11-23-2013, 09:26 AM
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Re: I like the improvement I have seen from this team so far
Originally Posted by hagan714
talk to me after we are done with this stretch of games. the OL has improved a bit but there is still way to much chip blocking required on the edges. the middle of the pocket is still getting pushed back a little to much for liking.
seattle and carolina have a front 4 that is just as good if not better than jets. i am in a holding pattern on this one
True Dat on all points ... Brees was slammed hard twice in the Atlanta game and had 5 hurried throw aways trying to save himself ... Chip Blocking is helping with edge somewhat but then proves problematic because the receivers are easier to pickup and cover not allowing separation Drew's read progressions time are extended which is not good for Drew's well being ... If not for Drew's excellent pocket awareness he's almost always .5 seconds away from being creamed ... But WHEN the run game is working and demands respect from D-Line is the only time you see Drew with enough time run thru his entire progression. 