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saintfan 09-17-2013 05:29 PM

Re: 2013 BlackandGold Pick 'Em - Wk #3
Week 3

Kansas City at Philadelphia
Houston at Baltimore
Detroit at Washington
San Diego at Tennessee
Arizona at New Orleans
Tampa Bay at New England
Cleveland at Minnesota
N.Y. Giants at Carolina
Green Bay at Cincinnati
St. Louis at Dallas
Atlanta at Miami
Buffalo at N.Y. Jets
Jacksonville at Seattle
Indianapolis at San Francisco
Chicago at Pittsburgh
Oakland at Denver

12-4 last week.

23-9 overall.

RaginCajun83 09-18-2013 08:05 AM

Re: 2013 BlackandGold Pick 'Em - Wk #3
9-7 last week, 18-14 overall

Week 3

Kansas City at Philadelphia
Houston at Baltimore
Detroit at Washington
San Diego at Tennessee
Arizona at New Orleans
Tampa Bay at New England
Cleveland at Minnesota
N.Y. Giants at Carolina
Green Bay at Cincinnati
St. Louis at Dallas
Atlanta at Miami
Buffalo at N.Y. Jets
Jacksonville at Seattle
Indianapolis at San Francisco
Chicago at Pittsburgh
Oakland at Denver

UK_WhoDat 09-18-2013 08:17 AM

Re: 2013 BlackandGold Pick 'Em - Wk #3
Week 1: 8-8
Week 2: 11-5

Overall: 19-13

Kansas City at Philadelphia
Houston at Baltimore
Detroit at Washington
San Diego at Tennessee
Arizona at New Orleans
Tampa Bay at New England
Cleveland at Minnesota
N.Y. Giants at Carolina
Green Bay at Cincinnati
St. Louis at Dallas
Atlanta at Miami
Buffalo at N.Y. Jets
Jacksonville at Seattle
Indianapolis at San Francisco
Chicago at Pittsburgh
Oakland at Denver

Mardigras9 09-18-2013 10:46 AM

Re: 2013 BlackandGold Pick 'Em - Wk #3
Week 3

Kansas City at Philadelphia - KC
Houston at Baltimore - Balt
Detroit at Washington - Detroit
San Diego at Tennessee - San D
Arizona at New Orleans - N.O.
Tampa Bay at New England - N.E
Cleveland at Minnesota - Minn
N.Y. Giants at Carolina - N.Y.
Green Bay at Cincinnati - GB
St. Louis at Dallas - Dallas
Atlanta at Miami - Miami
Buffalo at N.Y. Jets - Buffalo
Jacksonville at Seattle - Seattle
Indianapolis at San Francisco - San Fran
Chicago at Pittsburgh - Chicago
Oakland at Denver - Denver

Srgt. Hulka 09-19-2013 05:54 PM

Re: 2013 BlackandGold Pick 'Em - Wk #3
Week 3

Kansas City at Philadelphia - KC
Houston at Baltimore - Hou
Detroit at Washington - Det
San Diego at Tennessee - Tenn
Arizona at New Orleans - NO
Tampa Bay at New England - NE
Cleveland at Minnesota - Minni
N.Y. Giants at Carolina - NY
Green Bay at Cincinnati - GB
St. Louis at Dallas - Dal
Atlanta at Miami - Mia
Buffalo at N.Y. Jets - Buff
Jacksonville at Seattle - Sea
Indianapolis at San Francisco - SF
Chicago at Pittsburgh - Chi
Oakland at Denver - Den

DISPLACEDFAN 09-19-2013 06:16 PM

Re: 2013 BlackandGold Pick 'Em - Wk #3
Kansas City at Philadelphia---KC
Houston at Baltimore---BALT
Detroit at Washington--- WASH
San Diego at Tennessee--- SD
Arizona at New Orleans--- NO
Tampa Bay at New England--- NE
Cleveland at Minnesota--- MINN
N.Y. Giants at Carolina--- NYG
Green Bay at Cincinnati--- GB
St. Louis at Dallas --- DAL
Atlanta at Miami--- MIA
Buffalo at N.Y. Jets-BUF
Jacksonville at Seattle--- SEA- LOCK OF THE WEEK
Indianapolis at San Francisco--- SF
Chicago at Pittsburgh--- CHI
Oakland at Denver --- DEN

