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saintz08 09-14-2004 10:33 AM

-- McAllister's Woes --
-- McAllister's Woes --
Tue Sep 14, 2004 --from

The Times-Picayune reports Saints HC Jim Haslett attributed RB Deuce McAllister's rushing woes to a combination of factors, including Seattle's early lead, less than authoritative running by McAllister and inconsistent blocking, in particular by Williams. The coach said it's too early to abandon the two-tight end, one-back set as the primary offensive personnel package. Still, the problems were concerning enough that McAllister spoke to coaches Monday about the attack's inefficiency. The result: a plan to use FB Mike Karney on more early downs and implement more of the power plays that have been the staple of the rushing attack in recent years. "We're going to go back to what we do best," Haslett said.

Boccal 09-14-2004 10:38 AM

-- McAllister's Woes --
WOW look at Jim go....... Finally understands at least one thing about football when you have a back that runs for 1600 yards you don\'t go and change the running game up.

saintz08 09-14-2004 11:15 AM

-- McAllister's Woes --

Still, the problems were concerning enough that McAllister spoke to coaches Monday about the attack\'s inefficiency.
Do you think Duece is drawing little X\'s and O\'s for McCarthy and Hasbeen as he explains the offense to the two of them ?? ...... ;)

Danno 09-14-2004 11:26 AM

-- McAllister's Woes --

...less than authoritative running by McAllister
WOW, maybe I don\'t just have something against Deuce. Maybe I did actually notice something.

I mentioned a similar thing about him last year and was promptly pummelled by a mass of Deuce worshippers.

Too many Saints fans think this guy is Jim Brown, Walter Payton and Emmit Smith all rolled into one.

He pouts when things don\'t go well, he looks much slower than he has in previous years, he\'s beginning to have a fumbling problem, he stuttersteps in the backfield too much and his feild vision isn\'t exactly 20-20. I see him cut right when left was wide open and vise versa. I don\'t even think he\'s a top 10 RB anymore.

I wonder if that bar fight where he hurt his eye has damaged any of his peripheral vision?

Even with all that I still think he\'s our best player, just something doesn\'t look right to me. IMHO!!!

D_it_up 09-14-2004 12:27 PM

-- McAllister's Woes --
Here\'s another stick to beat that dead horse with, Danno. The one you\'ve got has a crack in it. :P

Euphoria 09-14-2004 01:02 PM

-- McAllister's Woes --
This goes to an earlier post of mine... Listening to the players and getting what they need to be successful. Great to hear they listen to Deuce.

CheramieIII 09-14-2004 01:09 PM

-- McAllister's Woes --
Jim knows if he does\'nt fix this soon it\'s over and a great move on his part.

WhoDat 09-14-2004 08:27 PM

-- McAllister's Woes --

WOW look at Jim go....... Finally understands at least one thing about football when you have a back that runs for 1600 yards you don\'t go and change the running game up.
Yeah - if it ain\'t broke don\'t fix it...

Of course this is PERFECTLY typical of the JIM HASLETT era. He usually waits until the offseason before he abandons last year\'s perfect plan though. With his job on the line, his inconsistency in picking a strategy is escalating. Scary.

Danno 09-17-2004 07:29 PM

-- McAllister's Woes --

Here\'s another stick to beat that dead horse with, Danno. The one you\'ve got has a crack in it. :P
Yeah, the 4 times I\'ve mentioned it is getting about as annoying as the AB debates huh?
I believe beating a dead horse would require more than 4 comments on the issue.

It might be that the Deuce worshippers may be a bit too offended, methinks. ;)

You can bury your heads in the sand if you want but he simply isn\'t the runner he was 2 years ago, for whatever reason. Bad O-line? Pouty attitude? Less than stellar work ethic? Bad play calling? Bad field vision? Teammates not stepping up time and time again?

If this guy was named Brooks there\'d be 500 posters all over him calling him every name in the book.

There are several reasons for his slump, and ONE I pointed out is getting slammed as beating a dead horse?

I humbly disagree. There is trouble in paradise.

BTW: I did state he is still our best player, so its not like I\'m calling out for him to be benched, just called out thats all. Parcells would have no problem calling him out.

