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WhoDat 11-01-2004 08:13 AM

1000 Yards
I honestly think, that if things go right for our opponents, the Saints could give up close to 1000 yards rushing over the next 4 to 5 games. Probably 100 or 120 points on the ground too. Basically, it all depends on what we do in the first two drives or so. If we don't score, and our opponents jump up, it's all over. We'll have to throw to catch up, which will probably mean 3-and-outs without running much of the clock. Our opponents will want to control the clock and will likely just run it down our throats. All 3 of our next opponents definitely have the ability to throw the ball and do it well. But with our run defense, why? San Diego, Kansas City, Denver... NFL records could be broken by all of these teams. Haslett could be fired before we face another NFC South opponent. In any case, I expect us to give up at least 400 yards and 30 points every week for the next month. Happy Monday!! LOL ;)

broadmoorintheatl 11-01-2004 09:49 AM

1000 Yards

turbo_dog 11-01-2004 10:22 AM

1000 Yards

Haslett could be fired before we face another NFC South opponent.
WhoDat, you\'re living in a dream world. We all hope Haslett is going to be gone at least by the end of the season, but in reality he may be here another year. Does anybody know what his contract buyout is? I hope Benson is selling a bunch of cars!!!

WhoDat 11-01-2004 10:46 AM

1000 Yards
I\'m not so sure, but you may be right. If the Saints get pounded by SD, KC, Denver, and ATL, and if they allow 1000 yards of rushing, well, I think that\'s enough to make just about any owner dump his coach.

The worst 4-game skid I can remember in Saints history was the end of \'01 when they allowed 160 points in December. The next four games has the potential to be worse, not only by points allowed, but in many other statistical categories as well. I truly believe that if SD, KC, and Denver are dedicated to running the ball, all 3 COULD go for 300 yards against the Saints. That\'s not to say they WILL, but they COULD, IMO.

dberce1 11-01-2004 12:48 PM

1000 Yards
hopefully, with fakir and mckenzie starting, it\'ll help to take pressure of the secondary. maybe we\'ll be able to concentrate more on defending the run, and if haz is making the calls, he\'ll be bringing mo\' heat to try and save his job.

BiggPoppaFro3 11-01-2004 04:28 PM

1000 Yards
If your team allow that much in 3 games you need to banned form ever putting on a headset in the NFL again. Good Lord!! Go back to the PAC-10 where you belong!!

...scary thing is it isn\'t exactly impossible. I agree though. Brown and MM as our starters will definately help.

Of course convincing Venturi the game is in Guatamala, then making sure he goes there would help too.

[Edited on 1/11/2004 by BiggPoppaFro3]

CHACHING 11-01-2004 06:46 PM

1000 Yards
Why all the gloom........we are in pretty good position.....Mike M seems to be picking up the scheme....Brown is all over anyone he covers..........Grant is due to \"break out\" on the QB................Deuce will be on fire (after the fullback permanently lines up)...and Brooks starts to get Boo, Pathon, Horn, Hall, Stallworth and Conwell the ball on rotation (provided they hold it).................My only concern is our LB.......we FSW and see if Cox wants to come back......ching

SaintFanInATLHELL 11-01-2004 09:00 PM

1000 Yards

Why all the gloom........
Isn\'t is obvious?

we are in pretty good position.....
You\'re kidding right?

Mike M seems to be picking up the scheme....Brown is all over anyone he covers..........Grant is due to \"break out\" on the QB................Deuce will be on fire (after the fullback permanently lines up)...and Brooks starts to get Boo, Pathon, Horn, Hall, Stallworth and Conwell the ball on rotation (provided they hold it)
All irrelevent. Whodat made the point very clear: We cannot stop the run. We are going up against 4 teams that are in the top 10 in rushing, each averaging over 130 YPG. We are dead last in stopping the run.

Any team that can rush the ball at will, can and will dominate the game.

Shootouts can be entertaining. However most likely the Saints will end up on the losing end of such shootouts because of the defense\'s inability to get off the field.


WhoDat 11-01-2004 10:12 PM

1000 Yards

Why all the gloom........we are in pretty good position.....
Dude, take the rose-colored Billy brand goggles off, put down the WhoTang, and take a look. This team is the football equivalent of the LA Clippers. We always got loads of young talent... and that always amounts to exactly horse poo.

