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JKool 11-17-2004 02:44 AM

Congrats to the people of B&G
I'm certain this will get moved to the everything else board, but before it does, I wanted to say a couple of things:

(1) Thanks to the big guys who run this site. It is very much part of my week and my well being, as I'm sure it is for many others here. You have gone above and beyond the call of duty, and many of us love you for it.

(2) Welcome to all the new guys who've been keeping things interesting around here the last while.

(3) Props to all the guys who are here week in and week out keeping the analysis and info coming.

(4) Thanks to everyone who has made this week's discussion so much better than the last two. I've very much enjoyed the lively banter this week

(5) I'm glad there is a place where I can talk football, learn football, and generally enjoy the team that has sometimes been referred to as "the crazy girl friend".

Mad love to B&G the site, our boys in B&G, and the characters of B&G the web site!

mutineer10 11-17-2004 03:17 AM

Congrats to the people of B&G

Indeed. Thanks to the folks on here who\'ve made me feel welcome these last two weeks ... and even to those who haven\'t!!!

It\'s a good thing you guys have here, whether we all agree or not, and I appreciate being able to be a part of it all. It\'s tough being a Saints fan sometimes, but we are what we are, kinda like a support group...

Now I can be moved to off-topic as well, I suppose!

[Edited on 17/11/2004 by mutineer10]

saintswhodi 11-17-2004 09:22 AM

Congrats to the people of B&G
Also want to give big ups to all. Nice thread Kool. I love to be able to disagree and agree with Saints fans, and not fans from 31 other teams. We all pretty much have our pulse on the team, even if our opinions vary. This is a great site. Everyone should encourage their \"intelligent\" buddies to join and keep it going forever. :D

[Edited on 17/11/2004 by saintswhodi]

dberce1 11-17-2004 09:31 AM

Congrats to the people of B&G

I love to be able to disagree and agree with Saints fans, and not fans from 31 other teams.
Very true, if you even mention anything about the Saints on a general NFL forum, you get laughed at, or brushed off. Generally speaking, most non-Saints football fans don\'t know much/care about what goes on down here in the bayou. they go on what they see on ESPN, which isn\'t much (minus a certain backwards pass lately). It\'s nice to have a site where members have real interest biased or not.

And we\'re not a support group, more of a \"special interests group\", hehe.

shadowdrinker_x 11-17-2004 10:48 AM

Congrats to the people of B&G
absolutely...this is by far the best nfl forum on the net...i have frequented many...and this not only wins out in the column of informative talk...but also..we have some of the most respectable people to converse with...moderators..and members alike...on other boards..there\'s too much swearing..and vulgarity...and sometimes the avatars are tastless...(much like mine)..however..the black and gold site has all you could ask for..and more...great job guys...

JKool 11-17-2004 11:12 AM

Congrats to the people of B&G
Nice point sdx. That is one I forgot - this IS a classy forum, which is a benefit that is too important to go overlooked.

Also, nice to see all the \"new kids\" (well, dberce, I suppose you\'re not much of a new kid anymore) chime in on this one! Welcome to all of you (again), I have very much enjoyed talking with all of you.

Again, mad love to the people of B&G.

D_it_up 11-17-2004 11:38 AM

Congrats to the people of B&G
If someone suggests a group hug, I think I\'ll vomit! :P

fact-o-bake 11-17-2004 12:20 PM

Congrats to the people of B&G
Thanks for the post JKool. I\'m a New Orleans native, but now live in Oregon, and there is absolutely nobody I can talk Saints with. I\'m glad I found this site, and i\'ts very refreshing to have such a common bond with folks.

saintswhodi 11-17-2004 12:30 PM

Congrats to the people of B&G

I\'m a New Orleans native, but now live in Oregon
Try being a New Orleans native, now living in San Antonio, between Houston and Dallas? And being an LSU fan to boot an hour away from UT. And having tickets to the Dallas-Saints game on Dec. 12th knowing you could get humiliated but still willing to wear your Saints egar anyway?

G504 11-17-2004 12:31 PM

Congrats to the people of B&G
Yeah, me too. I\'m from downtown but live in Philadelphia now, who are (for good reason ;) ) all about the Eagles. I live for the weeks when the Saints games lasts a few minutes longer than the Eagles game so I can see the end (which is actually quite often, as many penalties as we get, and as many incomplete passes we throw). The kids think my jerseys \"look cool,\" but that\'s about it. :D

johnnythesaint 11-17-2004 12:52 PM

Congrats to the people of B&G
I went to that orange mane site the broncos fan recommended. There is definitely a gulf of knowledge, and or thoughtful observations. I just wish there was more people posting here. Although I tend to agree that our members represent the NFL elite in terms of humility, I would\'nt cry if our team gave us reason to be sassy. Losing and frustration are inextricably linked to the sort of soul searching that seeps into our posts.The question begs, would success really change us?

