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ScottF 11-29-2013 01:10 PM

Beware the 12th Man
Okay, we have 72 plus hours (unbelievably) to kill until the game.
Finish the phrase Beware the 12th man...

I'll start with:
Beware the 12th Man ... from Seattle on PED's, because he hasn't been caught, yet, and will be playing Monday night.

and it doesn't need to be football related:

Beware the 12th Man who comes up to your wife at her high school reunion and says "Been a long time, baby" and then winks and walks away.

Supertek 11-29-2013 01:23 PM

Re: Beware the 12th Man
Beware the 12th man/he just might be a woman.

SloMotion 11-29-2013 05:36 PM

Re: Beware the 12th Man
Beware the 12th man, but forget not, he has been bested before (Wk #9, Nov 7th, 2010)

Danno 11-29-2013 05:38 PM

Re: Beware the 12th Man
Beware the 12th man...

Danno 11-29-2013 05:41 PM

Re: Beware the 12th Man
Beware the 12th man...

ScottF 11-29-2013 06:57 PM

Re: Beware the 12th Man

Originally Posted by Danno (Post 554226)

looks like Ed might be seeing his 'doctor' while he is in Seattle. Nice guns for a 60 year old

DemonicSaint 11-29-2013 07:53 PM

Re: Beware the 12th Man
Beware the 12th man...If you don't, Rafael Bush will do THIS...

TheOak 11-29-2013 08:00 PM

Re: Beware the 12th Man
A nickname you have earned through tradition is one that makes a statement. It's an honor bestowed by opponents.

Seattle paying a licensing fee ($100,000 +7,500/year) to A&M for pseudo street-cred is pretty pathetic.

ScottF 11-29-2013 08:41 PM

Re: Beware the 12th Man

Originally Posted by TheOak (Post 554250)
A nickname you have earned through tradition is one that makes a statement. It's an honor bestowed my opponents.

Seattle paying a licensing fee ($100,000 +7,500/year) to A&M for pseudo street-cred is pretty pathetic.

In January 2006, Texas A&M filed suit against the Seattle Seahawks to protect the trademark and in May 2006, the dispute was settled out of court. In the agreement, Texas A&M licensed the Seahawks to continue using the phrase "12th Man" in exchange for financial compensation along with public acknowledgement by the NFL franchise as to Texas A&M's ownership of the phrase.

Is this the same as buying yourself a "World's Best Boss" mug?

xan 11-29-2013 10:27 PM

Re: Beware the 12th Man
Almost as sad as Cincinnati and their "Who dey" catchphrase.

ClintSaints 11-29-2013 11:11 PM

Re: Beware the 12th Man
Beware the 12th man, cuz he might be an undercover police officer dressed as a Seapigeons fan. (sad that it has to come to this).

SloMotion 11-30-2013 05:27 AM

Re: Beware the 12th Man

Originally Posted by 12th fan (Post 554282)
We see this alot but the reality is the 12th man saying has been used by many organizations over the years it wasn't until Texas seen they could both profit from it as well as get recognition that they decided to even trademark the saying.

The Seahawks retired the number 12 in 1984 to honor fans who made the old Kingdome one of the noisiest stadiums in football. An official registration of the mark was filed by Texas A&M (U.S. Reg. No. 1948306) in December 1989 and it wasn't until super bowl XL in 2005 that hosted the Seahawks and Steelers that Texas decided to file a lawsuit.

You miss the point entirely and couldn't be any more wrong. Yes, the term "12th man" has been used loosely to describe a loud home crowd, but some are steeped with history & tradition, particularly at A&M. Seattle's attempt to infringe on this tradition in order to build some kind of history/tradition of their own was merely called out by A&M. The fact Seattle agreed to license the phrase from A&M and admit A&M ownership of the phrase in an out of court settlement speaks volumes as to the Seahawk franchise's culpability in this matter. The time of any filings and the opinion that A&M's actions were spurred by profits have no merit.

The "12th man" tradition is something that was grown from great adversity, honor and respect at programs like A&M. You guys paid for that honor/tradition like you were shopping at a Walmart and treat it as a celebration of a loud, ill-mannered fan base that needs it's own local police force on hand at home games to ensure they maintain the most basic of civilities ... just sayin', who respects that kind of stuff? ;) ... gotta' side with Texas A&M on this one.


The tradition of the Twelfth Man was born on the second of January 1922, when an underdog Aggie team was playing Centre College, then the nation's top ranked team. As the hard fought game wore on, and the Aggies dug deeply into their limited reserves, Coach Dana X. Bible remembered a squad man who was not in uniform. He had been up in the press box helping reporters identify players. His name was E. King Gill, and was a former football player who was only playing basketball. Gill was called from the stands, suited up, and stood ready throughout the rest of the game, which A&M finally won 22-14. When the game ended, E. King Gill was the only man left standing on the sidelines for the Aggies. Gill later said, "I wish I could say that I went in and ran for the winning touchdown, but I did not. I simply stood by in case my team needed me."

