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The Dude 08-18-2013 09:47 PM

Re: Swearinger says rules made him hit Keller low
Lets put out an offensive bounty.

Tobias-Reiper 08-19-2013 12:27 AM

Re: Swearinger says rules made him hit Keller low

Originally Posted by lee909 (Post 518258)
(Language Warning on audio)
Beast Mode | Manu Tuilagi - YouTube

Damn.. you can see the ***** tits a mile away.

Tobias-Reiper 08-19-2013 12:29 AM

Re: Swearinger says rules made him hit Keller low
This is tackling:

Saintaintso 08-19-2013 01:07 AM

Re: Swearinger says rules made him hit Keller low

Saintaintso 08-19-2013 01:08 AM

Re: Swearinger says rules made him hit Keller low
He needs to straighten his pad level out to make sure he doesn't hyper extend his back ... The ball carrier should be doing the bending

nola_swammi 08-19-2013 02:19 AM

Re: Swearinger says rules made him hit Keller low
Ben Watson or graham should blindside block him for 4 quarters (go for his knees)

domepatrol91 08-19-2013 09:29 AM

Re: Swearinger says rules made him hit Keller low
Very unfortunate, but this is football, injuries happen. Swearinger shouldn't feel the need to defend the hit and I'm shocked at the number of people who are fired up about this. Hits like this happen in every game and if Keller wasn't hurt nobody would've said a word. People are upset because of the outcome, not because of the hit.

homerj07 08-19-2013 05:19 PM

Re: Swearinger says rules made him hit Keller low

Originally Posted by rezburna (Post 518229)
Yep. Good hit, unfortunate result. I'm willing to wager that if he hit him in the waist and blew him up he would've got flagged for hitting a defenseless receiver. A little bit higher then the waist and we got a helmet to helmet. Push him with his forearm and there's another flag. I cant tell you how many tackles I've seen like that. I would jump for joy if the Saints made more tackles like that. I'll never forget the day I was 7 or 8 and the other team put a big 100 pound boy at running back. I'm only like 40 pounds. Coach told us all, hit them legs. He'll go down. We hit them legs, he went back to defensive tackle. Its football

So you are saying that the only legal tackle was his legs?

I don't know football - I played Rugby in college.

No it was not close to as serious as NCAA or NFL - I get that. BUT I never intentionally tried to hurt anyone. EVER.

Hell the 2 teams would beat on each for 2 hours & then go to the nearest bar & drink & sing & eat.

rezburna 08-19-2013 05:27 PM

Re: Swearinger says rules made him hit Keller low

Originally Posted by homerj07 (Post 518506)
So you are saying that the only legal tackle was his legs?

I don't know football - I played Rugby in college.

No it was not close to as serious as NCAA or NFL - I get that. BUT I never intentionally tried to hurt anyone. EVER.

Hell the 2 teams would beat on each for 2 hours & then go to the nearest bar & drink & sing & eat.

I'm saying whether it was a legal hit or not, refs are throwing flags and Goodell is throwing out fines. In all honesty, they don't want you hitting players in the position that Keller was in at all. They want you to allow Keller to turn his head, get his feet on the ground, and start his movement forward before you touch him.

I can't even believe that people want to consider this a dirty hit or the wrong play to make. My God men are sounding like girls.

QB's used to protect their receivers from these situations. Throwing passes like that was called "hanging your receiver out to dry." Now you're expected to make every catch regardless the traffic and whoever's coming to hit you. So now people want to make sure receivers make these difficult catches without getting knocked out. It completely sucks for the defense.

And I don't think Swearinger was intentionally trying to tear his ACL. He tried to make a play. And you know what? He made that play. I commend him. Keep it up.

TheOak 08-19-2013 05:51 PM

Re: Swearinger says rules made him hit Keller low
Do you think he would have hit the same area in an inter squad scrimmage? You honestly think he would have hit Johnson in the knees?

That's what I thought. First you say it wasn't intentional, then it's a legal hit... Your all over the board trying to defend a career ending hit that could have been avoided while still stoping the receiver for 0 YAC.

And no. The only person that has a tendency to naturally the crown of his helmet is a RB when he because drops his pad level not because he is afraid of the contact.

Everyone else bends at the hips and knees so they don't miss the tackle.

rezburna 08-19-2013 06:00 PM

Re: Swearinger says rules made him hit Keller low

Originally Posted by TheOak (Post 518524)
Do you think he would have hit the same area in an inter squad scrimmage? You honestly think he would have hit Johnson in the knees?

That's what I thought. First you say it wasn't intentional, then it's a legal hit... Your all over the board trying to defend a career ending hit that could have been avoided while still stoping the receiver for 0 YAC.

So it has to be one or the other? It can't be both legal and done unintentionally? Have you considered that when asked about specific points I give answers specific to what was just asked?

