction on the Saints. I admitted I was wrong. No use pretending it didn\'t happen. Being wrong isn\'t the end of the world.

I could go pull up all of your negative posts on Brooks. The ones where you said you would trade him and get a QB who could manage the game. And I could put those posts side by side with your recent predictions that Aaron could be a pro-bowl QB this year.

But I feel no need to do that. You\'ve backed off of your stance on Brooks to some degree and that\'s fair. That\'s what makes debating with someone a plesant experience.

I don\'t mind when someone goes back and points out that I was wrong. It doesn\'t hurt my feelings or make me think I don\'t know football. I just think it\'s been beat in the ground a little too much.

We\'ve got many NEW things to talk about and we\'ve got a lot of new members here who probably don\'t care too much about reading that stuff.

I think this board is a better place without all of that. It\'s fun at times ,as long as it\'s kept on a friendly level, I think it\'s ok. But we know how quickly those things can get out of control.

WhoDat 08-27-2004 08:33 AM

Who Are YOU and What Did You Do With WHODAT?
So what you\'re saying here is that you were wrong and I was right? :)

LMAO. You\'re so fun to pick on Billy. :P

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