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subguy 10-04-2004 11:21 AM

Calling all sunshiners...
Dude he had a Kerry up there and it wasn\'t the appropriate time to do the \"farmer\'s blow\".

WhoDat 10-05-2004 04:58 PM

Calling all sunshiners...

Interestingly enough, there was no mention of Brooks in that posting. Once again, you overlook what was said to fit your little jihad.
Best quote of the day.... :)

Your AB agenda is SO clear 08, that it shines through even when you\'re not talking about him. LMAO.

saintfan 10-05-2004 07:27 PM

Calling all sunshiners...

Your AB agenda is SO clear 08, that it shines through even when you\'re not talking about him. LMAO
You know what they say about imitation Whodat. You\'ve got a long way to go. LMAO

Oh, and 08\'s agenda is clear. You\'d have to be blind to miss it.


CheramieIII 10-05-2004 08:39 PM

Calling all sunshiners...
We know one thing for sure Brooks will continue to fumble the ball in the most important situations of all. Time for a trade.

WhoDat 10-06-2004 07:47 AM

Calling all sunshiners...
So Saintfan - let me get this clear - it is OK for YOU to read into 08\'s posts things that were not said or really even implied, because you think you know the underlying motivation for the post. On the other hand, suggesting that there is something wrong with the coach or front office of this team when there are mounds of evidence from players\' comments, to expert opinions in the media, to simple observation and analysis translates into people like ME having an agenda. See any hypocracy or inconcistency there?

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