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ScottyRo 09-17-2004 10:29 AM

Saints-Niners predictions w/ score
Saints 20
49ers 12

CheramieIII 09-17-2004 03:37 PM

Saints-Niners predictions w/ score
Hey BnB, why do you always predict a score that is way out there? Are you afraid to put your reputation on the line or something like that? :yes:

blackroses 09-17-2004 03:43 PM

Saints-Niners predictions w/ score
hmmm intresting someone is saying the niners will be shutout i hope so if so i\'m goin out for a pitcher of beeR two shots of rumple mintz, and two shots of crown. I hope someone is nice enough to take me home i\'ll be passed out on the street walking up the hill home. Well i guess thats the good thing about Downtown Youngstown ohio you can walk the streets as late as you wish don\'t do it on the north,south, or east sides of town though especially if your white. Anyhow Euphoria are you aware that the last time the saints shut anyone out was the Jets in 95.

The score was
Saints 12
Jets 0

[Edited on 17/9/2004 by blackroses]

[Edited on 17/9/2004 by blackroses]

[Edited on 17/9/2004 by blackroses]

[Edited on 17/9/2004 by blackroses]

[Edited on 17/9/2004 by blackroses]

CheramieIII 09-17-2004 04:49 PM

Saints-Niners predictions w/ score
Hey Blackroses, you must have a real potty mouth to get your ill sh@@ edited like that!

BlackandBlue 09-17-2004 07:26 PM

Saints-Niners predictions w/ score
My reputation? That went down the toilet a long time ago, just ask anyone from the old crew :flush:

Danno 09-17-2004 07:46 PM

Saints-Niners predictions w/ score
I say the defense is all over SF and remind several of us of the good ole Zook days.
The WR\'s and TE\'s actually catch some balls,
Deuce finally explodes behind a stud FB and an embarrassed O-line,

Saints blow them out, and still get no respect from the media or their own fans, and I\'m not saying they should yet either...

Saints 31,
Niners 17

whodatsaintsfan26 09-18-2004 12:43 PM

Saints-Niners predictions w/ score
The niners are the worst team in the league. The Saints will get the win easily.
Saints 33
S.F. 12

blackroses 09-18-2004 03:37 PM

Saints-Niners predictions w/ score
No Charamielll just really bad grammar. Thats why I edited it that much couldn\'t get certain things lined up right. Doesn\'t help when your trying to post a message while drunk on shots of Crown Royal, rupple mintz, and 1800 tequila either.

blackroses 09-18-2004 03:41 PM

Saints-Niners predictions w/ score
Owe yeah the last year of Zook Saints had 64 sacks in a season. The saints almost broke the record for sacks in the season held bye the 85 chicago bears with 72 sacks in a season.

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