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papz 12-06-2013 06:00 PM

Sean Payton: Steve Smith's longevity is impressive
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New Orleans Saints Head Coach Sean Payton
Post-Practice Media Availability
Friday, December 6, 2013

Opening Statement: “For us, (today is) just like a Thursday, in regards to the emphasis. Tomorrow will be a little bit different practice than we normally have on a Saturday.”

Ron Rivera has this reputation of being a riverboat gambler. You’ve been aggressive in the past. What goes into your decisions? Do you use analytics? Is it strictly gut?

“Generally it is a combination. We will look closely at situations, timing in the game. A lot of times the decision to go for it on fourth down or hypothetically a two point play is based on whether you still have a play you like. Sometimes, say in short yardage situations, you’ve run a play you really like, converted, maybe you would run another one. A lot of times it depends on if you have that play still that you haven’t shown. That factors in more than you think. I think it also is based on the game in itself and how it is unfolding, what you are doing defensively and what you are doing offensively and paying attention to that and trusting your instincts when the time comes. Each game is different.”

There is so much pressure on you guys as play callers, it seems like it is rare to see guys go for it on fourth down.

“Again, I think a lot of it is if we are playing and getting off the field on defense, it is easier to do or if you feel like maybe you need to shift momentum. A good example last week in the Seahawk game, we were at seven and they were at maybe 20, I can’t think of the exact score, but it was a third down situation where we max blitz because I felt like I was an important stop. Now they converted and made the play to their slot receiver and it was a big play for them, but there was a case where watching that game is it was unfolding we were talking to Rob (Ryan) and saying hey, let’s go after them right here. I think we can get the ball back right here. We could follow up the drive we just had. There are some risks there and obviously you credit the team you are playing to make the play. I think a lot of it is how that game is unfolding. There are times going into it where it is a game you are planning on doing something specific, that would be look specific, whether it is special teams, whether it is offense or defense and you know going in you want to do this based on what you’ve seen on film.”

I know early in your career you went for it about 20 times and now it is less. Do you think it is because you have a better team?

“Yeah that might be the case. I didn’t go for it at all last year, so it should be less. But again, I think as the game is unfolding, 2009 would have been a season where we would have not done it as much because we were playing with a lot of leads. A lot of it is how the game is unfolding and how you feel like the opponent is and to back with what I said do you have something you like. If it is something that is unfolding during the game other than a play you just want to run, you know you want to run, so fourth down decisions I think are more game related. We typically don’t even look at the two point chart until the end of the fourth quarter and then at that point early in the fourth quarter, if that game is unfolding a certain way, we still might not look at it. But if points are hard to come by then you might look at that earlier in the fourth quarter. That would be a good example. But those same things go into playing defense too or using time outs and trying to protect field position. We are pretty aggressive that way at the end of halves, just trying to make the game longer if we are not on offense and get that extra possession.”

Read more: Sean Payton: Steve Smith's longevity is impressive

Danno 12-06-2013 06:09 PM

Re: Sean Payton: Steve Smith's longevity is impressive
I agree, I can't believe someone hasn't knocked this a-hole out of the league, and equally shocked the football gods haven't done it themselves.

He's a hostile jerk and if he vaporized on national TV I wouldn't celebrate, but I wouldn't shed a single tear either.

The NFL needs less Steve Smiths.

rezburna 12-06-2013 10:59 PM

Re: Sean Payton: Steve Smith's longevity is impressive
Steve Smith is raw. Wish he would've spent his career in New Orleans. Nobody wants to throw hands with the little man from Compton. Talk about toughness.

AlaskaSaints 12-06-2013 11:15 PM

Re: Sean Payton: Steve Smith's longevity is impressive
He'll get Jenkins and Harper all frothed up and then they will be picked apart by bullet-passes from Cam.


hagan714 12-07-2013 07:54 AM

Re: Sean Payton: Steve Smith's longevity is impressive
ok here is my number #1 punk in the NFC South year in and year out since he has arrived. But i always give the man the respect he deserves. he is one of the best WR in the nfl since he arrived.

