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BlackandBlue 10-26-2004 04:52 PM

Where have all the cowboys gone?
Not the ones that reside in Dallas, but the one's that normally posted 10-12 times a day. Licking your wounds, perhaps? :P

JKool 10-26-2004 07:33 PM

Where have all the cowboys gone?

I\'ve been beginning to wonder this myself. MIA are Billy, Danno, Whodat, and Cherm (among others) - these guys were good for 5-10 posts a day each.

Aside from two or three new guys who\'ve been quite productive, things are slipping. I know that I\'m not ready to start discussing next year\'s coach or draft - so I\'d have to say that things are pretty dull around here the last week or so.

I know you were suggesting there is a reason for their departure - namely the failure of their predictions. However, you and I both know these guys, and I\'m sure they wouldn\'t be willing to back down just because things weren\'t so rosy with their bets. You know as well as I do that they\'d be here giving reasons why things weren\'t going the way they thought, making new predictions, etc.

What is it then? I really don\'t know.

I do know though that without insightful discussion, I feel less like coming here. Perhaps, these guys have all beaten the horse to death and have all decided there isn\'t much more to learn about football, this year\'s team, or anything else? I suppose it is possible. I know I sometimes get sick of talking about the same things over and over again.

Either way, I miss them.

BlackandBlue 10-26-2004 08:35 PM

Where have all the cowboys gone?
Good thing you\'re still posting. You always have good things to say. I hate you alot less than everyone else :P

RockyMountainSaint 10-27-2004 01:26 AM

Where have all the cowboys gone?
I have been reading here for years. Just recently started posting. I remember Billy C very well. He used to post 10-10,000 times a day. Miss seeing you abuse him B&B.

Come back Billy!
Or do you finally realize that Aaron isn\'t the future?
BTW Dallas SUX!

JKool 10-27-2004 02:00 AM

Where have all the cowboys gone?
Thanks BnB.

I do appreciate that.

Remember, you\'re all equally annoying!

I do have to say though, things are getting pretty sparse around here, don\'t you agree? It is getting harder and harder to find good discussion.

rich006 10-27-2004 04:57 AM

Where have all the cowboys gone?
I think part of the reason there isn\'t more discussion here is people feel like there isn\'t anything new to say. We\'ve been saying the same things for 3 years and it\'s all been said.

1. \"Fire the coaches!\"

2. \"AB stinks!\"
\"No he doesn\'t; just look at his stats!\"
\"Yes, he does, the stats are misleading!\"
\"It\'s not his fault--the receivers can\'t catch!\"
\"That\'s because he throws too hard!\"
\"Favre\'s receivers can catch.\"
\"Yeah, but AB doesn\'t have any pass protection.\"
\"That\'s because he steps out of the pocket.\"
\"Yeah, but we would have lost the {insert last defeated opponent} game except for AB.\"
\"Yeah, but he\'s not a good leader.\"
--etc, etc, blah blah.

3. \"We need better linebackers!\"

4. \"We need better CB\'s!\"
\"If we had a better pass rush they wouldn\'t matter so much!\"
\"Yeah but we don\'t.\"

5. \"Our receivers are underperforming.\"
\"Bring in the new guy.\"
\"The new guy can\'t catch either.\"

6. \"You have an agenda.\"
\"No, you do!\"
\"No, you do!\"
\"Well, you\'re a racist.\"
\"No I\'m not, I love McNair.\" etc. etc.

7. \"Real fans don\'t boo.\"
\"Well, real players give 100% on every play.\"

8. \"Are the Saints moving to LA?\"
\"I sure hope not.\"

9. \"Tebucky sux.\"

10. \"At least we have Deuce.\"
\"He\'s not that good.\"
\"What??!!\" {derision from many indignant posters}
\"He\'s really great.\"

I\'m sure I forgot one or two thread types.

St.Shrume 10-27-2004 08:39 AM

Where have all the cowboys gone?
That was great Rich006!! You basically summed up about 80% of all discussion.

The Saints will drive you to that though as well. I mean, I am tired about all the negativity and re-hashing of how bad our (fill in position) are....but then I watch a game on Sunday, and my blood boils and I find myself asking the same god Dam questioons:

\"WHAT THE HELL IS wrong with our WR\'s?\" or
\"AB?? What are you doing?\"
\"McCarthy!! HELL-o!!! Running play like that!?!?! SO obvious\"
\"HAZ....where y\'at????\"

etc..etc.... :( :D :( :D :( :D :( :D a neurotic fan due to the Saints

LordOfEntropy 10-27-2004 08:40 AM

Where have all the cowboys gone?
I kind of lost interest after the Arizona game, my season ended there. Others may feel the same way, there\'s definitely been a dropoff in the number of posts. But I don\'t think I\'ll get stoked again untill I hear of a coaching change, and the 2005 draft starts getting close.

Perfect scenario - the Aint\'s lose out the rest of the season (except the two Atlanta games). Crennel gets hired, and the Aint\'s get some really high draft picks. At that point, I\'ll be on this board regularly.

Until that happens, though, I\'m pretty much over this year.

D_it_up 10-27-2004 10:23 AM

Where have all the cowboys gone?
IT\'S ALL BECAUSE OF AGENDA!!!!! Seriously, it was on my agenda to overpower everyone else\'s agenda. The only problem was that my agenda isn\'t ready to take on other agenda\'s, so now I have a new agenda to improve my initial agenda to combat the other agenda\'s in here. How\'s that for an agenda? :casstet:

ScottyRo 10-27-2004 10:30 AM

Where have all the cowboys gone?
Where can I get one of them there...AGENDAs? ;) Do they come in Black and Gold?

