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PanthersHuddle 12-02-2004 01:22 PM

Prayers for the Saints....
Greeting from your friends at Panthers Huddle!


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In the spirit of the Holidays, I would like to take this opportunity not to belittle or badger our upcoming opponents. But instead, offer the following prayers for the Saints, to the Saints.

To Madron, Patron Saint of pain relief, may the New Orleans Saints heal quickly from the unmerciful beating they shall receive from the Panthers.

To Elizabeth of Portugal, Patron Saint against jealousy, may the fans of New Orleans accept the fact that their football team is and shall always be suckers of hind tit and covet not the fans of Carolina.

To Dominic of Sora, Patron Saint of snakes, may New Orleans see George Shinn for what he really is.

To Jude, Patron Saint of lost causes, nah, that’s too easy.

To Ulric, Patron Saint of dizziness, may the Saints fully recover from the Panthers running circles around them.

To Joseph, Patron Saint of hesitation, may you help Aaron Brooks decide to throw the ball away and avoid being dismantled by Julius Peppers.

And finally to Maurice, Patron Saint against cramps, may Joe Horn not be burdened by his menstrual cycle this weekend.


[Edited on 2/12/2004 by BlackandBlue]

PanthersHuddle 12-02-2004 01:34 PM

Prayers for the Saints....
Sorry about that, I didn\'t know posting a panthers board on a saints board was like boards. You guys are welcome to link on ours. We are a part of which is a really great fan alliance, we don\'t have a saints rep yet, you guys should look into it. It has been very helpful.

shadowdrinker_x 12-02-2004 01:37 PM

Prayers for the Saints....
To Pee-Wee Herman, Patron Saint Of Panthers Fans.. I know you are but what am I?

BlackandBlue 12-02-2004 01:39 PM

Prayers for the Saints....
No biggie, and I\'m sure the owner won\'t have a problem with it, but until he approves the site, it stays off the boards. I don\'t make the rules, unfortunately, but I do enforce them ;)

PanthersHuddle 12-02-2004 01:48 PM

Prayers for the Saints....
No problem at all. Sorry to have stepped on some toes. :)

JOESAM2002 12-02-2004 10:52 PM

Prayers for the Saints....
Ouch, you go BnB.

mutineer10 12-03-2004 12:29 AM

Prayers for the Saints....
To Loomis, patron Saint of Bad Personnel, may the Panthers enjoy the quarterback we\'ve given them...

You Panthers fans are aware you\'re 4-7 too, right? Well, pop the bubbly, we\'ll be sitting right next to you (on the outside looking in) as the playoffs commence!

At least when the Falcons idiots were on here last week, they had something to brag about...

subguy 12-03-2004 05:29 AM

Prayers for the Saints....
BnB, seems to me some stray has p$@#&% in your Spread your wings Junior Mod and fly.... :xxrotflmao:

BlackandBlue 12-03-2004 07:57 AM

Prayers for the Saints....
All the ways you wish you could be, that\'s me.

dberce1 12-03-2004 08:17 AM

Prayers for the Saints....
To Saint Markinus, patron saint of knees and legs, bless Steve Smith and Stephen Davis, nevermind.

subguy 12-04-2004 11:38 PM

Prayers for the Saints....
Was it that obvious I want to be like you when i grow up BnB :notworthy: ? Yes you are right, but at least I have an office with a door and don\'t sulk all day when someone gets the cubicle next to the wall of windows. Windows equal status, I know the drill.

[Edited on 5/12/2004 by subguy]

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