SapperSaint 12-07-2013 11:16 AM

Re: Sean Payton: Steve Smith's longevity is impressive

Originally Posted by hagan714 (Post 557128)
ok here is my number punk in the NFC South year in and year out since he has arrived. But i always give the man the respect he deserves. he is one of the best WR in the nfl since he arrived.

I give Smith respect for the position he plays. No doubt he can hurt defenses. I can stand his ghetto thug BS. I'm sorry, but I feel once you make it ti your senior year of college, you should have a great deal of professionalism about yourself. I don't buy the "Well, he's from Compton, CA. That's just how they roll." He has about as much in common with someone living in South Compton now as I do.

If he or any other player want to keep the THUG LIFE 4VA personality, then get outta the NFL, NBA, MLB and go back to it. How about acting like a responsible, PROFESSIONAL human being.

I think he's an over-all douchenozzle.

saintsfan1976 12-07-2013 11:58 AM

Re: Sean Payton: Steve Smith's longevity is impressive
By "longevity" do they mean without being incarcerated??

rezburna 12-07-2013 01:36 PM

Re: Sean Payton: Steve Smith's longevity is impressive
On field personas aren't always the same as off the field personas. Drew Brees could be a serial rapist for all we know. But he's professional so blah, blah, blah. The NFL is not your everyday, 9-5 job. You don't have to be a good sport to play this game. You just have to produce.

Danno 12-07-2013 01:43 PM

Re: Sean Payton: Steve Smith's longevity is impressive

Originally Posted by rezburna (Post 557169)
On field personas aren't always the same as off the field personas. Drew Brees could be a serial rapist for all we know. But he's professional so blah, blah, blah. The NFL is not your everyday, 9-5 job. You don't have to be a good sport to play this game. You just have to produce.

You're right, he could be an ever bigger jerk off the field.

SapperSaint 12-07-2013 02:33 PM

Re: Sean Payton: Steve Smith's longevity is impressive
Here's how I look at it;

Lets just focus on Saint players.

Q: What does Colston do when he makes a first down or a TD?

A: Gets up and hands the ball to the ref.

Q: What does our other players do?

A: Act like they just won the SB by themselves. Lance Moore is the worlds worst about doing this.

I guess I'm an "Act like you've been there/done that before type of person.

As far as Smith goes; if he is wanting people to think he's a THUG LIFE tattooed across his stomach/short mans complex/douchebag; then he is a success.

I think you may be missing my point, burna.

TheOak 12-07-2013 03:03 PM

Sean Payton: Steve Smith's longevity is impressive
Every turd has longevity. As time passes they get harder, turn white, and wait for next summers mower.... Never really going away.

Rez .... You're making Choup look good and random. If we had every a-hole problem child you've said you wish we had our defense would have a 70 man roster by it self. Just because people with identity issues have different personas doesn't mean everyone has a sociopathic social disorder.

rezburna 12-07-2013 06:34 PM

Re: Sean Payton: Steve Smith's longevity is impressive
Did Steve Smith produce? Yes. Has Steve Smith been cancerous to his team? No. Is Steve Smith a team captain? Yes. Steve Smith's personality is conducive to being a good player. Being mean and nasty helps in an aggressive sport. Which is why he's punked out Harper, Jenkins, and Greer every year. Same way Richard Sherman and the Seahawks bullied our offense all night. We could use several Steve Smith's. I don't care if he's a thug on the field, off the field, or in church: Can he play? Is he reliable?

This reminds me of high school. When coaches decide a hard worker deserves to play over the more talented. Or letting the children of the booster club parents play. Only thing that matters in football, is can you play, and will you walk a straight enough path to be able to play consistently. He's done that. And I like him.

And if we had every person who's "thuggish" personality yall hate we'd have more Super Bowls then then the Pats.

Utah_Saint 12-07-2013 06:39 PM

Re: Sean Payton: Steve Smith's longevity is impressive
Just my opinion, but I'm convinced the NFL has been a positive in Steve Smiths life.

