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WhoDat!656 02-18-2013 09:09 AM

Is It Ok For Saints Pierre Thomas White Girlfriend to Call Him The N-Word?
I’m not one to judge professional athletes and who they sleep with. I don’t have the time or the energy to even attempt to keep track with who they pick to be their latest girl for the month let alone the week. However when you don’t set the proper guidelines early on, things like this occur.

New Orleans Saints running back Pierre Thomas is dating nursing student, dance teacher, aspiring chef, and YouTube video model Candace Damiani, just to name a few things off of her resume. Now the fact that he is dating her isn’t disturbing news. Athletes have a new pick of litter every other week. The fact that she uses the wrong “n*gga” is alarming, however.

Thomas keeps his online social accounts extremely professional. If it’s not related to football or his fans you won’t see anything from him, which is a good thing. Unfortunately he didn’t pick a female who shared those same qualities. Her Twitter and Instagram accounts maybe low in followers, minus a few athletes, but that doesn’t mean she keeps personal information private. That would be too much like right. Cropping an image can go a long way in preventing unwanted items from being discovered , unless you simply want it to be known. Hence the plane ticket below.

Just got the best email. Hellllllloooo Maui!…

— Candace Damiani (@candacedamiani) February 4, 2013

Candace is a chocolate lover and that’s fine. We welcome cornball brothers and lovers over here. I think that’s public knowledge by now. However because she is dating a black athlete does that justify her for using the word n*gga? Does that imply Thomas is fine with his girlfriend using such language and referring to him as one? This is what happens when you don’t set proper guidelines in the beginning. I’ll allow you to be the judge. Is this fair or foul?

Saints Pierre Thomas White Girlfriend to Calls Him A N*gger | Robert Littal Presents BlackSportsOnline

hagan714 02-18-2013 09:13 AM

Re: Is It Ok For Saints Pierre Thomas White Girlfriend to Call Him The N-Word?
i am not sticking my nose into some ones love life. no way no how

WhoDat!656 02-18-2013 09:19 AM

Re: Is It Ok For Saints Pierre Thomas White Girlfriend to Call Him The N-Word?
IF PT doesnt mind, why should I?

Danno 02-18-2013 09:32 AM

Re: Is It Ok For Saints Pierre Thomas White Girlfriend to Call Him The N-Word?
Just more PC hypocrisy.

Is there a "White Sports On-line"?

Is PT a "Vanilla Lover"?

I hate PC.

CharityMike 02-18-2013 11:18 AM

Re: Is It Ok For Saints Pierre Thomas White Girlfriend to Call Him The N-Word?
Who gives a s h i t! Mind ya business!!

Seer1 02-18-2013 12:07 PM

Re: Is It Ok For Saints Pierre Thomas White Girlfriend to Call Him The N-Word?

Originally Posted by CharityMike (Post 480457)
Who gives a s h i t! Mind ya business!!

Exactly! How is this ours?

Tobias-Reiper 02-18-2013 12:55 PM

Re: Is It Ok For Saints Pierre Thomas White Girlfriend to Call Him The N-Word?

Originally Posted by Danno (Post 480449)
Just more PC hypocrisy.

Is there a "White Sports On-line"?

NH Scot Site : Home

Is PT a "Vanilla Lover"?
Wurd to yo' motha

I hate PC.

jnormand 02-18-2013 12:56 PM

Re: Is It Ok For Saints Pierre Thomas White Girlfriend to Call Him The N-Word?
I feel dumber for having read that.

jnormand 02-18-2013 12:58 PM

Re: Is It Ok For Saints Pierre Thomas White Girlfriend to Call Him The N-Word?
On a side note...based on the picture....I'd let that woman call me whatever she wants.

Danno 02-18-2013 01:01 PM

Re: Is It Ok For Saints Pierre Thomas White Girlfriend to Call Him The N-Word?

Originally Posted by Seer1 (Post 480461)
Exactly! How is this ours?

My guess is that its OK in our society for person X to say something, but its incredibly offensive in our society if person Y says the exact same thing.

Sorry, thats F'd up in my book.

Rugby Saint II 02-18-2013 01:12 PM

Re: Is It Ok For Saints Pierre Thomas White Girlfriend to Call Him The N-Word?

