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SmashMouth 09-13-2013 09:27 AM

'Duck Dynasty' star and New Orleans Saints coach Sean Payton become art partners
1 Attachment(s)
Sean Payton, the much beloved head coach of the New Orleans Saints, and Phil Robertson, an equally revered star of the reality television show "Duck Dynasty," have joined forces with popular New Orleans artist Michael Hunt to produce a pair of posters that bear the slogan: “Faith, Family, Football and Duck Hunting.”

There may be pretentious art critics out there in the harsh world of the Internet who will decry these stirring artworks as a transparent celebrity marketing ploy. But I remind them that some misguided people in 16th-century Florence are said to have thrown tomatoes at Michelangelo’s statue of David when it was revealed. And heaven knows, reactionary academics made sport of Monet and Picasso at the starts of their careers. Critics can be so off base.

The truth is, Hunt, Payton and Robertson have carefully blended symbolic elements including a camouflaged football helmet, a fleur-de-lis, French Quarter wrought iron and ascending mallards into a heart-warming gumbo of Louisiana inspiration. But the artwork’s appeal is not merely emotional. The taut psychological incongruence of the posters is so acute that surrealist Salvador Dali would have been proud.

Note: I realize that the use of the word gumbo as a metaphor is a cliche, but the above paragraph seemed to demand it.

Hunt appears to have done the actual work in designing and producing the handsome (honestly, I've seen a whole lot worse) artwork. Payton and Robertson mostly just sign the posters, thereby boosting their value. Payton and Robertson also have been invited to sign the new Roy Lichtenstein sculpture that will be installed at the New Orleans Museum of Art this fall, the future Cesar Pelli-designed wing of Armstrong International Airport and all the graffiti tags visible from St. Claude Avenue.

OK, that last part was a joke.

Signed posters are available online, starting at $250. I predict a huge success.

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jeanpierre 09-13-2013 09:38 AM

Re: 'Duck Dynasty' star and New Orleans Saints coach Sean Payton become art partners
In reference to the statement evoking "Michelangelo’s statue of David", I respectfully reserve doubt this will be mistaken as fine art...

...but I sincerely wish Coach Payton, the Robertsons, and artist Mike Hunt ;) every success on their new venture... well as joy to the patrons who acquire the art to hang next to their Velvet Elvis...

Rugby Saint II 09-13-2013 01:19 PM

Re: 'Duck Dynasty' star and New Orleans Saints coach Sean Payton become art partners

Originally Posted by jeanpierre (Post 527109)
In reference to the statement evoking "Michelangelo’s statue of David", I respectfully reserve doubt this will be mistaken as fine art...

...but I sincerely wish Coach Payton, the Robertsons, and artist Mike Hunt ;) every success on their new venture... well as joy to the patrons who acquire the art to hang next to their Velvet Elvis...

Velvet Elvis..............ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha............

QBREES9 09-13-2013 11:12 PM

Re: 'Duck Dynasty' star and New Orleans Saints coach Sean Payton become art partners
Velvet Elvis..............ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha............

Tobias-Reiper 09-13-2013 11:32 PM

Re: 'Duck Dynasty' star and New Orleans Saints coach Sean Payton become art partners

Originally Posted by SmashMouth (Post 527106)
Sean Payton, the much beloved head coach of the New Orleans Saints, and Phil Robertson, an equally revered star of the reality television show "Duck Dynasty,"

I'm turning in my passport and moving to Switzerland

jeanpierre 09-14-2013 05:47 AM

Re: 'Duck Dynasty' star and New Orleans Saints coach Sean Payton become art partners
Sean Payton continues to give to South Louisiana...

And this is pure joy in the making...

First practice video with your iPhone, or simple recording device...

Tell a girlfriend, spouse, a real focused friend you're a little shy (really sell the humble pie)... geaux with you to a local gallery, frame shop, Michael's, Hobby Lobby...

...and ask the attendant for paintings of Mike Hunt (Porky's Reference, Say Name out-loud)!

Sean Payton and Pee Wee must have hung out at Margarittaville during exile ;)

homerj07 09-14-2013 01:09 PM

Re: 'Duck Dynasty' star and New Orleans Saints coach Sean Payton become art partners
Not much of a DD fan. In fact not much a fan of any reality tv.

I do like art, in general, but this is not my style.

jeanpierre 09-14-2013 07:45 PM

Re: 'Duck Dynasty' star and New Orleans Saints coach Sean Payton become art partners
Duck Dynasty is a trip...

I can't stand "reality" television; but this show is pretty funny...

And I like how Phil has the family pray at the end of every show just to stick it to "Politically Correct Yuppies"...

halfmoon61 09-14-2013 08:18 PM

Re: 'Duck Dynasty' star and New Orleans Saints coach Sean Payton become art partners
Not sure about the "art" part, but Duck Dynasty is funny stuff. Don't watch "reality TV", and I'm sure that show is staged also, but Si is in a league of his own.

jeanpierre 09-14-2013 08:22 PM

Re: 'Duck Dynasty' star and New Orleans Saints coach Sean Payton become art partners
Uncle Si - you can't write a better character...

I thought I saw Willie on the sidelines at the Falcons game...

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