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Chuck 11-19-2004 09:31 AM

Start Complaining Again !
A while back someone posted the link to e-mail the governor when this mess started. Well with her latest statements I think it's time to do it again. Right now she is just putting her finger in the air to try and figure out which way the wind blows. Well I started sending 2 e-mails a day everyday to express my opinion; I wish you guys would join me in doing the same.

If she want to be a women about this, then I'm going to nag like one ! :P

[Edited on 19/11/2004 by Chuck]

fact-o-bake 11-19-2004 10:13 AM

Start Complaining Again !
Thanks for the link Chuck. I dropped them a line, and figure she\'ll be on the phone with Benson anytime now with a different tune.

WhoDat 11-19-2004 10:16 AM

Start Complaining Again !
You should read that other thread. While I agree that she\'s not taking the best posture, she is being blackmailed by Benson. He keeps talking about how the Saints aren\'t competitive and how if the State doesn\'t do something he\'ll leave. Sure... the Saints have the 8th MOST operating income in the league. More than teams in major markets like New York, Philly, Chicago, St Louis, and San Fran. Sure Tom, take your team to LA. You\'ll be movin again instide of a decade.

BlackandBlue 11-19-2004 12:07 PM

Start Complaining Again !

If she want to be a women about this, then I\'m going to nag like one !
Wow! :D

Now there\'s a hot sports opinion.

Chuck 11-19-2004 02:11 PM

Start Complaining Again !
The point is, having the Saints in New Orleans helps Louisiana 20 fold over hurting Louisiana. Benson is trying to make money just like any other Bussiness owner, I don\'t understand why he is the bad guy here. Sports Wrap have even showed how Louisiana has the money for a new Stadium. Convention Center money + Nfl Help + money saved on inducements = close to what you need for a new stadium.


take your team to LA. You\'ll be movin again instide of a decade.
They may move again but it won\'t be back in Louisiana, and it won\'t be the same thing.



Now there\'s a hot sports opinion.
Don\'t come down to hard on me Mr. Moderator.

[Edited on 19/11/2004 by Chuck]

BlackandBlue 11-19-2004 02:32 PM

Start Complaining Again !
Why would I, it made me laugh.

Euphoria 11-19-2004 02:34 PM

Start Complaining Again !
I think its a negociation tactic... Start high, ask for the moon and see what happens. You can\'t blame Benson he is a buisnessman.

Euphoria 11-19-2004 02:43 PM

Start Complaining Again !
thanks for the info and address... I e-mailed.

blackwidows 11-19-2004 03:11 PM

Start Complaining Again !
I hate to say it but thats what happens when you have a woman as govenor. Most women don\'t give a hell about sports. All she is concerned with is how it is going to efffect the state in the long run. It is kind of stupid in my mind to have the state have any say in the New Orleans Saints business anyhow. I guess thats what happens when you lease a state funded building. Gee why could we not put the Saints in the stock market like Greenbay. I don\'t know this might not work either since it is suck a bad market as far as avertisement goes nationwide. I mean it is sad when you have to go online to get Saints gear cause you live in Ohio.

Chuck 11-19-2004 03:15 PM

Start Complaining Again !
I don\'t think it\'s a negociation tactic anymore, I think it\'s demands. Im hearing the selling price for the Saints is close to the B-word. Benson is frustrated because he is getting the attention and respect from a Major City, Yet Louisiana doesn\'t show the appreciation of having a NFL franchise when they are extremely lucky to have one to begin with.

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