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Danno 12-16-2013 05:36 PM

Saints Versus Playoff Contenders
This season the Saints have faced 8 legitimate playoff contenders.

Care to guess what our record is against these 8?

Try 6-2.

Against current legitimate NFC playoff contenders we are 5-1.

Quit the whining and grow a set of fan balls.

Schmohams 12-16-2013 08:36 PM

Re: Saints Versus Playoff Contenders
We did have a very hard schedule this year. Lets hope next year Goodell stops being an a*****e

WhoDat!656 12-16-2013 09:45 PM

Re: Saints Versus Playoff Contenders
But we can't win on the road!!

NOLA54 12-16-2013 10:24 PM

Re: Saints Versus Playoff Contenders

Originally Posted by WhoDat!656 (Post 560875)
But we can't win on the road!!


NOLA54 12-16-2013 10:27 PM

Re: Saints Versus Playoff Contenders
We should stop fooling ourselves about this team. They are not who we thought they were. I don't see how we get anything better than 5th seed. Which means we are on the road and therefore one & done.

saintsfan403 12-16-2013 10:35 PM

Re: Saints Versus Playoff Contenders
Nola54 dishing out some more of his patented wisdom...

WillSaints81 12-16-2013 10:52 PM

Re: Saints Versus Playoff Contenders

Originally Posted by Schmohams (Post 560843)
We did have a very hard schedule this year. Lets hope next year Goodell stops being an a*****e

Goodell had nothing to do with the giving us the matchups we play. That is determined based on previous season and a three and four year cycle on divisions we play. He may have been behind the dates.

NOLA54 12-16-2013 11:03 PM

Re: Saints Versus Playoff Contenders
saintsfan403 Do you disagree? and why?

NOLA54 12-16-2013 11:04 PM

Re: Saints Versus Playoff Contenders

Originally Posted by saintsfan403 (Post 560888)
Nola54 dishing out some more of his patented wisdom...

Am I wrong?

Schmohams 12-16-2013 11:08 PM

Re: Saints Versus Playoff Contenders

Originally Posted by WillSaints81 (Post 560896)
Goodell had nothing to do with the giving us the matchups we play. That is determined based on previous season and a three and four year cycle on divisions we play. He may have been behind the dates.

I know, but I just tend to blame thing on Goodell all the time.

foreverfan 12-16-2013 11:12 PM

Re: Saints Versus Playoff Contenders

Originally Posted by Danno (Post 560752)
This season the Saints have faced 8 legitimate playoff contenders.

Care to guess what our record is against these 8?

Try 6-2.

Against current legitimate NFC playoff contenders we are 5-1.

Quit the whining and grow a set of fan balls.

WHODATINCA 12-17-2013 01:38 AM

Re: Saints Versus Playoff Contenders

Originally Posted by NOLA54 (Post 560885)
We should stop fooling ourselves about this team. They are not who we thought they were. I don't see how we get anything better than 5th seed. Which means we are on the road and therefore one & done.

What? You are back for more?!? Dude, what about:

"I am done with this team for the year. Fire everybody!!!!!!!!" ( (Saints vs Seahawks Gameday Thread and Chat))

You should stop fooling yourself about this team. Clearly, you are one and done with them. So, please stop f**king around and find yourself a team you can ACTUALLY SUPPORT.

You are continuing to fool yourself ..... but the REAL bad news is .... WAIT FOR IT ..... you ARE CONTINUING TO WASTE OUR TIME.

WHODATINCA 12-17-2013 01:42 AM

Re: Saints Versus Playoff Contenders
Prolly, gonna get in trouble for the double CAT post, but, here Nola54, this one is for you:

RailBoss 12-17-2013 03:29 PM

Re: Saints Versus Playoff Contenders
Definition of a Football Fan (Borrowed)
(1) What is a football fan? The word “fan” is an abbreviation of “fanatic,” meaning “an insane or crazy person,” in the case of football fans, the term is appropriate. They behave insanely, they are insane about the past, and they are insanely loyal.
(2) Football fans wear their official team T-shorts and warm-up jackets to the mall, the supermarket, the classroom and even --- if they can get away with it --- to work. If the team offers a giveway item, the fans rush to the stadium to claim the hat or sports bag or water bottle that is being handed out that day. Baseball fans go similarly nuts when their favorite teams give away some attractive freebie. Football fans just plain behave insanely. Even the fact that fans spend the coldest months of the year huddling on icy metal benches in places like Chicago proves it. In addition, football fans decorate their houses with football-related items of every kind. To them, team bumper stickers belong not only on car bumpers, but also on fireplace mantels and front doors. When they go to a game, which they do as often as possible, they also decorate their buses. True football fans not only put on their team jackets and grab their pennants but also paint their head to look like helmets or wear glow-in-the-dark cheeseheads. At the game, these fans devote enormous energy to trying to get a “wave” going.
(3) Football fans are insanely fascinated by the past. They talk about William “Refrigerator” Perry’s 1985 Super Bowl touchdown as though it had happened last week. They describe the “Fog Bowl” as if dense fog blanketed yesterday’s game, not 1988’s playoff match between the Philadelphia Eagles and the Chicago Bears. They excitedly discuss John Elway’s final game before retiring --- when he won the 1999 Superbowl and received MVP honors --- as if it were current news. And if you can’t manage to get excited about such ancient history, they look at you as though you were the insane one.
(4) Last of all, football fans are insanely loyal to the team of their choice, often dangerously so. Should their beloved team lose three in a row, fans may begin to react negatively as a way to hid their broken hearts. They still obsessively watch each game and spend the entire day afterward reading and listening to the postgame commentary in newspapers, on TV sports segments, and on sports radio. Further, this intense loyalty makes fans dangerous. To anyone who dares to say to a loyal fan that another team has better players or coaches, or God forbid, to anyone wandering near the home cheering section wearing the jacket of the opposing team, physical damage is a real possibility. Bloody noses, black eyes, and broken bones are just some of the injuries inflicted on people cheering the wrong team when fans are around. In 1997, one man suffered a concussion at a game in Philadelphia when Eagle fans beat him up for wearing a jacket with another team’s insignia.
(5) From February through August, football fans act like any other human beings. They pay their taxes, take out the garbage, and complain abut the high cost of living. But when September rolls around, the colors and radios go on, the record books come off the shelves, and the devotion returns. For the true football fan, another season of insanity has begun.

Audiotom 12-18-2013 06:59 PM

Re: Saints Versus Playoff Contenders

Originally Posted by Danno (Post 560752)
This season the Saints have faced 8 legitimate playoff contenders.

Care to guess what our record is against these 8?

Try 6-2.

Against current legitimate NFC playoff contenders we are 5-1.

Quit the whining and grow a set of fan balls.

Well said

No panic

We sometimes play down to lesser teams with great d lines

The Pathers game is the test

Audiotom 12-18-2013 07:08 PM

Re: Saints Versus Playoff Contenders

Originally Posted by Danno (Post 560752)
This season the Saints have faced 8 legitimate playoff contenders.

Care to guess what our record is against these 8?

Try 6-2.

Against current legitimate NFC playoff contenders we are 5-1.

Quit the whining and grow a set of fan balls.

Well said

No panic

We sometimes play down to lesser teams with great d lines

The Pathers game is the test

Rugby Saint II 12-18-2013 08:25 PM

Re: Saints Versus Playoff Contenders
We got worries.

whybag 12-20-2013 06:55 PM

Re: Saints Versus Playoff Contenders

Originally Posted by WHODATINCA (Post 560919)
You should stop fooling yourself about this team. Clearly, you are one and done with them. So, please stop f**king around and find yourself a team you can ACTUALLY SUPPORT.

I hear the Falcons fanbase needs some bodies, you kinda sound like a fit.

CoreyO 12-20-2013 08:00 PM

Re: Saints Versus Playoff Contenders

Originally Posted by Danno (Post 560752)
This season the Saints have faced 8 legitimate playoff contenders.

Care to guess what our record is against these 8?

Try 6-2.

Against current legitimate NFC playoff contenders we are 5-1.

Quit the whining and grow a set of fan balls.

Id rather win all the playoff contender games even if we lose to bad teams because guess who we play im playoffs? Not those teams we lost too thats all that matters

hagan714 12-20-2013 09:22 PM

Re: Saints Versus Playoff Contenders

Originally Posted by WhoDat!656 (Post 560875)
But we can't win on the road!!

best road record in the nfl since SP arrived in NO. there is something a miss thats all

WHODATINCA 12-20-2013 09:41 PM

Re: Saints Versus Playoff Contenders

Originally Posted by whybag (Post 562133)
I hear the Falcons fanbase needs some bodies, you kinda sound like a fit.

I'm assuming you are directing this at Nola54, since, obviously, my comments were meant sarcastically.

CoreyO 12-20-2013 11:27 PM

Re: Saints Versus Playoff Contenders

Originally Posted by NOLA54 (Post 560885)
We should stop fooling ourselves about this team. They are not who we thought they were. I don't see how we get anything better than 5th seed. Which means we are on the road and therefore one & done.

Why do you even waste your time on this site? Have some confidence in your team, anything can be fixed

whybag 12-21-2013 12:19 AM

Re: Saints Versus Playoff Contenders

Originally Posted by WHODATINCA (Post 562172)
I'm assuming you are directing this at Nola54, since, obviously, my comments were meant sarcastically.

Of course.