This gesture was more than enough for the Aggie Team. Although Gill did not play in the game, he had accepted the call to help his team. He came to be thought of as the Twelfth Man because he stood ready for duty in the event that the eleven men on the gridiron needed assistance. That spirit of readiness for service, desire to support, and enthusiasm helped kindle a flame of devotion among the entire student body; a spirit that has grown vigorously throughout the years. The entire student body at A&M is the Twelfth Man, and they stand during the entire game to show their support. The 12th Man is always in the stands waiting to be called upon if they are needed ... read more: Aggie Traditions - Twelfth Man

SmashMouth 11-30-2013 06:10 AM

Re: Beware the 12th Man

Originally Posted by TheOak (Post 554250)
A nickname you have earned through tradition is one that makes a statement. It's an honor bestowed my opponents.

Seattle paying a licensing fee ($100,000 +7,500/year) to A&M for pseudo street-cred is pretty pathetic.

Seems kinda cheap.... Maybe they should renegotiate.

hagan714 11-30-2013 09:44 AM

Re: Beware the 12th Man
i have been to that stadium. the fans are hungry. fans in new orleans have lost a bit of their edge since the super bowl. a bit

ScottF 11-30-2013 09:55 AM

Re: Beware the 12th Man

Originally Posted by SmashMouth (Post 554300)
Seems kinda cheap.... Maybe they should renegotiate.

they can't pay any more than that- PED's are expensive

ScottF 11-30-2013 10:06 PM

Re: Beware the 12th Man
First, it's Texas A & M, not Texas. Big difference.
More history/fact errors:
A & M started using the term 50 years before anyone in the northwest ever knew who Efren Herrera was.
A & M has a statue of the first '12th man'. It was erected in 1980, 4 years before Seattle retired #12. Student FANS paid for it.
A & M asked the Seahawks, as well as 3 other teams to stop marketing "The 12th Man" slogan. Fifteen years after it was licensed, Seattle decided to start paying for it
Now, licensing and patenting are done on proprietary or exclusive items or ideas. If Seattle 'owns' the phrase "12th Man", why would it be licensed to someone else? Or licensed at all?

pherein 12-01-2013 01:20 AM

Re: Beware the 12th Man

Originally Posted by 12th fan (Post 554438)
Ask a few people who the 12th man is. You know the answer you will get.

But we dont care enouph about it. Your fans are so arrogant, like you havent been the the the bottom of the NFL for years. We really dont care about your culture that much.
You had your shot as fans in the playoffs in 2010. Your fans actied like juvenile morons. Disrespected our fans in your stadium, because you clearly suck as NFL fans. So we really dont care.... Hope thats very clear.

You already proved what your really like in person. Petty, fake, no football knowlege, typical big mouths, and embarasing to the sport.
We're just going to hope our boys kick your ass , and not deal with your stupid fans at all.
If thats ok.

AlaskaSaints 12-01-2013 01:47 AM

Re: Beware the 12th Man
Beware the 12th man; Because in Seattle, chances are that's really a woman in drag.


SloMotion 12-01-2013 05:10 AM

Re: Beware the 12th Man

Originally Posted by 12th fan (Post 554420)
WOW, that is some kind of reach there. I understand you want to hate the Seahawks and probably their fan base but your coming across in your point more like a jealous girlfriend ... The reality is hardly anyone could have told you who invented the phrase but even now and even with the benefit of the lawsuit, trademark and compensation pretty much everyone recognizes the 12th man as the Seattle Seahawks fan base. Like it or not you know it's true just like you probably didn't know it was Texas that started the phrase to begin with.

Not a reach at all and you couldn't be more wrong again. I could care less about your team other than it is a tad bit annoying when the "Seachildren" descend upon your board like a flock of seagulls chasing after doughballs in a parking lot.

You see, Skippy, you insult people's intelligence with your imitation, SanFrancisco FortyNiner drive-by message board tactics (probably where you all picked it up from) and your self-serving, weak, Wikipedia-based interpretation of the facts and football history.

The reality is hardly anyone under 20 or 30 and with no real knowledge of football living inside of Greater Seattle (and there seems to be quite a few of you, just sayin', ;)) could have told you who invented the phrase. You've all been brainwashed.

Now, I think it's admirable how the parents in Seattle allow their kids so much unsupervised free time on the computer, but how 'bout letting the adults talk, eh?

