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papz 03-14-2013 02:49 PM

Competition Committee proposes 6 rule changes, 3 bylaw changes
Proposed rule changes

1. A play that would have been automatically reviewed by instant replay will still be reviewed even if a coach throws his challenge flag. Any coach who challenges a play that he’s not permitted to challenge would be charged a timeout, and wouldn’t get his timeout back even if he wins the challenge, or would lose 15 yards if his team is out of timeouts. But the play itself will still be reviewed. Call this the Jim Schwartz Rule. The league will also consider reviewing incomplete passes that are ruled a fumble all the way through the fumble — if a play is ruled on the field to be incomplete and overturned on replay as a fumble, the replay can consider everything that happens after that fumble.

2. Player safety: On field goals and extra points, restrictions are added to what rush teams can do. No more than six defensive players would be permitted to align on either side of the snapper, defensive players can’t push their teammates across the line, and the long snapper is considered a defenseless player.

3. Eliminate the tuck rule.

4. Allow tight ends and H-backs to wear 40-49.

5. Player safety: Offensive players will not be allowed to block low when going toward their own end lines in the tackle box. Can’t go low when peeling back anywhere on the field.

6. Player safety: Initiating contact with the crown of the helmet is a foul if the runner or tackler delivers a forceable blow against his opponent when both players are outside the tackle box.

Read more: Competition Committee proposes 6 rule changes, 3 bylaw changes | ProFootballTalk

SmashMouth 03-14-2013 03:03 PM

Re: Competition Committee proposes 6 rule changes, 3 bylaw changes
More fines to come...

SaintsBro 03-15-2013 02:42 PM

Re: Competition Committee proposes 6 rule changes, 3 bylaw changes
long snapper is considered a defenseless player.

Interesting. I think people may stop trying to block field goals, making them more like lame extra points where guys just stand up, or gently tap a hand on the other lineman's helmet. That's a VERY subjective penalty to give somebody 15 yards and a 1st down in scoring position. It leaves an awful lot of discretion to the ref.

But you put that penalty in a critical game situation, 4th down late in a close game, it gives the offense 15 and a first, already in the red zone, they march down the rest of the way and score a TD. This penalty is going to cause a 4 point score differential, way more than these guys may realize (or maybe that's what they want?). Even if it's just assessed on the kickoff, it will still be a significant game changer.

Rugby Saint II 03-15-2013 02:58 PM

Re: Competition Committee proposes 6 rule changes, 3 bylaw changes
What??? Where's the flag football guide lines? Roger? Didn't you get the message that there was a meeting? You missed a golden opportunity to destroy the game a little more. What were you thinking?
Oh wait, you are trying to take field goals away........because they will be boring and no one will want to watch that..........way to be on top of things.
My bad. Please go back to dismatling the NFL. :wink:

lee909 03-15-2013 03:38 PM

Re: Competition Committee proposes 6 rule changes, 3 bylaw changes
Rule 6 is a complete joke.
Mind you rules 1-2-4 are too

SloMotion 03-15-2013 03:55 PM

Re: Competition Committee proposes 6 rule changes, 3 bylaw changes
6. Player safety: Initiating contact with the crown of the helmet is a foul if the runner or tackler delivers a forceable blow against his opponent when both players are outside the tackle box.

My understanding of the 'tackle box' is that it extends out something like two yards on either side of the offensive tackles and then, hypothetically, back to the offensive team's goal line?

So, they essentially want RB's running with their heads up so as not to make contact with the crown of their helmets after they cross the line of scrimmage? That's not going to be a very popular decision, :(.

lee909 03-15-2013 03:58 PM

Re: Competition Committee proposes 6 rule changes, 3 bylaw changes
How do they expect players to gain short yardage or break tackles?
A idea thought of by morons who have never played the game

SloMotion 03-15-2013 04:05 PM

Re: Competition Committee proposes 6 rule changes, 3 bylaw changes

Originally Posted by lee909 (Post 486860)
How do they expect players to gain short yardage or break tackles?
A idea thought of by morons who have never played the game

I also thought, back in the day, they stopped coaching offensive lineman to block with their heads up & face masks into the defender because of the potential risk for neck injury. Seems to me this proposal would put the running backs at risk.

When you're headed for a collision, the natural instinct is to lower your head. This is going against the laws of nature, :lol:.

hagan714 03-16-2013 05:10 AM

Competition Committee proposes changes
Competition Committee proposes 6 rule changes, 3 bylaw changes
Posted by Michael David Smith on March 14, 2013, 3:32 PM EDT

APThe NFL’s Competition Committee has proposed six rules changes and three bylaw changes that the owners will vote on at next week’s league meeting.