CHACHING 11-02-2004 07:56 AM

1000 Yards
You guys have no\'s very disconcerting....

johnnythesaint 11-02-2004 09:05 AM

1000 Yards
After awhile faith isn\'t given, it is earned. Owners of a 3-4 record have not earned the double-edged sword of faith, if I actually allow myself to believe that they are going to accomplish things they consistently fail to provide, then it\'s me who gets bitter with my team. Why don\'t they get bitter with themselves and allow me to relax for a change!!!

SaintFanInATLHELL 11-02-2004 01:36 PM

1000 Yards

You guys have no faith.....
Guilty as charged. I had faith in the off season. I had faith in the preseason. It was shaky after recovering to a 2-1 start after taxing wins over frankly what was lesser opponents.

Then the Cards and the Bucs handed the Saints their collective butts.

Then Minnesota. Do I really need to say more?

Faith lost.


it\'s very disconcerting....
A run defense that can\'t stop the Little Sisters\' of the Poor is disconcerting. An offense mired in stupid penalties, dropped passes, poor blocking, and preditable playcalling is disconcerting. A linebacker crew that can\'t scratch their way out of a wet paper bag is disconcerting.

Look if all it took was the fans\' hope and faith to carry a team to success we would have won it all a long time ago. But face reality: the Saints are a poorly coached team with inconsistent offense and a pitiful defense that\'s at the absolute bottom of the NFL in both points and yards allowed.

And we haven\'t played any real good teams yet. Especially good teams with exceptional running offensive attacks.

It\'s not about faith. It\'s about stopping the run.

And nothing I have seen so far gives me any faith that the Saints can turn that around.


saintswhodi 11-02-2004 01:51 PM

1000 Yards
Agreed and agreed SFIAH. I had all the hope in the world until coming into the season, although I was never sold on the D. I even wrote an article about it for another website. Very confident about the O, very skeptical about the D. Well the D proved me right, and the O proved me wrong. Somehow faith gets lost in struggling to beat a winless team(SF) and getting our lunches handed to us by two others consecutively. We won\'t even get into Minnesota. Did anyone see the way San Diego man-handled Oakland? Didn\'t we barely beat Oakland the week before?

Faith is a luxury afforded those with a new team, a new coach, a new attitude, or just something different. Skepticism is the bi-product of those who have watched this movie before and are no longer surprised by the ending.

WhoDat 11-02-2004 03:04 PM

1000 Yards
I have faith - faith that the Saints can snatch defeat out of the jaws of victory better than any team in the NFL. Faith that our defense can allow an opposing RB to set an NFL record. Faith that the Texans can add themselves to the list of expansion teams to go to a championship game before the Saints. Most importantly, I have faith that it is better to suffer one bad season to fix things long term, than to hope for and root for a quick fix that won\'t really fix anything.

BlackandBlue 11-02-2004 04:08 PM

1000 Yards
If some guy comes over to your house, 16 times a year, every year except for maybe 3-4 years, over the course of a 30 year span, just to whip your ass, at what point, exactly, should I be optimistic that his routine will change?

SaintFanInATLHELL 11-02-2004 05:21 PM

1000 Yards

I have faith... Faith that the Texans can add themselves to the list of expansion teams to go to a championship game before the Saints.
One point on the Texans as to why they are successful: A well coached defense with veteran players and linebackers who know what their job is. Dom Capers has already pulled off getting into a championship game with an expansion team. Because his diciplined team has a defensive focus.


WhoDat 11-02-2004 05:38 PM

1000 Yards

If some guy comes over to your house, 16 times a year, every year except for maybe 3-4 years, over the course of a 30 year span, just to whip your ass, at what point, exactly, should I be optimistic that his routine will change?
Awww - BnB, if it upsets you that much I\'ll stop coming. LOL. ;)

Nerfed! (what the F does that mean anyway?)