And most teams don't allow you to hit low in an inter squad scrimmage. They tell you to stay up. And I'm pretty sure you don't have to worry about a fine for a big hit after a scrimmage game. So he probably would've went for the REAL kill shot. Which is the upper body.

So you're telling me you think Swearinger hit him with the intentions to try and end the mans career? Because I just saw a guy catch a punt, get blasted in the abdomen AFTER he caught the ball, and the defender get flagged; and my dad's a referee, so I immediately went crazy and he said that's just the rules now. And my first response was, so what, you want him to go low and blow the dudes knee out? And my dad said yeah, that's basically what's going to happen. So the fact that Swearinger decided to go low instead of high doesn't surprise me at all; and there's nothing wrong with it in the 1st place. If it's been such a problem and so dirty and such an epidemic where' the rule against it?

So we can sit up here and pretend like we haven't seen legal hit after legal hit get flagged and then the player later fined for the same hit if you want. But I guarantee you the players aren't pretending. And this will be the aftermath.

TheOak 08-19-2013 06:09 PM

Re: Swearinger says rules made him hit Keller low

Originally Posted by rezburna (Post 518530)

And most teams don't allow you to hit low in an inter squad scrimmage. They tell you to stay up.

And why would that be?

Trying to rationalize a hit that you your self asked your father about is not easy and your wasting your time on me. I don't simply flex because you change our frame or argument.... You know me better than that.

Hitting the body is not a kill shot, the knees are the weakest link on that frame.... And defensive backs know that. I'm saying that he knew exactly what the end result would be when he launched for those knees, if he didn't, he is an idiot.

rezburna 08-19-2013 06:17 PM

Re: Swearinger says rules made him hit Keller low

Originally Posted by TheOak (Post 518537)
And why would that be?

Trying to rationalize a hit that you your self asked your father about is not easy and your wasting your time on me. I don't simply flex because you change our frame or argument.... You know me better than that.

Hitting the body is not a kill shot, the knees are the weakest link on that frame.... And defensive backs know that. I'm saying that he knew exactly what the end result would be when he launched for those knees, if he didn't, he is an idiot.

Clean hit. Legal hit. No fine on the hit. I'll teach my son to hit like that. I hit like that. If he's scared to get hit like that he doesn't need to play. And the day they make it a rule you can only hit from the waist to the chest is when I'll change up. Good hit Swearinger. I wish you were a Saint. You made the tackle and dislodged the ball.

ChrisXVI 08-19-2013 06:57 PM

Re: Swearinger says rules made him hit Keller low
Don't mean to get in the middle of the debate here... But haven't our DB's been diving at ball carrier's legs for years now?! Only difference is our guys are missing. I've never seen any outrage here about how our guys must be trying to blow out people's knees.

TheOak 08-19-2013 09:40 PM

Re: Swearinger says rules made him hit Keller low
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by ChrisXVI (Post 518545)
Don't mean to get in the middle of the debate here... But haven't our DB's been diving at ball carrier's legs for years now?! Only difference is our guys are missing. I've never seen any outrage here about how our guys must be trying to blow out people's knees.

Perhaps you should try reading the threads... There are more than plenty of threads and comments about the lack of tackling, throwing them selves at WR legs. trying to spear... We have had a neck injury because of it the last two seasons running.

Attachment 7710

This car as a roof mounted, inverted, oscillating fan. Your agreement is invalid.

ChrisXVI 08-20-2013 05:20 AM

Re: Swearinger says rules made him hit Keller low

Originally Posted by TheOak (Post 518571)
Perhaps you should try reading the threads... There are more than plenty of threads and comments about the lack of tackling, throwing them selves at WR legs. trying to spear... We have had a neck injury because of it the last two seasons running.

Attachment 7710

This car as a roof mounted, inverted, oscillating fan. Your agreement is invalid.

Thanks for the advice, but I have read the threads and the comments about throwing themselves at WR legs is merely frustration about missing the tackle. No-one has ever once said we're being dirty and trying to take out knees.

Budsdrinker 08-20-2013 08:06 AM

Re: Swearinger says rules made him hit Keller low
The hit was unfortunate because it injured Keller but I don't have a problem with it. Looks to me like the DB lost his footing on the temporary grass field of Reliant and was falling down into him. He didn't launch his helmet into his knee he just hit him in that spot that you are most vulnerable.

xan 08-20-2013 09:14 AM

Re: Swearinger says rules made him hit Keller low
Mighty full bladders in this thread...

WillSaints81 08-20-2013 02:39 PM

Re: Swearinger says rules made him hit Keller low

Originally Posted by TheOak (Post 518211)
He makes a point you would expect a child to make....

"You told me to be quiet... so I let the house burn down".

Swearinger shouldn't be on a football field if trying to miss the head can only result in a knee for him.

There is a distance of around 4 feet between the head and the knee.... You don't have enough control to hit the middle?

Go to YouTube and search Swearinger hit.... He won't last long in the NFL.