Originally Posted by Danno (Post 480475)
My guess is that its OK in our society for person X to say something, but its incredibly offensive in our society if person Y says the exact same thing.

Sorry, thats F'd up in my book.

Once again you are spot on Danno.:cool:

Rickh 02-18-2013 01:16 PM

Re: Is It Ok For Saints Pierre Thomas White Girlfriend to Call Him The N-Word?
OMG I can't wait for preseason

Crusader 02-18-2013 03:06 PM

Re: Is It Ok For Saints Pierre Thomas White Girlfriend to Call Him The N-Word?
Personally I would only use such language among friends or other people where it is established and accepted and in private. Me and my very good friend uses really derogatory terms for eachother when we hang out but would never do such a thing in public.

Budsdrinker 02-18-2013 04:20 PM

Re: Is It Ok For Saints Pierre Thomas White Girlfriend to Call Him The N-Word?
It shouldn't matter to anyone but PT what she calls him. Who knows what he calls her, it could be just as bad or worse! Everyone is just to damn sensitive these days if you ask me. Growing up every kid on my block had a nickname that would probably hurt someone's feelings today but we didn't care.

Danno 02-18-2013 04:31 PM

Re: Is It Ok For Saints Pierre Thomas White Girlfriend to Call Him The N-Word?

Originally Posted by Budsdrinker (Post 480502)
It shouldn't matter to anyone but PT what she calls him. Who knows what he calls her, it could be just as bad or worse! Everyone is just to damn sensitive these days if you ask me. Growing up every kid on my block had a nickname that would probably hurt someone's feelings today but we didn't care.

I think the issue has nothing to do with what they call each other in private. No one gives a crap about that.

The issue is whether its offensive (or hypocritical) to use the N-word in a public venue by a white person speaking about a black person.

Personally, I just like exposing the hypocrisy of it all. I think the word is offense regardless of who's saying it. I don't allow it in my workplace (a firable offense) by anyone regardless of race.

aquaboogie 02-18-2013 04:46 PM

Re: Is It Ok For Saints Pierre Thomas White Girlfriend to Call Him The N-Word?
She could prevent a lot of controversy by calling him Pierre! That is what his parents named him.

aquaboogie 02-18-2013 04:48 PM

Re: Is It Ok For Saints Pierre Thomas White Girlfriend to Call Him The N-Word?
I think the word is offense regardless of who's saying it. I don't allow it in my workplace (a firable offense) by anyone regardless of race.[/QUOTE]


vpheughan 02-18-2013 06:15 PM

Re: Is It Ok For Saints Pierre Thomas White Girlfriend to Call Him The N-Word?
Next topic: How will the price of tomato's effect next year's defense?

Luda34 02-18-2013 06:46 PM

Re: Is It Ok For Saints Pierre Thomas White Girlfriend to Call Him The N-Word?
Hell no bruh PT get on her ass don't go out like bruh. A but you like it I love it. It's not my business what they do or say behind close doors.

Euphoria 02-18-2013 07:11 PM

Re: Is It Ok For Saints Pierre Thomas White Girlfriend to Call Him The N-Word?
Girls giving me ass... she can call me anything she wants as long as I am getting it.

westbankdaze 02-18-2013 08:22 PM

She can say whatever she wants but I don't think it's classy at all - it's very trashy.

foreverfan 02-18-2013 08:52 PM

Re: Is It Ok For Saints Pierre Thomas White Girlfriend to Call Him The N-Word?
Let me answer the question.... YEA.

I call my wife that all the time and she's white.

rezburna 02-18-2013 10:18 PM

Re: Is It Ok For Saints Pierre Thomas White Girlfriend to Call Him The N-Word?
My opinion, people can say whatever they want. Just be man or woman enough to accept whatever the backlash may be.

I'm not offended if a white person says nigga to or around me. I always think back to a time when I was in high school. One of my white friends joking asked if he could start using the n-word now. I responded by saying I don't care. I use the word all day around him. I'll never forget what he said though.

"I respect you too much to put you in that situation."

So while I understand white people like to point out the hypocrisy and double standard of the word, I always pose the question...why can't you just respect us and not say it? Like I said before, I'm not offended; but if a white person calls me or says nigga round me I feel like they don't respect me. I feel like white people use it because there's still an attitude of, "This black person can't tell me what to do." I don't call anybody mom, other then my mother. It's easy not to call anybody else that. I'm positive it's easy for white people to not say nigga.