BlackandBlue 11-17-2004 01:00 PM

Congrats to the people of B&G

Try being a New Orleans native, now living in San Antonio, between Houston and Dallas? And being an LSU fan to boot an hour away from UT. And having tickets to the Dallas-Saints game on Dec. 12th knowing you could get humiliated but still willing to wear your Saints egar anyway?
I currently live in Dallas, will be at the game on the 12th, and I will be wearing black and gold. Just haven\'t decided which t-shirt or jersey to go with.

Halo 11-17-2004 01:09 PM

Congrats to the people of B&G
Thanks Guys, all this really helps. It\'s a lot of work. Hopefully we can get everyone to make it to the BlackandGold.Net game next year.

xan 11-17-2004 01:10 PM

Congrats to the people of B&G
And a big holla from New Jersey, where Saints fans are eyeballed like the frequent traffic wrecks littering the concrete they call grass. I keep this site \"live\" not because the commentary is crisp, but because I can smell the oyster po\'boys on your breaths. It\'s not a choice, it\'s simply a force of nature to be a Saints fan.

Beat me, whip me, make me write bad checks. Go Saints, beat Denver!

Halo 11-17-2004 01:26 PM

Congrats to the people of B&G

I went to that orange mane site the broncos fan recommended. There is definitely a gulf of knowledge, and or thoughtful observations. I just wish there was more people posting here. Although I tend to agree that our members represent the NFL elite in terms of humility, I would\'nt cry if our team gave us reason to be sassy. Losing and frustration are inextricably linked to the sort of soul searching that seeps into our posts.The question begs, would success really change us?
There are tons of members on this site. What we have learned is all the personal \"beefs\" and BS we once allowed has prevented many from even trying to post because a simple subject becomes a hassle about everything but that subject. We have tried to push out the dead weight without offending everyone and we are seeing results. Let you guys be the regulars and be examples of intelligent conversation and posting. We allow a lot of fun and a lot of off the topic discussions, but we need members who can handle that. If you post intelligently we want you to feel like if someone acts like a moron toward you or anyone on the board, they\'ll be repremanded and sent off if need be.

Thanks for your patronage.

[Edited on 11/17/2004 by Halo]

Danno 11-17-2004 01:26 PM

Congrats to the people of B&G

And a big holla from New Jersey, where Saints fans are eyeballed like the frequent traffic wrecks littering the concrete they call grass. I keep this site \"live\" not because the commentary is crisp, but because I can smell the oyster po\'boys on your breaths. It\'s not a choice, it\'s simply a force of nature to be a Saints fan.
Beat me, whip me, make me write bad checks. Go Saints, beat Denver!
Beautiful, but mine\'s from a Muffalatta (sp?)
And its a curse, not a force. ;)

saintswhodi 11-17-2004 02:52 PM

Congrats to the people of B&G

I currently live in Dallas, will be at the game on the 12th, and I will be wearing black and gold. Just haven\'t decided which t-shirt or jersey to go with.
Hey BNB, disagreements aside, it would be good to hook up with another Saints fan. I bought a Donte Stallworth jersey online from Sports Avenue as soon as they became available the year he was drafted, and I think it will be fitiing to wear during the game(since both may do nothing). I will be on vacation in the 504 for Thanksgiving though, so a Deuce jersey may be coming back with me. In either case, I think I am in section 209, and will be with a friend who is a Cowboys fan and another who is a Dolphins fan who just wanted to go. I can tell you the exact section when I get home later. I know we won\'t be the only ones there cause the Saints usually have a good showing in Dallas. Maybe we can \"rap a taste\" at the game, as they say.

mutineer10 11-17-2004 06:39 PM

Congrats to the people of B&G
I\'m about a half-hour from Tuscaloosa, homebase of the Tide nation. Not sure most folks around here know what the NFL is , so nobody seems offended by Saints gear ... just puzzled.

[Edited on 18/11/2004 by mutineer10]

[Edited on 18/11/2004 by mutineer10]

blackwidows 11-17-2004 07:17 PM

Congrats to the people of B&G
I have been visiting this site since 97 back when the saints really didn\'t have a main website rules.

DomeFoam 11-18-2004 12:05 AM

Congrats to the people of B&G
I\'ve been on since it seems before 1997. was the first website ever about the Saints. blackwidows said it, was around before the Saints site and I have been here since then and will be into the future. When I lived in Tampa, this was the site I watched leading up to the Saints first playoff win and when after the Saints were moving and Benson decided to make a deal with the Gov. Now that I\'m back, I still love this site. We have to do a better job of gathering news like this site has always done. It\'s all of our jobs, everyone in this forum, every one of the 60 people logged in.

