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spkb25 10-31-2004 11:04 AM

mcuh criticism on my writing ability
its seems as though i have been targeted for remedial english classes. im appalled. this cuts deep. when u start to critique my ability to, or lack there of, correctly puncuate or write the english language u my firend u have gone to far. im not trying to be cynical here but there is no room on this board for such down right hateful comments. my fragile emotions have been tested. whodat i would appreciate a grade from now on, after each one of my post. if for nothing else to help build my confidence back. please be fair to me in ur grading. this is only remedial english. also i speak with a lisp. do u know where i can find a book by dr.swears?

WhoDat 10-31-2004 11:38 AM

mcuh criticism on my writing ability
spkb25 - my recent comments about the lack of proper punctuation and/or vocabulary is not directed at you. There are a whole lot of people on this board who do it - and anyway my comments were just in fun. I did not mean to insult you or anyone else. It just gets very difficult to talk football when you spend much of your time trying to decipher what a post means. In any case, I read a lot of sarcasm into your post, so I\'ll assume that you\'ll survive. ;)

spkb25 10-31-2004 11:44 AM

mcuh criticism on my writing ability
oh whodat i was laughing at ur post. i was absolutletly kidding in my response also. ur not the only one to say my posts r hard to read. ill have to try to stop using abbreviations on words. no problem at all i was not at all insulted.

D_it_up 10-31-2004 08:29 PM

mcuh criticism on my writing ability
spkb25....Eye cun giv u sum poynters....Git huk\'d on foniks...It werked fer me. :D

dberce1 11-01-2004 12:50 PM

mcuh criticism on my writing ability
youz guys are sooooooooo sutpid. can we please get back to phutball now??

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