BlackandBlue 11-02-2004 05:46 PM

1000 Yards

OHHHHH But wait. They did say there is another way to get rid of Jim. And that is to make him resign a\'la Jim Mora. What the owner did in Indy is they fired ALL of Mora\'s assistants and he then became so upset he resigned.
Actually, they gave Jim an ultimatum. He had the option to save his job by firing his staff. Jim refused. From there, I can\'t remember if he walked or if he was fired, but he had an escape route, and he wouldn\'t do it.


Awww - BnB, if it upsets you that much I\'ll stop coming. LOL.
What upsets me is what you do to my dog when I\'m not looking, you dirty whore. :P


Nerfed! (what the F does that mean anyway?)
In due time ;)

CHACHING 11-02-2004 11:33 PM

1000 Yards
I just don\'t understand the *****ing and knew what you had......WE ARE SAINTS FANS!!!!!!!!...........We have never won anything.....(a post season victory) you all are so un happy then be an Eagles or Pats fan...but I don\'t know why you constantly complain about our boys but CONSISTANLY put up NEW posts????....STOP *****IN\'...Rally behind our team and support our effort to win games.(we might actualy win some).....Saints fan for life..(I\'ll be at the San Diego game taillgaitin\' if anyone is going)......I almost got jumped twice at the Raider game but still maintained.(shakin my beads and yellin).....GAEUX SAINTS!!!!

BlackandBlue 11-03-2004 06:46 AM

1000 Yards
Not sure who you\'re referring to, but I\'ll give this a whirl.
Ok, Chachi, you can deal with all the *****ing and complaining (for some reason you can\'t understand) that I feel like issuing. Otherwise, if every fan that felt the same way I do, becomes an Eagles fan or a Pats fan, then there would be no Saints in New Orleans. Does 30 years of substandard football mean nothing to you? As a Saints fan, I will continue to buy the merchandise, and pay to watch the games. I will continue to discuss Saints football with other fans. However, if you take away my ability (and others) to ***** and moan about bad football, then you are slowing progress and change, and they will continue to serve us a **** sandwich we affectionately refer to as Saints football. You want me to cheer? Give me something to cheer about. The Oakland game was a great start. Let\'s see more of it, and I\'ll keep my *****ing to a minimum.
Now, I will agree with you on one thing, if you\'re going to ***** about something, do it, and then move on. Don\'t nag about the same subject over and over,
Give Joanie my love.

[Edited on 3/11/2004 by BlackandBlue]

WhoDat 11-03-2004 07:58 AM

1000 Yards


CHACHING 11-03-2004 08:05 AM

1000 Yards
Point taken........and you\'re not funny......

BlackandBlue 11-03-2004 08:46 AM

1000 Yards
I\'ll take a \"mutual understanding\" over humor any day of the week. ;)

D_it_up 11-03-2004 10:06 AM

1000 Yards
AYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!! *Bangs jukebox and listens as When The Saints Go Marching In\" kicks up* :thumbsup:

[Edited on 3/11/2004 by D_it_up2]

SaintFanInATLHELL 11-03-2004 09:52 PM

1000 Yards

I just don\'t understand the *****ing and knew what you had......WE ARE SAINTS FANS!!!!!!!!...........We have never won anything.....(a post season victory) you all are so un happy then be an Eagles or Pats fan...
I didn\'t sit in the nosebleed endzone section of the Iggles or the Pats when I was a teenager. Or freeze my butt off in anywhere else other than Tulane Stadium.

I am a Saints fan. It\'s my right to complain about the status of the team and want more from them.

but I don\'t know why you constantly complain about our boys but CONSISTANLY put up NEW posts????....STOP *****IN\'...Rally behind our team and support our effort to win games.(we might actualy win some).....Saints fan for life..(I\'ll be at the San Diego game taillgaitin\' if anyone is going)......I almost got jumped twice at the Raider game but still maintained.(shakin my beads and yellin).....GAEUX SAINTS!!!!
NFL football isn\'t only about winning games, or being entertaining. It\'s about getting to playoffs, being successful in the playoffs, and eventually winning a NFL championship. Every year, each team takes that on as the goal. Most of us here simply want our team to have a chance at being successful in this league.

What\'s going on right now isn\'t cutting it. So the best way for me to support this team is to suggest ways for them to get better. That\'s how I get behind this team.


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