D_it_up 10-27-2004 10:33 AM

Where have all the cowboys gone?
I got mine on E-Bay relatively cheap...but it only comes in Crap Brown...Had to paint it black and gold. :cool:

BlackandBlue 10-27-2004 10:46 AM

Where have all the cowboys gone?
\"Agenda\" talk ends today, gentlemen. I will treat the word \"agenda\" just like I do any other word that is not acceptable on this message board. Thanks for understanding in advance. ;)

JKool 10-27-2004 11:02 AM

Where have all the cowboys gone?
Rich006, I agree. Very insightful. Of course, this is exactly why we need those other guys - they were the ones who had the most interesting views of the dead horse.

DitUp2, hilarious!

BnB, I, for one, am looking forward to the new crusade.

ScottyRo 10-27-2004 02:00 PM

Where have all the cowboys gone?

\"Agenda\" talk ends today, gentlemen. I will treat the word \"agenda\" just like I do any other word that is not acceptable on this message board. Thanks for understanding in advance. ;)
No. I guess I\'m gonna have to have a list of all the words which are now unacceptable for this board. I understand obscenity being restricted, but the use of a non-obscene word?

I do understand what you\'re trying to prevent, but there\'s no justification here. What I said about agendas neither hurt anyone, flamed anyone, nor broke any rule as posted. This board does not need activist moderators rewriting the rules so the b&g forum will be the world as they perceive it. :D

At any rate, I just feel like this site should not be singling out people for using a particular word when the spirit of what you are trying to do clearly does not involve my statement. You\'re going after all the people accusing others of having an agenda and making a big deal about it. That\'s simple enough, right or wrong, but is clearly misplaced when applied to the above posts.

I understand this is a privately owned board wherein comments can be restricted in whichever way is found preferable by the owner. However, I think the non-trouble-making members should be treated with a little more deference and leeway.

BlackandBlue 10-27-2004 02:40 PM

Where have all the cowboys gone?
You are entitled to your opinion. I think labeling me as an \"activist moderator who is rewriting the rules\" is a bit unfair, considering you were not present during the conversation I had with Halo this morning. Since becoming a mod a few weeks ago, I\'ve had exactly one interaction with another member on this board concerning their postings, so I don\'t believe I\'m being over the top. But I asked if I could take the gloves off, and was told yes.

ScottyRo 10-27-2004 02:47 PM

Where have all the cowboys gone?
I\'m all for you beating the tar out of those who deserve it. I just think threatening to edit those who even use the word agenda is going too far. BTW, I thought the use of \"activist moderator\" was clever (and funny) considering the times, and didn\'t mean it to be nearly as much of an insult as it might have sounded to you. I considered it poking you with a stick. (Insert stick pointing smiley here). :cool:

[Edited on 27/10/2004 by ScottyRo]

BlackandBlue 10-27-2004 03:13 PM

Where have all the cowboys gone?
insert machine gun smiley here :P

No prob, it sounded a bit harsh at first, so I had a huge question mark over my head. Had I known it was a joke, I would have responded with a, Go *&%$@#! $%^&, you !@#$ :P

WhoDat 10-27-2004 03:22 PM

Where have all the cowboys gone?
Oh NOW you\'re ready to tackle the addendum talk? LOL

To answer your original question, at least as it relates to me, I got tired of the addendum stuff. I ducked my head b/c posting wasn\'t exactly fun... I think others also might have felt that the rules weren\'t being applied evenly across the board.

But with grumpier old men looking out I feel all warm and fuzzy again. I\'m ready to post like never before... there\'s only one problem - ain\'t much new to talk about. I don\'t know that the Oakland game taught us anything new or changed much of anything. Now we have to sit on our hands and wait to see what happens against SD.

You were warned, LOL

[Edited on 27/10/2004 by BlackandBlue]

ScottyRo 10-27-2004 03:39 PM

Where have all the cowboys gone?
Oakland didn\'t teach us anything except that it is possible for our boys to beat a team that they should beat. Of course, we kinda already knew that. (See 49ers.) Now, IF we can beat San Diego, I might start feeling better about the team. I love our schedule being backloaded with division rivals. A run at the right time could catapult us into the NFC South Championship, although highly unlikely.

johnnythesaint 10-27-2004 04:37 PM

Where have all the cowboys gone?
Bring on Atlanta!!! we can hang with anyone

JOESAM2002 10-27-2004 06:18 PM

Where have all the cowboys gone?
Grumpier old men? Now who would that be? :brood: LOL

BlackandBlue 10-27-2004 06:33 PM

Where have all the cowboys gone?

I hope all the angels know what the problem is or what causes the problems here.
That\'s easy- it\'s called testosterone and egos, and there is way too much of both around here sometimes, and I have been just as guilty as everyone else.

LordOfEntropy 10-28-2004 08:45 AM

Where have all the cowboys gone?
Are you sure that\'s not estrogen and Eggo\'s?

BlackandBlue 10-28-2004 09:01 AM

Where have all the cowboys gone?
Mmmmmmm, Eggo\'s. :cool:

WhoDat 10-28-2004 09:44 AM

Where have all the cowboys gone?
Yeah - well leggo my eggo already would ya?

LordOfEntropy 10-28-2004 12:00 PM

Where have all the cowboys gone?
You might have to pry it away from Sullivan.

RockyMountainSaint 10-30-2004 12:54 AM

Where have all the cowboys gone?
Make that a contract encentive for him.
He may make a tackle this season.

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