Black and Gold Nation
I have been viewing posts by ppl on the Black and Gold Nation on the Saints website. What a bunch of idiots on that site. I have to commend all you guys on this site as intelligent football is discussed. There is pre-conceived notion that all posts have to be positive toward the Saints and that anyone that bashes them for poor play is not a real fan. I happen to think the exact opposite. Those that say, "Oh well, they tried and there is always next year" or something like that, well my feelings are that these people lack true knowledge of the game and don't really realize the screwing up that is going on. I'm sure many of you are like I am in that my wife and kids hear me cheer very loudly when things go well but they hear me cuss when they go bad. I am, and have always been a Saints fan through and through and I'll be back watching next year but I'll never be satisfied with being passive about it.