Without it, I'm sure he would have died in prison many years ago.

iceshack149 12-07-2013 07:18 PM

Re: Sean Payton: Steve Smith's longevity is impressive

Originally Posted by rezburna (Post 557204)
Did Steve Smith produce? Yes. Has Steve Smith been cancerous to his team? No. Is Steve Smith a team captain? Yes. Steve Smith's personality is conducive to being a good player. Being mean and nasty helps in an aggressive sport. Which is why he's punked out Harper, Jenkins, and Greer every year. Same way Richard Sherman and the Seahawks bullied our offense all night. We could use several Steve Smith's. I don't care if he's a thug on the field, off the field, or in church: Can he play? Is he reliable?

This reminds me of high school. When coaches decide a hard worker deserves to play over the more talented. Or letting the children of the booster club parents play. Only thing that matters in football, is can you play, and will you walk a straight enough path to be able to play consistently. He's done that. And I like him.

And if we had every person who's "thuggish" personality yall hate we'd have more Super Bowls then then the Pats.

You're talking about a guy that has fought and injured his own teammates. That's pretty "cancerous."

TheOak 12-08-2013 09:57 AM

Re: Sean Payton: Steve Smith's longevity is impressive

Originally Posted by rezburna (Post 557204)
Did Steve Smith produce? Yes. Has Steve Smith been cancerous to his team? No. Is Steve Smith a team captain? Yes. Steve Smith's personality is conducive to being a good player. Being mean and nasty helps in an aggressive sport. Which is why he's punked out Harper, Jenkins, and Greer every year. Same way Richard Sherman and the Seahawks bullied our offense all night. We could use several Steve Smith's. I don't care if he's a thug on the field, off the field, or in church: Can he play? Is he reliable?

This reminds me of high school. When coaches decide a hard worker deserves to play over the more talented. Or letting the children of the booster club parents play. Only thing that matters in football, is can you play, and will you walk a straight enough path to be able to play consistently. He's done that. And I like him.

And if we had every person who's "thuggish" personality yall hate we'd have more Super Bowls then then the Pats.

Was Hitler, Stalin, or Saddam Hussein their teams leader? Yep

Did the produce for their team? Yep

Were they cancerous to their countries? I have yet to see anyone on their team come out and say that. So far it's been conjecture.... But if no one said it, it didn't happen.

Lastly I will leave you with this.... Hernandez was a pillar of the Patriots in spite of what was known about him. That pillar failed, it hurt the team.

Your comfortable around thugs, I'm comfortable around white CEOs. Not much difference between the two except clothing and color. Don't turn your back on either, it's business.

Did you just directly correlate thugs to Super Bowls? Show me Atlanta, Seattle.... Hell boss, if thugs like Steve Smith bring home so many Super Bowls why does Carolina only have 1 in his 13 years there? That team is full of thugs and bawlers....

Stop spinning, your no DJ.

SapperSaint 12-08-2013 10:57 AM

Re: Sean Payton: Steve Smith's longevity is impressive
I'm comforatble around Soldiers(past and present), family and Saints/LSU fans (who are pretty much family also).

I have no problem with bullish/nasty players. Hell, I'd would almost take Suh. The only think that stops me is will he get suspended for another head stomp. I like mean and nasty but I think there is a line between mean and nasty and acting like a criminal.

My oldest daughter play High School and competitive travel fastpitch softball. She has played for 5 State Championships and countless National Championships. She has 5 State Championship rings and 1 National Championship ring. She is a mean and nasty player. But only when she has to be. She currently plays for Team Mizuno; (yes, as in MIZUNO. The equipment and appeal company). They represent the Mizuno Company in everything they do, as players. They are expected to act a certain way.

During her career (since age 7 to 17; her current age), we have seen the "hard workers" given starting spots, the "Booster Parents" kids getting starts. However since she has been playing with some of these top notched organizations in the softball world; that crap has stopped. That type of stuff doesn't happen in the Pro's. So I really don't see how those comments fit into this conversation. In all sports, the higher you go, the weak get weeded out.

