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foreverfan 11-21-2013 11:26 PM

TOO FUNNY! Celebrate the Falcons Win with a Falcons Fan.
You have to laugh at this. Fowl Language. LOL

saintsfan403 11-21-2013 11:36 PM

Re: TOO FUNNY! Celebrate the Falcons Win with a Falcons Fan.
Surprised he has the internet, that lamp makes me question his access to electricity.

DISPLACEDFAN 11-21-2013 11:38 PM

Re: TOO FUNNY! Celebrate the Falcons Win with a Falcons Fan.
pete take note

DISPLACEDFAN 11-21-2013 11:38 PM

Re: TOO FUNNY! Celebrate the Falcons Win with a Falcons Fan.
lol this cracks me up

spkb25 11-21-2013 11:40 PM

Re: TOO FUNNY! Celebrate the Falcons Win with a Falcons Fan.

Originally Posted by foreverfan (Post 551773)
You have to laugh at this. Fowl Language. LOL

Saints beat my falcons again getting embarrassing now - YouTube


B_Dub_Saint 11-21-2013 11:40 PM

Re: TOO FUNNY! Celebrate the Falcons Win with a Falcons Fan.
LMAO. That was awesome

DISPLACEDFAN 11-21-2013 11:42 PM

Re: TOO FUNNY! Celebrate the Falcons Win with a Falcons Fan.
I hate to say it but I like this sides hurt I haven't had a good laugh in a while.Id almost pay his bet off for him if he made more videos like this after every loss

arsaint 11-22-2013 12:08 AM

Re: TOO FUNNY! Celebrate the Falcons Win with a Falcons Fan.
Daddy's back!!!!

FeelTheBrees 11-22-2013 12:32 AM

Re: TOO FUNNY! Celebrate the Falcons Win with a Falcons Fan.
Where's the "LOVE" button?

Halo 11-22-2013 12:44 AM

Re: TOO FUNNY! Celebrate the Falcons Win with a Falcons Fan.
This video is EPIC!

WhoDat!656 11-22-2013 01:24 AM

Re: TOO FUNNY! Celebrate the Falcons Win with a Falcons Fan.
The Saints did enough to win and the Failclowns did enough to lose!

jnormand 11-22-2013 03:55 AM

Re: TOO FUNNY! Celebrate the Falcons Win with a Falcons Fan.
God that was great!

Seer1 11-22-2013 05:19 AM

Re: TOO FUNNY! Celebrate the Falcons Win with a Falcons Fan.
Nope, you can't ****in" do it.

Girvanaca 11-22-2013 05:44 AM

Re: TOO FUNNY! Celebrate the Falcons Win with a Falcons Fan.
I respect this guy.

B005TED 11-22-2013 06:17 AM

Re: TOO FUNNY! Celebrate the Falcons Win with a Falcons Fan.

xan 11-22-2013 07:28 AM

Re: TOO FUNNY! Celebrate the Falcons Win with a Falcons Fan.
It really sucks being a clowns fan. How terrible it must be to be caught in the throws of cognitive dissonance.

kcsaints 11-22-2013 07:30 AM

Re: TOO FUNNY! Celebrate the Falcons Win with a Falcons Fan.
4 minute sad ba$tard. I almost feel bad for him.

alleycat_126 11-22-2013 07:31 AM

Re: TOO FUNNY! Celebrate the Falcons Win with a Falcons Fan.
I had to give him a like lol, this video he just made was normal, if you go back to when they lost the NFC championship game to the whiners that crow vid still has me spitting up my root beer......

TheOak 11-22-2013 08:22 AM

Re: TOO FUNNY! Celebrate the Falcons Win with a Falcons Fan.
This one references Nina Hartley LOL

C17-BING 11-22-2013 08:38 AM

Re: TOO FUNNY! Celebrate the Falcons Win with a Falcons Fan.
I absolutely ... CAN NOT ... STOP LAUGHING.

We need to convert this guy to be a Saints fan ... Hilarious.

73Saint 11-22-2013 08:49 AM

Re: TOO FUNNY! Celebrate the Falcons Win with a Falcons Fan.
That was great!

RaginCajun83 11-22-2013 09:05 AM

Re: TOO FUNNY! Celebrate the Falcons Win with a Falcons Fan.
Good laugh, what else should he expect since he is a Falcon fan

exile 11-22-2013 09:15 AM

Re: TOO FUNNY! Celebrate the Falcons Win with a Falcons Fan.
Someone needs a j.o.b. so that he can get a l.i.f.e.

