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Vrillon82 12-02-2013 10:12 PM

Spygate #2?
After watching 3 quarters and seeing what Seattle is doing, I think its quite obvious they 100% absolutely know what play the Saints are calling, especially when you just happen to drop a Nose Tackle back into coverage on a eligible Tackle.

Something gives.

Knowing Pete Carrol, I wouldnt put it past him after he bolted out of USC after cheating.

SaintLeonard 12-02-2013 10:17 PM

Re: Spygate #2?
Don't be ridiculous. We dropped an egg. Nothing more, nothing less.

saintsfan1976 12-02-2013 10:21 PM

Re: Spygate #2?
Amazing how other teams do their best to make Carroll look so good.

SaintsBro 12-02-2013 10:23 PM

Re: Spygate #2?
PED's . When you see guys maniacally pounding their hands on their own helmet after routine plays, screaming at each other, that often is a sign that something odd is going on....

Halo 12-02-2013 10:26 PM

Re: Spygate #2?
There's no excuses for this. We're getting annihilated at every phase of the game except for punter. Beat, out-played, out-coached. Best we lick our wounds, hope to play an actually game next week and hope Seattle gets bumped from the playoffs as early as possible.

exile 12-02-2013 10:28 PM

Re: Spygate #2?

Originally Posted by Halo (Post 555480)
There's no excuses for this. We're getting annihilated at every phase of the game except for punter. Beat, out-played, out-coached. Best we lick our wounds, hope to play an actually game next week and hope Seattle gets bumped from the playoffs as early as possible.

No way Halo. I want Seattle again. In their home. I bet that game goes much differently.

Beastmode 12-02-2013 10:32 PM

Re: Spygate #2?
They did a good job on Lynch. That's it. We lost every battle. Every one. Calls, breaks, turnovers, drops. Nothing positive to take away other than we are still in the playoff race. Barely.

K Major 12-02-2013 10:46 PM

Re: Spygate #2?
And Strief had his lunch taken from him by Avril all night long...

bobdog86 12-02-2013 10:57 PM

Re: Spygate #2?

Originally Posted by exile (Post 555484)
No way Halo. I want Seattle again. In their home. I bet that game goes much differently.

Sorry my friend, I'd go just about anywhere else.

DISPLACEDFAN 12-02-2013 11:37 PM

Re: Spygate #2?

Originally Posted by exile (Post 555484)
No way Halo. I want Seattle again. In their home. I bet that game goes much differently.

I Totally agree a Win in January is so much more fulfilling

dueceloose 12-03-2013 12:07 AM

Re: Spygate #2?
January feels like a long ways away after this one.

RailBoss 12-03-2013 01:04 AM

Re: Spygate #2?
The Superbowl is in Rutherford NJ probably freezing and snow.

AlaskaSaints 12-03-2013 01:31 AM

Re: Spygate #2?
We ran Ingram when we needed more than three yards.

End of story.


Halo 12-03-2013 01:37 AM

Re: Spygate #2?

Originally Posted by AlaskaSaints (Post 555670)
We ran Ingram when we needed more than three yards.

End of story.


ALL SEASON LONG Pierre Thomas has been our starter along with Sproles.
Ingram has/is barely coming into his own as a runningback on this team.

So why run Ingram? We later start running PT and he starts to roll for some yards, but it's too late to keep running. AND where was Sproles in the entire 1st half?? Seriously, even if he was contained we didn't even run the kid first part of the game and he's our top receiver?????

There are so many head scratching moments in this game for the Saints I almost felt we threw the game.

WAIT, there's more...... 3 and 13 and Rob Ryan calls the..... wait for it..... PREVENT DEFENSE!!! A small screen rolled off 15 yards. My jaw dropped and hit the ground. :awe:

WHODATINCA 12-03-2013 02:39 AM

Re: Spygate #2?

Originally Posted by Halo (Post 555480)
There's no excuses for this. We're getting annihilated at every phase of the game except for punter. Beat, out-played, out-coached. Best we lick our wounds, hope to play an actually game next week and hope Seattle gets bumped from the playoffs as early as possible.

All of the above, except hoping Seattle gets bumped from the playoffs. That is a bridge too far for me to hope. We need to get the Seattle-in-Seattle monkey off our back. We did it with Chicago. We can do it with Seattle.

Azz-whippin' at CLink!!!

Oh, and the spying claim is lame.

onebyone 12-03-2013 04:52 AM

Re: Spygate #2?
They must've be spying, what folks say when they can't believe how much they got beat down.

It's also known as Houston-itis.

SloMotion 12-03-2013 04:59 AM

Re: Spygate #2?
Oh ... I thought this was an Antonio Smith/Houston thread (like anyone needs to cheat to beat Houston this year, eh?) ... no conspiracies ... for those who don't know what it feels like (and I'm sure most here do), we just got punched in the mouth fellas, that's all there is to it ... it'll happen now and again, we live to fight another day, :neutral:.

Mr.Riaton 12-03-2013 05:54 AM

Re: Spygate #2?
Seattle is a better team than we are. Its no fun admitting it. Its not like we are having a dominant season and just happened to have a bad game. Truth is, we've struggled alot this year on offense,and even though we have a good defense, everybody knows that our offense is our bread and butter. It seems as is if the offense started its downfall after Brees big contract deal.