As I said before; I don't knock Steve Smith on his ability. The guy is a hell of a WR. As much as I can't stand Lance Moore's antics after a first down pick up or a TD, he doesn't act like a thug on and off the field. Smith does. If he didn't have that as a part of his personality, you're darn right I would want him on this team. But more often than not, the below links is what you get with him.

Steve Smith vs. The World - The Triangle Blog - Grantland

Steve Smith, Aqib Talib fight early on Monday Night Football -

Panthers suspend Smith 2 games after fight with teammate Lucas - NFL - ESPN

Fred Smoot would fight Steve Smith if he sees him again, says he's a "weak bully" - Pro Football Zone

My favorite

darstep 12-08-2013 01:11 PM

Re: Sean Payton: Steve Smith's longevity is impressive
Say what you will about Smith's character and/or behavior,
he's got hands, and a tenacity for the ball that's unmatched once it's in the air.
Our guys will have their hands full AGAIN.
Our guys seem to never look back at the QB.
If Cam is accurate at all, Smith may have a BIG night.
This is not a home-dome auto-win, especially if we start slow, AGAIN.

Rugby Saint II 12-08-2013 02:12 PM

Re: Sean Payton: Steve Smith's longevity is impressive
I wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire. I might throw some gas on the fire though. :wink:

iceshack149 12-09-2013 08:46 AM

Re: Sean Payton: Steve Smith's longevity is impressive
Smith was limited last night. Harper gave him a couple of "remember me" shots and let him know when he got up from the tackle. I loved it.

hagan714 12-09-2013 09:05 AM

Re: Sean Payton: Steve Smith's longevity is impressive

Originally Posted by rezburna (Post 557204)
Did Steve Smith produce? Yes. Has Steve Smith been cancerous to his team? No. Is Steve Smith a team captain? Yes. Steve Smith's personality is conducive to being a good player. Being mean and nasty helps in an aggressive sport. Which is why he's punked out Harper, Jenkins, and Greer every year. Same way Richard Sherman and the Seahawks bullied our offense all night. We could use several Steve Smith's. I don't care if he's a thug on the field, off the field, or in church: Can he play? Is he reliable?

This reminds me of high school. When coaches decide a hard worker deserves to play over the more talented. Or letting the children of the booster club parents play. Only thing that matters in football, is can you play, and will you walk a straight enough path to be able to play consistently. He's done that. And I like him.

And if we had every person who's "thuggish" personality yall hate we'd have more Super Bowls then then the Pats.

on the field he is and has always been a punk. at times very fun to watch. as a ball player like i said he is one of the best in the game for years. respect given. off the field i do not know a thing about him so i have no comments.

i stick to the football player not the man

Mardigras9 12-09-2013 09:30 AM

Re: Sean Payton: Steve Smith's longevity is impressive

Originally Posted by iceshack149 (Post 557999)
Smith was limited last night. Harper gave him a couple of "remember me" shots and let him know when he got up from the tackle. I loved it.

Personally, I liked the Vaccaro No-No shot on Smith down by the goal line. We have our own show-boats, no doubt, but Smith has always been a different level punk.

dam1953 12-09-2013 10:07 AM

Re: Sean Payton: Steve Smith's longevity is impressive
I say that if Smith had to play too many games against Vaccaro both his career and mouth would both be a bit more constrained. Nothing builds humility like a good a** wuppin.

st thomas 12-09-2013 10:21 AM

Re: Sean Payton: Steve Smith's longevity is impressive
i saw payton talking to smith well after the game finished. don't know if he was congratulating payton for the win or begging for a job.

Choupique 12-09-2013 11:28 AM

Re: Sean Payton: Steve Smith's longevity is impressive
guano takes a while to decompose, correct.

steve smith is merely a pile of that.

it was fun watching our D knock the snot out of that punk.

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