Just my thoughts though. Carry on.

QBREES9 02-18-2013 11:48 PM

Re: Is It Ok For Saints Pierre Thomas White Girlfriend to Call Him The N-Word?
Man I just don't care.

SmashMouth 02-19-2013 07:10 AM

Re: Is It Ok For Saints Pierre Thomas White Girlfriend to Call Him The N-Word?
While most comments are on point, this is a true depiction of class. "sarcasm on" :rolleyes:

Seer1 02-19-2013 07:22 AM

Re: Is It Ok For Saints Pierre Thomas White Girlfriend to Call Him The N-Word?
Hey mods,
I'll give you $5 to close this stupid thread about stupid people who may or may have done something stupid that is basically meaningless in the course of human events or the upcoming season.

Now if she'd have called rogger names, that would have been worthy.

jeanpierre 02-19-2013 07:31 AM

Re: Is It Ok For Saints Pierre Thomas White Girlfriend to Call Him The N-Word?
According to Merriam-Webster, twit (n) a silly annoying person : fool

So twitter is where one goes to twit...

So I ask you, as a society, has it become so important to place the value of fools and what they say ahead of all else?!?

Tobias-Reiper 02-19-2013 10:17 AM

Re: Is It Ok For Saints Pierre Thomas White Girlfriend to Call Him The N-Word?
... on a side note, while waiting for a test script to run, I read the "article" and it seems that she never called PT anything; rather she quoted a line in some song that goes "them niggas be actin' up and we can't be lettin' them" (R.I.P. English language); in reference to what? No idea, didn't dig that far. But seems like whoever wrote the piece ( journalism student, whatever that means nowadays ) was looking for web hits... she may have a crush on Jason Withlock.

... "cornball brother", one the other hand :)

saintfan 02-19-2013 01:00 PM

Re: Is It Ok For Saints Pierre Thomas White Girlfriend to Call Him The N-Word?

kcsaints 02-19-2013 02:26 PM

Re: Is It Ok For Saints Pierre Thomas White Girlfriend to Call Him The N-Word?
Ok apparently she was quoting lyrics to a rap song.

Off season sucks .....

Danno 02-19-2013 02:28 PM

Re: Is It Ok For Saints Pierre Thomas White Girlfriend to Call Him The N-Word?
So if someone calls some black guy the N-word, is it OK if its a rap lyric?

saintfan 02-19-2013 02:42 PM

Re: Is It Ok For Saints Pierre Thomas White Girlfriend to Call Him The N-Word?

Crusader 02-19-2013 03:35 PM

Re: Is It Ok For Saints Pierre Thomas White Girlfriend to Call Him The N-Word?

Originally Posted by saintfan (Post 480669)

I don't like cats so...

subguy 02-19-2013 04:29 PM

Re: Is It Ok For Saints Pierre Thomas White Girlfriend to Call Him The N-Word?
The point is regardless of the reason it is a word that just doesn't need to be used. While I believe all of this pc crap should go out the window I still think discretion should be used. There are just some words that probably should never be used...

saintfan 02-19-2013 04:32 PM

Re: Is It Ok For Saints Pierre Thomas White Girlfriend to Call Him The N-Word?
Counting THIS post, that's three dead kittens and counting. Die thread die!

subguy 02-19-2013 04:35 PM

Re: Is It Ok For Saints Pierre Thomas White Girlfriend to Call Him The N-Word?

Originally Posted by saintfan (Post 480702)
Counting THIS post, that's three dead kittens and counting. Die thread die!

Sorry for keeping it alive...I didn't read up to see we are trying to close it. Close on

Danno 02-19-2013 04:46 PM

Re: Is It Ok For Saints Pierre Thomas White Girlfriend to Call Him The N-Word?
Well they have nine lives so no dead kittens yet.

saintfan 02-19-2013 04:57 PM

Re: Is It Ok For Saints Pierre Thomas White Girlfriend to Call Him The N-Word?

SmashMouth 02-19-2013 07:00 PM

Re: Is It Ok For Saints Pierre Thomas White Girlfriend to Call Him The N-Word?
There must have been some misunderstanding ... This fine upstanding citizen clears this up for for us .... possibly?

For the record, I find these words as inappropriate as many others.

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