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Saint_LB 09-18-2004 06:29 AM

More Brooks
A lot of people can't seem to understand.....why do they hate Brooks so much? Well, I can't speak for everyone, but I can speak for myself. I don't like him because of the way he reacts to adversity....yeah....the smiling thing. When things are not going well, I don't like to get glimpses of the jerk over there smiling like, "Whatever!!"" I don't like the way he pouts about things like not making the pro-bowl, and at the same time he couldn't even get his team into the playoffs. Some people will say it is a racial thing, and, in a way, it is. You see...I don't have to like Brooks, like some people may feel. Some people may feel like, "Hey, he's the great Black hope for some of us...we have to stay united on this one!!" Well, that ain't the case for me. I don't feel compelled to stand behind him blunder after blunder. Nope, I don't have to, and I won't.

Danno 09-18-2004 08:53 AM

More Brooks
Lets all just pick one and be done with it...
I hate Brooks because of ...
E-He\'s not Jake

UK_WhoDat 09-18-2004 09:24 AM

More Brooks
Hate is a bit strong. I am pretty dissed off with him, for sure.
But I go for A- attitude.
I believe his heart is there.
Probably has talent; but does not deliver consistently - with a little help from his friends; i.e. wide recievers, offensive line, MCCARTHY!!!!.
Sometimes shows leadership - like the rest of our senior players really.
Couldn\'t give a damn he is not Jake. I liked Jake when he was here. Thought he did not get a faor chance particularly when AB was hurting. But Jake is history I am no longer interested in.
WHEN McCarthy goes, whoever is at QB (and primary running back) will play better.

BrooksMustGo 09-18-2004 10:03 AM

More Brooks

Lets all just pick one and be done with it...
I hate Brooks because of ...
E-He\'s not Jake
These are fairly broad categories. I don\'t agree with the Jake part. I would add intelligence, lack of team orientation and inability to make all the throws to the list though.


spkb25 09-18-2004 10:07 AM

More Brooks
hes better then jake and has plenty of talent. he was immature but i think he has grown up. anytime u throw 24 td\'s and only 8 int\'s ur pretty damn good. n im aware of the fumbles. that was really bad. but talking about his ability and talent he has plenty. hes going to be a good qb for a long time

blackroses 09-18-2004 03:54 PM

More Brooks
I hate brooks because he back peddles like fifteen yards before scrambling and ends up sacked. Whatever happened too the 1 2 3 drop. If your primary receiver is not open dump it off too your back or tighend over the middle if he is open or if there is a running lane take it. If nothing is open throw it away. The electricity must not go too his brain fast enough too comprehend what the defense is doing for the 1 2 3 drop. Instead he would rather backpeddle 15 yards than try too outrun everyone decides taking the clearily visible running lane. I understand the Nfl game is faster than what your watching on tv but still starting qbs must atleast be able too find the running lane atleast 90 percent of the time.

blackroses 09-18-2004 03:59 PM

More Brooks
I think I add insticts too that list which would be F.
As far as the smiling thing it really does not bother me because if you show frustration than everyone else will be frustrated. Maybe he is doing an endorsement for Colgate. Everytime he smiles he gets money endorsements from Colgate.

I hate brooks because of his instincts which would be F.

[Edited on 18/9/2004 by blackroses]

Danno 09-18-2004 05:46 PM

More Brooks


Lets all just pick one and be done with it...
I hate Brooks because of ...
E-He\'s not Jake
These are fairly broad categories. I don\'t agree with the Jake part. I would add intelligence, lack of team orientation and inability to make all the throws to the list though.

Intelligence? And you have a Kerry/Edwards sig?
Sad really sad, but it explains a lot.

[Edited on 18/9/2004 by Danno]

BrooksMustGo 09-18-2004 08:44 PM

More Brooks

Intelligence? And you have a Kerry/Edwards sig?
Sad really sad, but it explains a lot.
As this is a football forum, I\'ll spare everyone a long discussion on the relative merits of the 2 candidates, but you\'ll have to explain to me why on earth I\'d vote for the Shrub.

1. He\'s grown the deficit faster than any administration in history.
2. He\'s presided over the largest loss of jobs since Hoover.
3. Bush\'s own plan to reduce the deficit depends on his tax cuts ending, but he wants to make them permanent--what gives?
4. 1000+ soldiers and marines dead and Iraq looking worse every day.
5. Enron, Halliburton, et al.
6. When he ran in 2000 and oil ran at $28 a barrel, he said it was the president\'s job to \"jawbone OPEC into opening the spigots\", but now that oil is going between $45-50 a barrel, there isn\'t a peep from the white house.
7. He seems determined to preside over some sort of theocracy/holy war and the entire Islamic world is up in arms--why is it I don\'t feel safer?
8. Real wages aren\'t even in shouting distance of keeping up with inflation, but consumer debt and bankruptcy are about to sink a lot of folks.
9. If the republicans are \"conservatives\", what exactly are they conserving?
10. The republicans control 3 branches of government and this is the best they can do?

So it makes perfect sense to post a little banner here and there.

Now back to football. If you\'re going to defend Brooks then defend him, but spare me the GOP talking points. :nono:

saintfan 09-18-2004 08:59 PM

More Brooks
Oh my the things I could say, but you\'re right. This here is a football forum. Let\'s keep the politics et al to the \"Everything Else\" forum fellas. Gracias.

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