FrenzyFan 09-18-2004 10:22 AM

-- McAllister's Woes --
I normally say only good things about Deuce, but I think he is being a bit of a punk lately. He needs to address the running game with the coaches, not the press. Even worse is his recently reported complaining about the hit that Trufant laid on him. I don\'t like the way Trufant went for Deuce\'s knees either, but again you don\'t go whining about it to the press.

Not sure what is up with our (until recently) silent and deadly running back....

BrooksMustGo 09-18-2004 10:34 AM

-- McAllister's Woes --

These past few weeks leave me convinced that Deuce has made a realization: this organization is happy to be mediocre. Seems to me that Deuce is hungry and has no desire to play for a mediocre team that doesn\'t seem to want to get better. It also reads like frustration for one of the premier backs in the league to have to work against the coaching staff to try and win games. Reading between the lines, it seems like Deuce doesn\'t think the coaches are listening, so he\'s going to the fans. At any rate, he really doesn\'t seem happy. I\'m scared for his future with this team.


WhoDat 09-19-2004 09:07 AM

-- McAllister's Woes --

I\'m just wondering about something - all this Deuce is no good talk, what is it based on? Sure, the guy didn\'t exactly light it up at the end of last season when we played 3 of 4 games against top 5 run defenses in the league. The one game we didn\'t? Deuce had a 100 yards.

Sure he lpayed poorly in week 1, but the entire offense did too. He had a similarly poor game in week 1 against the same team last season, and then clicked off 1600 yards. That\'s gotta be the best year for a Saints RB in 20 years... if not ever. I\'m just wondering where you\'re coming from on this. If Deuce isn\'t a top 10 RB than you need to point at McCarthy, b/c there is no doubt that the guy is a top ten talent.

Cassady37 09-19-2004 09:35 AM

-- McAllister's Woes --
I have to agree with BMG on this one. Deuce has always been a gamer but let\'s face it, the life of a RB in the NFL is not a long one. He\'s given us the yards we have needed on the ground to stabilize a sputtering offense and I think he\'s starting to get frustrated. Players aren\'t as stupid as some would have us believe, they are the first to see if something isn\'t going to work. He probably felt this way back during preseason but wanted to give it a chance before he said anything. He\'s not the only one complaining about the new offensive scheme, analysts, fans, other players and the press are also complaining. The only difference is, he\'s the one getting pounded by 300lb. defensive lineman and we all have the luxury of sitting here, in the comfort of our seats, drinking a cold one, not worrying if the next play is the end of our career because some idiot Ofeensive Coordinator decides, \"what the ****, we don\'t need a fullback, let\'s try something completely different because I don\'t know what I\'m doing anyways.\" I say, \"Geaux Deuce and may the football gods smile upon you!\"

saintfan 09-19-2004 12:13 PM

-- McAllister's Woes --
Tell ya what. Deuce needs to quite worrying about the full back and start worrying about holdin\' on to the stupid football. Two games...two fumbles...and counting.

saintfan 09-19-2004 12:20 PM

-- McAllister's Woes --

I\'m just wondering about something - all this Deuce is no good talk, what is it based on?
Count the games, yards, and fumbles so far for your answer.


Sure he lpayed poorly in week 1, but the entire offense did too.
This was never an acceptable argument when you were bashing Brooks last year.


That\'s gotta be the best year for a Saints RB in 20 years
Brooks, by the time he\'s finished, will have broken every passing record the Saints have, and likely some NFL ones too. This never made a difference in the Brooks debate, so, why should it matter where Deuce is concerned?


I\'m just wondering where you\'re coming from on this. If Deuce isn\'t a top 10 RB than you need to point at McCarthy, b/c there is no doubt that the guy is a top ten talent.
Following your argument, Deuce is top 10, but his teammates need to perform or he can\'t. Once again, this argument never held water where the Brooks debate was concerned.

I know where Danno is comin\' from. So do you. It\'s time to be honest. What\'s good for the goose is good for the gander. Eh Whodat? ;)

saintfan 09-19-2004 12:25 PM

-- McAllister's Woes --
Now we have a real the game. Bet we start running successfully now.


cornstarch 09-19-2004 12:34 PM

-- McAllister's Woes --
Deuce just needs to get started early and if so he will be great for the rest of the game.

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