12-22-2004, 03:26 PM
100th Post
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 264
cya saints....
On top of all this, TAgliabue and the NFL aren\'t helping matters either. Coming out with their \"displeasure\" to the media. Sounds like a set up to me. L.A. Saints, coming right up. Ol\' Paul and Co. are just greasing up the wheels.
Absolutely, and the suits at ESPN are having orgasm after orgasm thinking about Berman touting the wonders of the LOS ANGEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLEEEEESSSSSSSSSS Powda Puffs or whatever the name will be. Remember, follow the money.
One thing that I\'ll bet, Uncle Tom will find that getting the dollars in LA will be harder than he thinks. Why do you think that both Davis and Fronteria moved out? There are two major colleges 2 NBA teams, and MLB team there, meaning that there needs to be a winner, an exciting winner, in the NFL. That, the Saints, AIN\'T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!