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chRxis 10-10-2004 02:13 PM

maybe Mississippi isn't such a bad idea
i am officially off of the 'Aints bandwagon for good... far too long have i been bamboozled by a group of sorry losers... as far as the team, my best regards to haslett when he's canned (same goes for the rest of the coaching staff) and to benson, good ridance... the sooner they leave the sooner i get over this headache.... i've been an 'Aint fan for a long time, but today the 10th day of the 10th month, in the year of our Lord 2004, i resign my post as a defender of the 'Aints.

themightyduck 10-10-2004 02:21 PM

maybe Mississippi isn't such a bad idea

am officially off of the \'Aints bandwagon for good... far too long have i been bamboozled by a group of sorry losers... as far as the team, my best regards to haslett when he\'s canned (same goes for the rest of the coaching staff) and to benson, good ridance... the sooner they leave the sooner i get over this headache.... i\'ve been an \'Aint fan for a long time, but today the 10th day of the 10th month, in the year of our Lord 2004, i resign my post as a defender of the \'Aints.
. You\'ll be begging to get back on in the offesason. Every Saints fan does. :P

[Edited on 10/10/2004 by JOESAM2002]

chRxis 10-10-2004 02:32 PM

maybe Mississippi isn't such a bad idea
i\'m just fed up with the bull**** of the \'Aints... every year, same friggin\' thing... i\'m done with \'em, seriously.

UK_WhoDat 10-10-2004 02:42 PM

maybe Mississippi isn't such a bad idea
You will come back.

We always do.

The only thing I do not know - is what we do if the franchise moves.

themightyduck 10-10-2004 02:44 PM

maybe Mississippi isn't such a bad idea
Trust me, I feel your pain and anger. We all do. But you\'ll be back.

Every Saints fan (even me) has said, \"I\'m never cheering for this team ever again!\" at least once in his lifetime.

It\'s okay to hate the Saints and to vow that you\'ll never follow them again. It\'s that wierd relationship we have with our team. But deep down, I\'m sure that you don\'t really want to give up on them, no matter how many heart attacks/strokes/bursts of anger they give you. ;)

chRxis 10-10-2004 02:45 PM

maybe Mississippi isn't such a bad idea
that\'s easy... rejoice in one accord... they\'re gone!

chRxis 10-10-2004 02:46 PM

maybe Mississippi isn't such a bad idea
you really don\'t know how i am... if i put my heart into it, and i\'m betrayed, that\'s it.... i\'m done, no screwing around saying well we\'ll see about next year or even next week.... screw that, i\'m done

UK_WhoDat 10-10-2004 02:49 PM

maybe Mississippi isn't such a bad idea
But chRxis - if you are a Saints fan - and you are; then you have put your heart into them. And really we have done nothing much to date. And you here

chRxis 10-10-2004 02:51 PM

maybe Mississippi isn't such a bad idea
that\'s because i was die hard, but today, for whatever reason, that\'s it... it just clicked inside of me, that i\'m following a bunch of who could give a frog\'s a about their fans that pay their check

[Edited on 10/10/2004 by JOESAM2002]

BGA 10-10-2004 03:38 PM

maybe Mississippi isn't such a bad idea

Well done - more need to do the same. Then, maybe, Benson would take notice of the people that support this team.

The coach and the players really couldn\'t care less - they get their major paychecks regardless of results.

[Edited on 10/10/2004 by BGA]

biloxi-indian 10-10-2004 04:48 PM

maybe Mississippi isn't such a bad idea
I live in Dallas and am always asked if I am a Cowboy fan. I am not and never will be, but I tell everyone I was a fan of the Saints from the beginning and will be till I die.

This management sucks, the coaches suck, and most of the players suck. There are exceptions on the players, but the staff and owner SUCK.

I am ready for a CHANGE.

Damn shame.


Saint_LB 10-11-2004 07:02 AM

maybe Mississippi isn't such a bad idea
Well, I had been a Saint fan since day one when Gilliam returned the opening kickoff for a TD, but last year was my last, at least for the time being. I vowed after last year that as long as we had a smiling clown for a QB, and an orange-haired clown for a head coach, that I was done. It is not very hard, and every week when I check the scores, (because I no longer waste money on a dish), I feel a little bit good about myself, because I am no longer being duped by Benson and his cast of clowns.

Off the subject, for a moment. I use to go to an old message board, and mysteriously it shut down for maintenance. There were people there like Handy Man, XJRunner, ArchieManning8, SaintChic, etc. I was wondering if anyone can tell me what happened to that board, and where that crowd of posters is posting now. Are they here, with different names, like me? If anyone knows anything about this, please let me know.

All_The_Way 10-11-2004 09:52 AM

maybe Mississippi isn't such a bad idea
As long as Benson sells out the dome it will never change

BlackandBlue 10-11-2004 11:53 AM

maybe Mississippi isn't such a bad idea

that\'s it... it just clicked inside of me, that i\'m following a bunch of who could give a frog\'s a about their fans that pay their check
My biggest fear. :(

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