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Danno 10-12-2004 06:17 PM

Note to mods..
You guys told me to cool it on the political front.
OK I did.
Yet you still allow this moronic statement to stay?
Its pissin me off. At least its encouraging the enemies to kill more Americans huh?

Yall can kiss my ass.

I'll help you out if you don't know who I'm speaking of...

"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we."—George W Bush, Aug. 5, 2004

George W Bush--Blindsight is 20/20

JOESAM2002 10-12-2004 06:39 PM

Note to mods..
Well let\'s see, I\'ll take this one! I already asked him to remove it. Would you like me to go to his house and remove it myself? If you choose, you can kiss mine too, :D

WhoDat 10-12-2004 07:11 PM

Note to mods..
Hey, I can proudly say that now I too can kiss Danno\'s a$$!!!

BlackandBlue 10-12-2004 08:00 PM

Note to mods..
All of you can kiss my ass, including BMG for starting all this. :D

BrooksMustGo 10-12-2004 08:17 PM

Note to mods..

You guys told me to cool it on the political front.
OK I did.
Yet you still allow this moronic statement to stay?
Its pissin me off. At least its encouraging the enemies to kill more Americans huh?

Yall can kiss my ass.

I\'ll help you out if you don\'t know who I\'m speaking of...

\"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.\"—George W Bush, Aug. 5, 2004

George W Bush--Blindsight is 20/20

A couple of observations:
1. I didn\'t make the moronic statement, it\'s a direct quote.

2. Nowhere does it encourage the enemy to kill Americans.

3. It\'s good to see that Danno\'s double standards are working so well since comments like these, \" I hope you can sleep at night and I hope each and every one of you libs get exactly what you deserve and get it soon. See ya later Frenchie. Four more years baby. Its the only way to save this country from the likes of you and yours.\" are totally OK, but my little quote is too much for his delicate sensibilities to take.

4. Out of respect for Halo and Joe I\'ll change my sig, so quit your b!tching.

5. BnB, I\'m kissing no one ;), but feel free to look at this thread to see where it all started.

[Edited on 13/10/2004 by BrooksMustGo]

[Edited on 13/10/2004 by BrooksMustGo]

JOESAM2002 10-12-2004 08:41 PM

Note to mods..
Ok, I hope now everyone has had their say about this. I\'m going to ask again, one more time, NO more political statements on the football board!!! If you have a debate about politics go to the everything else board, please,

P.S. BNB are you trying to make this a love story? :rollinglaugh:

Halo 10-12-2004 09:08 PM

Note to mods..
Ok, political sig pics have been removed, politlcal signatures have been removed, all is well that ends well, everyone now knows the rules, it\'s time for this thread to close and fade into history.


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