Proposed rule changes

1. A play that would have been automatically reviewed by instant replay will still be reviewed even if a coach throws his challenge flag. Any coach who challenges a play that he’s not permitted to challenge would be charged a timeout, and wouldn’t get his timeout back even if he wins the challenge, or would lose 15 yards if his team is out of timeouts. But the play itself will still be reviewed. Call this the Jim Schwartz Rule. The league will also consider reviewing incomplete passes that are ruled a fumble all the way through the fumble — if a play is ruled on the field to be incomplete and overturned on replay as a fumble, the replay can consider everything that happens after that fumble.

2. Player safety: On field goals and extra points, restrictions are added to what rush teams can do. No more than six defensive players would be permitted to align on either side of the snapper, defensive players can’t push their teammates across the line, and the long snapper is considered a defenseless player.

3. Eliminate the tuck rule.

4. Allow tight ends and H-backs to wear 40-49.

5. Player safety: Offensive players will not be allowed to block low when going toward their own end lines in the tackle box. Can’t go low when peeling back anywhere on the field.

6. Player safety: Initiating contact with the crown of the helmet is a foul if the runner or tackler delivers a forceable blow against his opponent when both players are outside the tackle box.

Proposed bylaw changes

1. The waiver period will be such that a team that claims a player only needs to keep him for one day, not two days.

2. Adjust the physically unable to perform status to allow players on PUP to practice for any three-week period from Week Six through Week 11.

3. Move the final roster cutdown date one day earlier.

New points of emphasis

1. Mandatory thigh and knee pads. This isn’t a new rule but the officials will start actively enforcing the rule, rather than just urging players to wear the pads as they did last year. A player who refuses to comply with the rule won’t be allowed on the field.

2. Fields must be maintained up to NFL standards, and the league can require clubs to maintain their fields up to the league’s high standards, at the club’s expense.

Competition Committee proposes 6 rule changes, 3 bylaw changes | ProFootballTalk

hagan714 03-16-2013 05:58 AM

Re: Competition Committee proposes changes
6 rule changes, 3 bylaw changes

Proposed rule changes
1. Jim Schwartz Rule.
Reviews - Ok lose TO or 15 still even if they review it? stupid rule. lawyers are needed on the side line to consult before throwing a challenge
Turnover - Oh god now they will force you to play through the whistle and risk getting flagged for 15?
2. Kicking game gets skirts? Just make it a free kick or just make a TD 7
Yet another defensive ideology challenged. Next up no pushing the pile for the offense. Just call the play over upon cintact
long snapper is defenseless player? then he can not block?
4 lmao
5.RB/WR will be blocking dummies for defenders to run over?
6. Power runners are yet to be limited even more just like defenders
Proposed bylaw changes
1. union
2. duh
3. final roster cutdown date one day earlier - disagree longer would be better for players on the bubble not an additional day to find a job
New points of emphasis
1. Mandatory thigh and knee pads. its a uniform duh
2. Fields must be maintained up to NFL standards? always should have been

The NFL is going nuts and thinking about wrecking the game even further. Player made the choice to make football their profession and need to accept responsibility for the dangers of that job

Now if they really cared about each other owners and players would pay for insurance policies pool for all players by a percentage of there contract or profit margins for all players to be EQUALLY covered for injuries from playing the game.

Stop wrecking the game already.

lee909 03-16-2013 06:05 AM

Just make the players sign a waiver saying they understand the possible long term health rush and let them play some hard nosed football.Boxers and MMA fighter understand the risks as do Motorsport drivers,skiers etc.

Man up,play ball or find a new career

Seer1 03-16-2013 10:10 AM

Re: Competition Committee proposes 6 rule changes, 3 bylaw changes
I wonder if a field in New Jersey is going to be maintained up to NFL standards when it's frozen solid next February?

UK_WhoDat 03-16-2013 04:44 PM

Re: Competition Committee proposes 6 rule changes, 3 bylaw changes

1. A play that would have been automatically reviewed by instant replay will still be reviewed even if a coach throws his challenge flag. Any coach who challenges a play that he’s not permitted to challenge would be charged a timeout, and wouldn’t get his timeout back even if he wins the challenge, or would lose 15 yards if his team is out of timeouts. But the play itself will still be reviewed.