We don't have to worry about him for a couple of seasons. But Davis, Cook, Boldin, Decker, Thomas, Gates, Brown, Floyd, Denarius, Bowe, TSmith, Clark, Gronk(if healthy), Wayne, Hilton, Heyward Bey, Britt(and his knees I feel bad for him lol) do this year and next year Maclin, Desean, Cruz, Nicks, Garcon, Davis(the other one), Wheaton, Brown(Antonio), Green, Gresham, Cameron, Gordon in addition to most that play him this year.

TheOak 08-20-2013 09:00 PM

Re: Swearinger says rules made him hit Keller low

Originally Posted by WillSaints81 (Post 518688)
We don't have to worry about him for a couple of seasons. But Davis, Cook, Boldin, Decker, Thomas, Gates, Brown, Floyd, Denarius, Bowe, TSmith, Clark, Gronk(if healthy), Wayne, Hilton, Heyward Bey, Britt(and his knees I feel bad for him lol) do this year and next year Maclin, Desean, Cruz, Nicks, Garcon, Davis(the other one), Wheaton, Brown(Antonio), Green, Gresham, Cameron, Gordon in addition to most that play him this year.

We have to worry about him Sunday hoss.

lee909 08-21-2013 02:16 AM

Re: Swearinger says rules made him hit Keller low

Originally Posted by TheOak (Post 518772)
We have to worry about him Sunday hoss.

Time for Kenny to see some offensive snaps abd light him up on a block

rezburna 08-21-2013 08:55 AM

Re: Swearinger says rules made him hit Keller low
Everybody go watch the Nick Bostic hit. The type of hit some wanted Swearinger to make, even though he's much smaller then Keller. Let me know if Bostic should've been fined, because he most definitely shouldn't have even though he was.

TheOak 08-22-2013 12:48 PM

Re: Swearinger says rules made him hit Keller low
From someone that doesn't whine or complain.... Or buy that BS.....

Here you go Rez.... Argue with Gonzo.

"Said Gonzalez: "I saw (Swearinger's) remark, 'That's just football,' and he showed a little bit of grief for the guy -- I'm not buying it at all. Don't tell me that the rules prohibit you from hitting a guy up top. You have a whole target area above his knee up to his neck that you can hit. I've watched that play a bunch of times."

BTW... He echoed what I said... Thighs to neck is a big enough target for anyone to hit.

rezburna 08-22-2013 11:26 PM

Re: Swearinger says rules made him hit Keller low

Originally Posted by TheOak (Post 519124)
From someone that doesn't whine or complain.... Or buy that BS.....

Here you go Rez.... Argue with Gonzo.

"Said Gonzalez: "I saw (Swearinger's) remark, 'That's just football,' and he showed a little bit of grief for the guy -- I'm not buying it at all. Don't tell me that the rules prohibit you from hitting a guy up top. You have a whole target area above his knee up to his neck that you can hit. I've watched that play a bunch of times."

Tony Gonzalez angry at 'ridiculous' hit on Dustin Keller -

BTW... He echoed what I said... Thighs to neck is a big enough target for anyone to hit.

And Bostic just got fined for hitting with in that area. I don't care what an offensive player has to say. IDC that he wants to pretend like every player wasn't taught to hit low when facing a bigger target. IDC that everybody wants to pretend like Swearinger's style of tackle hasn't been a staple in the NFL for decades and nobody ever said anything. Keller isn't the 1st person to get his knee blew out from a low hit. Everybody see's hits like Bostic's get fined and this is what you get. The dude didn't aim deliberately for the knee. That play happened in a matter of seconds. Its just bad luck. Gonzalez can save it. I hope Harper hits him like that.

TheOak 08-23-2013 07:29 AM

Re: Swearinger says rules made him hit Keller low

Originally Posted by rezburna (Post 519222)
And Bostic just got fined for hitting with in that area. I don't care what an offensive player has to say. IDC that he wants to pretend like every player wasn't taught to hit low when facing a bigger target. IDC that everybody wants to pretend like Swearinger's style of tackle hasn't been a staple in the NFL for decades and nobody ever said anything. Keller isn't the 1st person to get his knee blew out from a low hit. Everybody see's hits like Bostic's get fined and this is what you get. The dude didn't aim deliberately for the knee. That play happened in a matter of seconds. Its just bad luck. Gonzalez can save it. I hope Harper hits him like that.

It's obvious "YDC", either reality plays no part in your opinion or you blindly stick to emotional decisions. You "hope Harper hits Gonzo in the knees"? You lack sportsmanship and all that goes along with it.

You say "the dude didn't aim deliberately for the knee".... You even try to argue with Swearinger. Swearinger went public to justify what he did, he stated he selected his hit spot, then explained that it was premeditated.

jeanpierre 08-23-2013 07:41 AM

Re: Swearinger says rules made him hit Keller low
What damages Swearinger's case is that he's been disciplined for illegal hits before this situation...

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