WhoDat!656 11-22-2013 05:43 PM

Re: TOO FUNNY! Celebrate the Falcons Win with a Falcons Fan.
Anyone else notice that failclown fans are pinning their hopes on Brees retiring?

bobdog86 11-22-2013 05:57 PM

Re: TOO FUNNY! Celebrate the Falcons Win with a Falcons Fan.
Nothing worse than the "slow, methodical death!!" Gotta love this guy, seeing the anguish and pain is priceless. Think he has Drew nightmares?

skymike 11-22-2013 05:59 PM

Re: TOO FUNNY! Celebrate the Falcons Win with a Falcons Fan.
he talks ugly.
other than that, I want to buy him some waffle house. I know all about
having a team that sucks. You just go out raise hell, and when its over,
its over, then you party. And you watch teams that win on Monday night.

skymike 11-22-2013 06:01 PM

Re: TOO FUNNY! Celebrate the Falcons Win with a Falcons Fan.
you guys are F'ed when Drew Brees retires...

yeah... and the Pats are when Brady retires.
and the Broncos when Peyton retires.
and the Packers, when Rogers retires.
and the Colts, when Luck is gone.

whats his point?
I want to get in the Time Machine and tell 49ers fans, "You guys are screwed
when Joe Montana is gone."

Hey Broncos fans, you guys are screwed when John Elway is gone.

Danno 11-22-2013 06:01 PM

Re: TOO FUNNY! Celebrate the Falcons Win with a Falcons Fan.

Originally Posted by WhoDat!656 (Post 552267)
Anyone else notice that failclown fans are pinning their hopes on Brees retiring?

LOL, so 2018-ish is their day of celebration?

Garry42 11-22-2013 06:28 PM

Re: TOO FUNNY! Celebrate the Falcons Win with a Falcons Fan.

Originally Posted by C17-BING (Post 551966)
I absolutely ... CAN NOT ... STOP LAUGHING.

We need to convert this guy to be a Saints fan ... Hilarious.

It might not take much to convert him.....poor guy seems ready for a change in teams! Gotta hand it to him though, he still wants to BELIEVE!

WhoDat!656 11-22-2013 06:43 PM

Re: TOO FUNNY! Celebrate the Falcons Win with a Falcons Fan.
Meet his son

Danno 11-22-2013 06:45 PM

Re: TOO FUNNY! Celebrate the Falcons Win with a Falcons Fan.

Originally Posted by Garry42 (Post 552306)
It might not take much to convert him.....poor guy seems ready for a change in teams! Gotta hand it to him though, he still wants to BELIEVE!

He's a true fan. I remember when that exact same video applied to most Saints fans for 40 freaking years, as some of you old timers know. Yes, that was us for 40 farking years guys. But once a team gets in your heart, it won't change.

I was a Saint fan when they were the absolute laughing stock of the entire NFL and other fans ridiculed us relentlessly, and rightfully so.

There isn't a team playing today that was as pathetic or as much of a total failure as my beloved Saints were for 40 years.

I know how this guy feels. I've totally been there.

halloween 65 11-22-2013 07:16 PM

Re: TOO FUNNY! Celebrate the Falcons Win with a Falcons Fan.
That must be candie man. If not I know he has to feel the same way.

vpheughan 11-22-2013 08:13 PM

Re: TOO FUNNY! Celebrate the Falcons Win with a Falcons Fan.
"Stop it, you are going to get me fired." Oh wait, this isn't the Jim Rome show!

foreverfan 11-22-2013 08:25 PM

Re: TOO FUNNY! Celebrate the Falcons Win with a Falcons Fan.
Yep Danno. Nobody misses those days. Still, the Falcons aren't close to that bad.

Beastmode 11-22-2013 08:34 PM

Re: TOO FUNNY! Celebrate the Falcons Win with a Falcons Fan.
Truth is, if it was anytime in the 90's I would have made one of these but thank the man upstairs this technology was not around yet. Even for much of the 80's but that's as far as I go back. Props to him for calling it for what it is. I prayed for the end of Montana only to be buried again by Young so I know the feeling as most of us do on this forum.

hagan714 11-23-2013 06:42 AM

Re: TOO FUNNY! Celebrate the Falcons Win with a Falcons Fan.
i feel for him to be honest.

no matter how bad the season is you must win at the least this game at home.

on the other side of the coin ....... sweep baby sweep lmao at you dude

lsusaint912 11-23-2013 10:26 AM

Re: TOO FUNNY! Celebrate the Falcons Win with a Falcons Fan.
All I can say is........ HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

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jeanpierre 11-23-2013 11:11 AM

Re: TOO FUNNY! Celebrate the Falcons Win with a Falcons Fan.
You all have witnessed evidence why even for those who wish for smaller government(as I do), you should never cut public funding for mental health services...

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