Mardigras9 12-03-2013 09:38 AM

Re: Spygate #2?

Originally Posted by exile (Post 555484)
No way Halo. I want Seattle again. In their home. I bet that game goes much differently.

Not me, rather not go back there unless we have too.

SaintsBro 12-03-2013 11:15 AM

Re: Spygate #2?
They obviously weren't tapping our signals . But PED's? Now THAT is something that needs to be looked into by somebody. Not making excuses for the loss, but if you want to talk about someone being "innocent until proven guilty," they've already been proven guilty, more than once.

More Seahawks have been suspended for violating the league's substance abuse policy than ANY OTHER TEAM in the same time span. Heck, more players in their defensive secondary position group have been suspended in the last few months, than in the whole Saints team in the last five years. And we've had a few!

The Sherman suspension was overturned on a "technicality" -- that was basically just good trial defense lawyer type stuff, not any kind of real victory or vindication. He tested positive. For SOMETHING. And got off.

Look, I am old enough to remember the original era of steroids in the NFL, when guys were really jacked, the old Oakland Raiders, Lyle Alzado, Pittsburgh Steeler teams, etc. And using the ole eyeball test, I gotta say it, THIS -- looks an awful lot like -- THAT.... Players pounding their fists madly on their own helmets? Yelling so hard that spittle comes flying out their mouths? Guys throwing punches at opponents while walking back to the huddle, or blindside plowing into receivers in the end zone who aren't even near the play? Give me a freaking break.

Last night I came across this interesting quote from Jim Harbaugh, who plays them twice a year, and probably knows a thing or two. He makes an interesting point:

"I've definitely noticed it," Harbaugh said in comments distributed by the 49ers. "You don't know what it is. Even when people say what it is, you don't know that that's what it is. For this, throw it out, or it's that. But that's usually the agents of the players themselves saying it's, for example, Adderall.

"But the NFL doesn't release what it actually is. So you have no idea. You're taking somebody at their word, that I don't know that you can take them at their word, understanding the circumstances."
I'm not making excuses for the loss last night. But I think anybody with an adult brain needs to take a second look at what is going on in Seattle, and go HMMMMM.

They're not always saying what these guys are getting busted for. It's the players or the agents for the players who are saying it was Adderall, marijuana, this or that. No one knows what is really going on. And for Harbaugh to say that, to phrase it the carefully vague way he did -- to say that no one knows what is really going on, without actually saying that no one knows what is really going on -- well that tells me something.

Now why are the Seahawks the ONLY team in the league, who has their running back who goes into Incredible Hulk "Beast Mode" when he eats his "Skittles." Now IDK about you, but to me it sounds kinda like a locker room joke for something else -- "hey man, did you take your "Skittles" this week? Yeah, I got this hurt leg, I'm gonna have to see the trainer, get me some Skittles" etc. Yeah it's a joke, the kind of joke that spreads from one player, around the locker room and out into the fan base, but after a while of hearing it, and seeing all these suspensions pile up, it's just TOO weird to completely gloss over it. Can you name any other NFL team or player that has that metaphor, of popping something in your mouth or eating something, to get your extra strength? Seriously, THAT'S the running joke, on this SAME team, with all the suspicious PED suspensions? I think it's funny. Most peculiar.

Again, I'm NOT blaming it for the loss last night, but look at the general history of this stuff. Look at the league history. Steroids were rampant in the 1970s, then cracked down on them in the 1980s, then they flared up again in the early 2000s, Shawn Merriman in 2005-2006, then died down again.

Seems like PED's and steroids and other speed-like substances are about DUE for a flare up again, and we have a Seattle team full of "selfish" atheletes who seem to get popped for PED's and enhancers and unnamed substances at an alarmingly high rate.

So if you really want to talk Spygate #2, no one knows whether we will ever know the full story behind all these suspensions or what is really going on in the Seattle locker room. But I expect if they keep winning, guys will leave the team and we will start to hear more about it. It would not surprise me if this turns out to be a Spygate #2 eventually someday. Would not be surprised at all.

pumpkindriver 12-03-2013 06:46 PM

Re: Spygate #2?
As much as I'd love to find out the the seahawks cheated and thats why they creamed us in every phase of the game, my head and logic tells me different. We just played badly and they played great.

Rugby Saint II 12-04-2013 02:36 PM

Re: Spygate #2?
Finesse team meet smash mouth football. It's not PED's(maybe) but we were definitely man handled all night long. :brood:

Vrillon82 12-04-2013 04:11 PM

Re: Spygate #2?
We know they use PEDs with all the suspensions, most of the team looks like a bunch of steroid freaks.

But then the question comes to why has teams like TB, Tenn, Stl, and such hung around for as long as they have with Seattle in those games?

I dont think we looking deep enough into this, while the officials had no deciding causes or outcomes in this game, how does Seattles defense know every play the Saints was running on offense? That **** was going on all night long, they even dropped Nose Tackles back into coverage on the Eligible Tackle, that whole game was suspicious when you see that its Pete Carol at the helm. One of the biggest cheaters to come into the NFL since Bill Belichek.

Schmohams 12-04-2013 05:31 PM

Re: Spygate #2?
I was wondering about that too^. They went into OT with HOU and TB and then cream the 2nd best team in the NFC. I just don't get it, we need to be ready for round 2 when the time comes

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