SaintsBro 12-21-2013 09:18 AM

Re: Saints Versus Playoff Contenders

Originally Posted by hagan714 (Post 562168)
best road record in the nfl since SP arrived in NO. there is something a miss thats all

Actually the Patriots have the best road record in the NFL since 2006, not the Saints. Saints do have the best road record counting arbitrarily since 2009, but right now the Patriots are only back by 1 game from that, and could possibly tie on Sunday. On an individual basis, coach Bill Bellichick (and Tom Brady) have the best career road record in the NFL right now, not Payton and Brees.

Danno 12-21-2013 09:26 AM

Re: Saints Versus Playoff Contenders

Originally Posted by SaintsBro (Post 562205)
Actually the Patriots have the best road record in the NFL since 2006, not the Saints. Saints do have the best road record counting arbitrarily since 2009, but right now the Patriots are only back by 1 game from that, and could possibly tie on Sunday. On an individual basis, coach Bill Bellichick (and Tom Brady) have the best career road record in the NFL right now, not Payton and Brees.

True, but it helps to have a very bad Buffalo, Miami and NY team on your schedule during that span.

Falcons, Panthers, and Bucs >>> Bills, Fins, and Jets

SaintsBro 12-21-2013 12:22 PM

Re: Saints Versus Playoff Contenders

Originally Posted by Danno (Post 562207)
True, but it helps to have a very bad Buffalo, Miami and NY team on your schedule during that span.

Falcons, Panthers, and Bucs >>> Bills, Fins, and Jets

Oh I'm not arguing with anybody about that, good point. But he said "best road record in the NFL since Payton got here" and that's just not true. That's all I meant. I'm not claiming the Saints aren't really good...but I've noticed a trend around here lately, of people throwing around a lot of "better than Seattle" and "Better than the Patriots" or "best team at XYZ" type stuff lately, about the Saints, and some of the stuff that people have been saying or claiming about them, is not always factually the case. That's all I meant.

CoreyO 12-21-2013 02:33 PM

Re: Saints Versus Playoff Contenders

Originally Posted by SaintsBro (Post 562237)
Oh I'm not arguing with anybody about that, good point. But he said "best road record in the NFL since Payton got here" and that's just not true. That's all I meant. I'm not claiming the Saints aren't really good...but I've noticed a trend around here lately, of people throwing around a lot of "better than Seattle" and "Better than the Patriots" or "best team at XYZ" type stuff lately, about the Saints, and some of the stuff that people have been saying or claiming about them, is not always factually the case. That's all I meant.

Are you counting 2012? Because i think without 12 we do have the best record payton was absent so our record doesnt count in that catagory

SaintsBro 12-21-2013 08:14 PM

Re: Saints Versus Playoff Contenders
So let me get this straight -- if you don't count Payton's two bad years that he was close to .500 (2007 and 2008) and if you don't count the year he was suspended, then he has the "best road record in the NFL," compared to other teams and coaches in only those four arbitrary non-continuous years you've picked? Ignoring all the other years? That's a weird record to brag about. Sounds to me more like the Saints have the "best" road record in the NFL, only when you're cherry picking the years you want to count. Suit yourself.

If you want to roll with that explanation, of "best in the NFL" (except not counting some games), and ignoring the mediocre road performance of this team over the last two years, fine. Just don't expect many people besides yourself to be impressed.

To the REST of the world, who live in reality, the Patriots have the best road record over the span since Sean Payton has been a head coach. Few people would dispute this.

CoreyO 12-21-2013 09:29 PM

Re: Saints Versus Playoff Contenders

Originally Posted by SaintsBro (Post 562305)
So let me get this straight -- if you don't count Payton's two bad years that he was close to .500 (2007 and 2008) and if you don't count the year he was suspended, then he has the "best road record in the NFL," compared to other teams and coaches in only those four arbitrary non-continuous years you've picked? Ignoring all the other years? That's a weird record to brag about. Sounds to me more like the Saints have the "best" road record in the NFL, only when you're cherry picking the years you want to count. Suit yourself.

If you want to roll with that explanation, of "best in the NFL" (except not counting some games), and ignoring the mediocre road performance of this team over the last two years, fine. Just don't expect many people besides yourself to be impressed.

To the REST of the world, who live in reality, the Patriots have the best road record over the span since Sean Payton has been a head coach. Few people would dispute this.

Im not saying pick the years its just last year he wasn't our coach so you cant say the Payton-Brees era if you include 2012 you would be inferring to the record since 06.

SaintsBro 12-23-2013 02:04 PM

Re: Saints Versus Playoff Contenders
Well, the Saints are now tied with the Patriots for the "best road record since 2009" at 24-16. The Patriots last night, completely dismantled the defending Super Bowl champion Baltimore Ravens on the road, 41-7, in cold weather in Baltimore. The Saints and Pats may be tied in road record, but is there really any doubt who is the better road team now? Over a quarter of the Saints' road wins in that 24 total are from one year, 2009, which was five years ago.

dizzle88 12-23-2013 02:20 PM

Re: Saints Versus Playoff Contenders
But we lost to the rams and jets

Plus we cant win on the road

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