Seer1 03-16-2013 04:56 PM

Re: Competition Committee proposes 6 rule changes, 3 bylaw changes
1. A play that would have been automatically reviewed by instant replay will still be reviewed even if a coach throws his challenge flag. Any coach who challenges a play that he’s not permitted to challenge would be charged a timeout, and wouldn’t get his timeout back even if he wins the challenge, or would lose 15 yards if his team is out of timeouts. But the play itself will still be reviewed.

Okay, I dare someone to explain this to me. If the play is going to be reviewed anyway, who cares if someone throws a red hankie on the field? Why not just hand it back and say "Thanks! We've got his one covered."?

spkb25 03-16-2013 05:44 PM

Re: Competition Committee proposes 6 rule changes, 3 bylaw changes
and goodouche ruins league

SloMotion 03-17-2013 05:03 AM

Re: Competition Committee proposes 6 rule changes, 3 bylaw changes

Originally Posted by Seer1 (Post 487050)
1. A play that would have been automatically reviewed by instant replay will still be reviewed even if a coach throws his challenge flag. Any coach who challenges a play that he’s not permitted to challenge would be charged a timeout, and wouldn’t get his timeout back even if he wins the challenge, or would lose 15 yards if his team is out of timeouts. But the play itself will still be reviewed.

Okay, I dare someone to explain this to me. If the play is going to be reviewed anyway, who cares if someone throws a red hankie on the field? Why not just hand it back and say "Thanks! We've got his one covered."?

I think it has something to do with the fact that Jim Schwartz (DET) has done it more then once and indicated he's done it just to show his displeasure with the officiating crew, hence it being referred to as the "Jim Schwartz" rule ... so maybe it's a 'respect towards the officials' thing. I guess the good ol' days of just throwing the clipboard & spouting obscenities are gone for good, <sigh>.

Seer1 03-17-2013 09:37 AM

Re: Competition Committee proposes 6 rule changes, 3 bylaw changes

Originally Posted by SloMotion (Post 487169)
I think it has something to do with the fact that Jim Schwartz (DET) has done it more then once and indicated he's done it just to show his displeasure with the officiating crew, hence it being referred to as the "Jim Schwartz" rule ... so maybe it's a 'respect towards the officials' thing. I guess the good ol' days of just throwing the clipboard & spouting obscenities are gone for good, <sigh>.

No offense Slo, but I just don't get the rule in the first place. The change in it makes a little bit of sense, but why is it there to begin with? Just another place to give the tiny dicked guys the chance to boss other guys around just because they can maybe?

SloMotion 03-17-2013 10:09 AM

Re: Competition Committee proposes 6 rule changes, 3 bylaw changes

Originally Posted by Seer1 (Post 487225)
No offense Slo, but I just don't get the rule in the first place. The change in it makes a little bit of sense, but why is it there to begin with? Just another place to give the tiny dicked guys the chance to boss other guys around just because they can maybe?

Yeah, none taken :mrgreen: ... it was a confusing rule in the first place & you would think it's a no-brainer not to throw the challenge when they already had the 'all scoring plays would be reviewed' rule in effect, but I think it specifically cost the Lions a game the last time Schwartz threw the flag on a scoring play, making it un-reviewable under the current rule, so now they modify it to allow the play to be reviewed, but still hand out some kind of penalty to the coach who insists on throwing the flag, without costing the team a score ... at least, that's how I'm interpreting it. Ford is a big sponsor of the NFL, so I'm sure DET was in the front office pushing for some kind of ruling on this.

I agree with your original point of just handing the flag back or maybe call the coach a 'bonehead' and throw the flag back, but I guess it's not that simple anymore in today's over-regulated NFL.

Seer1 03-17-2013 10:53 AM

Re: Competition Committee proposes 6 rule changes, 3 bylaw changes
Yeah, the juices get flowing and the refs make a really bad call, as they did on that play. How can you stop yourself? I'd have thrown it. I just wonder what they were thinking that they had to put that rule in the books to begin with.

lee909 03-17-2013 11:26 AM

Re: Competition Committee proposes 6 rule changes, 3 bylaw changes
Matt Forte Matt Forte ‏@MattForte22
The proposed rule change for running backs might be the most absurd suggestion of a rule change I've ever heard of.
In order to lower ur shoulder u obviously have to lower ur head. It's a way of protecting ur self from a tackler and a way to break tackles
U can't change the instinctive nature of running the football.

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