Props to this site always for staying alive for so long. It\'s a cool place and thank you halo and who ever keeps changing things for the best. That\'s why I stay around. :thumbup:

JOESAM2002 11-18-2004 01:16 PM

Congrats to the people of B&G
This ones for D_it-up2.

((((((((group)))))) For you that don\'t know, that\'s a group hug. :rollinglaugh:

Thanks to all of you for the great praise. I too think Halo should be commended for all his hard work. Thanks my friend for giving all us Saints fans a wonderful place to meet.

[Edited on 18/11/2004 by JOESAM2002]

JKool 11-18-2004 01:50 PM

Congrats to the people of B&G
Awwww... finally we got that group hug, and it didn\'t have to be me who suggested it. Thanks JoeSam, you made my day. :)

I also thought I should thank the moderators for all their hard work, since I forgot to earlier. Nicely done.

kevinn1972 11-19-2004 09:24 AM

Congrats to the people of B&G
Just want to say thanx to everyone who posts on here. You guys have a great sense of humor (have to being Saints fans), the posts make intelligent arguments, and living in Wichita Falls, TX, this board gives me people that understand my pain. You guys are awesome! Keep it up, and when/if the Saints ever win a Super Bowl, go ahead and put me in the ground cause it\'ll be downhill from there.

BlackandBlue 11-19-2004 12:57 PM

Congrats to the people of B&G

Hey BNB, disagreements aside, it would be good to hook up with another Saints fan. I bought a Donte Stallworth jersey online from Sports Avenue as soon as they became available the year he was drafted, and I think it will be fitiing to wear during the game(since both may do nothing). I will be on vacation in the 504 for Thanksgiving though, so a Deuce jersey may be coming back with me. In either case, I think I am in section 209, and will be with a friend who is a Cowboys fan and another who is a Dolphins fan who just wanted to go. I can tell you the exact section when I get home later. I know we won\'t be the only ones there cause the Saints usually have a good showing in Dallas. Maybe we can \"rap a taste\" at the game, as they say.
Absolutely. I\'ll post my section info when I get home tonight, we can throw back a few before the game. I think I\'m in section 14, but like I said, I post it once I take a look at the tickets tonight.

saintswhodi 11-19-2004 01:05 PM

Congrats to the people of B&G

Absolutely. I\'ll post my section info when I get home tonight, we can throw back a few before the game. I think I\'m in section 14, but like I said, I post it once I take a look at the tickets tonight.

Sounds like a plan. Section 14??? Holy crap. I could have gotten some 50 yard liners but my buddies didn\'t want to pay the measley $200 per ticket. Just $200.

BlackandBlue 11-19-2004 01:11 PM

Congrats to the people of B&G
I wish it was 50 yard line, try corner side.

And, though every poster here may disagree from time to time, we\'re all Saints fans, and we all have a common bond, so I\'ve never been one to take stuff like posts personally, and they shouldn\'t get in the way of our goals as fans. And this is not directed at you so much, cause I really didn\'t feel like there was any animosity between us, but there are others here that tend to forget that theme.

saintswhodi 11-19-2004 01:21 PM

Congrats to the people of B&G
I told that exact same thing to JKool. There is no opinion on this board I can take personal, unless I am attacked. Other than that, all of us have an opinion, but we all share the same thing, being Saints fans. It\'s all good. I was gonna buy some corners seats down in the lower sections, but it didn\'t look too bad from the upper section. I am towards the 45 yard line. Wish I would have just bought myself one of those lower 50 yard line ones now. Aahh well. We can talk more about it when the time gets closer. Looks like I will be bunking at Amerisuites near the stadium before the game because they have free hto breakfast. :D

travelingFan 11-19-2004 05:40 PM

Congrats to the people of B&G
Hello fellow members. I like most of you am a traveling fan. It seems that every season I find my self in a different country searching to catch NFL games and more important the saints. This year is no different. I\'m in Brazil and the only game I catch is MNF delayed in Portuguese. So I wind up watching play by play on NFL web site. So let\'s count our blessings and help our saints win every week.

BlackandBlue 11-19-2004 07:09 PM

Congrats to the people of B&G
I\'ve seen the women in Brazil. I\'ll trade places with you in a heartbeat.

BlackandBlue 11-19-2004 08:35 PM

Congrats to the people of B&G
Section 14, Row 34- probably either be wearing a tie-dyed Saints T shirt or a Joe Horn jersey. Run up and start yelling \"BnB\", I\'ll find yah. ;)

saintswhodi 11-19-2004 09:12 PM

Congrats to the people of B&G
Section 126, Row 16, Seat 105 or 104 or 106. One of those. I\'ll be in some sort of Saints gear, Most likely the Stallworth jersey and the Coach\'s baseball cap.

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