WEEK 1=9-7 WEEK 2=11-5 OVERALL=20-12

Utah_Saint 09-19-2013 06:44 PM

Re: 2013 BlackandGold Pick 'Em - Wk #3
Week 3

12-4 last week
21-11 overall

Kansas City at Philadelphia
Houston at Baltimore
Detroit at Washington
San Diego at Tennessee
Arizona at New Orleans
Tampa Bay at New England
Cleveland at Minnesota
N.Y. Giants at Carolina
Green Bay at Cincinnati
St. Louis at Dallas
Atlanta at Miami
Buffalo at N.Y. Jets
Jacksonville at Seattle
Indianapolis at San Francisco
Chicago at Pittsburgh
Oakland at Denver

RaginCajun83 09-22-2013 09:37 PM

Re: 2013 BlackandGold Pick 'Em - Wk #3

Originally Posted by RaginCajun83 (Post 529218)
9-7 last week, 18-14 overall

Week 3

Kansas City at Philadelphia
Houston at Baltimore
Detroit at Washington
San Diego at Tennessee
Arizona at New Orleans
Tampa Bay at New England
Cleveland at Minnesota
N.Y. Giants at Carolina
Green Bay at Cincinnati
St. Louis at Dallas
Atlanta at Miami
Buffalo at N.Y. Jets
Jacksonville at Seattle
Indianapolis at San Francisco
Chicago at Pittsburgh
Oakland at Denver

6-8, I should just start throwing darts for these picks

saintfan 09-22-2013 10:00 PM

Re: 2013 BlackandGold Pick 'Em - Wk #3

Originally Posted by saintfan (Post 529073)
Week 3

Kansas City at Philadelphia
Houston at Baltimore
Detroit at Washington
San Diego at Tennessee
Arizona at New Orleans
Tampa Bay at New England
Cleveland at Minnesota
N.Y. Giants at Carolina
Green Bay at Cincinnati
St. Louis at Dallas
Atlanta at Miami
Buffalo at N.Y. Jets
Jacksonville at Seattle
Indianapolis at San Francisco
Chicago at Pittsburgh
Oakland at Denver

12-4 last week.

23-9 overall.

I've got 7 up and 7 down with Chicago pending. Oh how the mighty have fallen. I knew it was too good to last. I can only hope Hulka and Slomo have sucked equally. LOL

Boutte 09-22-2013 10:02 PM

Re: 2013 BlackandGold Pick 'Em - Wk #3
Couldn't find this thread so I posted this in the week 2 thread this morning.

Originally Posted by Boutte (Post 530436)
Still don't see the week 3
Away Team Home Team
Thu Sep 19 8:25 pm Kansas City Chiefs Philadelphia Eagles
Sun Sep 22 1:00 pm Arizona Cardinals New Orleans Saints
1:00 pm Cleveland Browns Minnesota Vikings
1:00 pm Detroit Lions Washington Redskins
1:00 pm Green Bay Packers Cincinnati Bengals
1:00 pm Houston Texans Baltimore Ravens
1:00 pm New York Giants Carolina Panthers
1:00 pm San Diego Chargers Tennessee Titans
1:00 pm St. Louis Rams Dallas Cowboys
1:00 pm Tampa Bay Buccaneers New England Patriots
4:05 pm Atlanta Falcons Miami Dolphins
4:25 pm Buffalo Bills New York Jets
4:25 pm Indianapolis Colts San Francisco 49ers
4:25 pm Jacksonville Jaguars Seattle Seahawks
8:30 pm Chicago Bears Pittsburgh Steelers
Mon Sep 23 8:40 pm Oakland Raiders Denver Broncos

All times are GMT -5. The time now is 12:59 PM.

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