ScottF 12-01-2013 08:40 AM

Re: Beware the 12th Man

Originally Posted by 12th fan (Post 554438)
Yes scott I'm aware of the wiki search feature just like you obviously are. then why do you use it erroneously?

Who said the Seahawks own the phrase? Pretty sure I said the exact opposite. Not sure what your point is. Again. You did. You said Seattle gets more recognition for the phrase than A & M

I spelled out A&M if you read but the truth is I don't really care enough to bother each time. Sorry if I offended you. No, you didn't, which just shows that you really don't know what their tradition and culture is

Ask a few people who the 12th man is. You know the answer you will get.
NO ONE outside of your little corner of the country associates 12th man with anything other than Texas A & M.
and since you like internet searches, type in '12th man' in google or bing. You'll get the obligatory ad for a seahawks jersey, but the first three hits will be A&M, A&M, and then your wiki article. Seahawks 4th


SloMotion 12-01-2013 08:52 AM

Re: Beware the 12th Man

Originally Posted by ScottF (Post 554466)

Are you getting the impression this kid isn't/wasn't a 'mathlete' or other scholarly achiever? :rofl:.

saintsfan1976 12-01-2013 08:59 AM

Re: Beware the 12th Man
I've heard more talk from Seahawk fans about "crowd" and "weather" than the actual team itself.


ScottF 12-01-2013 09:30 AM

Re: Beware the 12th Man

Originally Posted by SloMotion (Post 554468)
Are you getting the impression this kid isn't/wasn't a 'mathlete' or other scholarly achiever? :rofl:.

LOL- I know.
how do you let an Efren Herrera comment slide by? That's their history, not this fabricated 12th man crap!

Rugby Saint II 12-01-2013 01:00 PM

Re: Beware the 12th Man
Bull ****......the Superdome is the only 12th man! :brood:

Halo 12-01-2013 01:14 PM

Re: Beware the 12th Man
Let them have their little 12th man etc. They need that validation for their organization.

If they beat us tomorrow night, they'll have to beat us TWICE - second time in the playoffs or NFCCG. Mark my words, they WILL NOT beat Drew Brees, Sean Payton, Graham, Sproles, Rob Ryan, Cam Jordan and EVERYONE up there twice. An overconfident fan-base and team is the hallmark of a Pete Carroll team.

We could win tomorrow, split with Carolina or lose both to Carolina and have to play the Seahawks up there again. If I had my choice, SCREW MNF, we'll beat them in the playoffs - they won't stop us twice.
Perfect NFL overconfidence opportunity for their ego.

So winning or losing tomorrow, 12th man, all that crap, means nothing if we beat them by 1 point in the NFCCG or playoffs.

QBREES9 12-01-2013 01:22 PM

Re: Beware the 12th Man
We've got this one the 12th man WHO DAT !!!!

TheOak 12-02-2013 07:03 AM

Re: Beware the 12th Man

Originally Posted by 12th fan (Post 554438)

Ask a few people who the 12th man is. You know the answer you will get.

Ask a few people where? I reside 74 miles from the home of the original 12th man. I would be happy to ask everyone i see today that exactly question and I know exactly what answer I will get.

Googlging "12th man" results in order of appearance.
12th Man Foundation - Home
Aggie Traditions - Twelfth Man
Texas A&M walk-on ’12th Man’ blocks punt in the end zone | For The Win

Here is another search for you.

ScottF 12-02-2013 07:10 AM

Re: Beware the 12th Man

Originally Posted by Halo (Post 554504)
Let them have their little 12th man etc. They need that validation for their organization.

Agreed: they bought, they can have it. We'll probably only need 11 to beat them anyway

RaginCajun83 12-02-2013 08:35 AM

Re: Beware the 12th Man
Is it kickoff yet? A & M is the only 12th man I'll even tolerate to recognize since it's shoved in my face on a daily basis. As for tonight, it's MNF got a feeling their crowd will be quiet by mid 3rd quarter

SapperSaint 12-02-2013 08:50 AM

Re: Beware the 12th Man
Asking who is the REAL "12th Man", is dumb. In the North West people will say the Seahawks. Anywhere close to the south and they will say "Texas A&M".

It's like with LSU and Clemson. Who has the real Death Valley? Clemson used it first but as far as I care LSU is the real Death Valley.

But what is most important.... who gives a crap? I don't. Geaux Saints!

SmashMouth 12-02-2013 08:53 AM

Re: Beware the 12th Man

Originally Posted by RaginCajun83 (Post 554638)
Is it kickoff yet? A & M is the only 12th man I'll even tolerate to recognize since it's shoved in my face on a daily basis. As for tonight, it's MNF got a feeling their crowd will be quiet by mid 3rd quarter

Wouldn't that be something if they were indeed a non-factor due to the score?

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