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deucerulez 12-21-2004 04:47 PM

cya saints....
dont know if this was posted already....

Tagliabue's Comments Add Fuel To Saints Rumors

BlackandBlue 12-21-2004 04:55 PM

cya saints....
Link does not work.

Halo 12-21-2004 05:25 PM

cya saints....

Here guys I repaired the link...

I agree with Tagliabue, I think the way this is panning out and how the State, especially the Governor, is handling it we look like the backward backwash State that people think we are. This could be a political disaster for Gov. Blanco and the NFL is lighting the fire.

Why was it so easy to \"make this happen\" with Governor Foster, and such a \"no go\" with Blanco.

Please don\'t reply with how the Saints don\'t make any money for the State, it\'s not true and the argument is so old. Facts are, this is all about money. Mark my words, if the Saints leave, Louisiana will be the first State to file for bankruptcy in the history of the US.

Sad Sad Sad, the Governor is pushing this too far. She is also committing political suicide- New Orleans and the River Region make up 2.5 Million of the State\'s 4 million citizens.

RDOX 12-21-2004 05:59 PM

cya saints....

Here guys I repaired the link...

I agree with Tagliabue, I think the way this is panning out and how the State, especially the Governor, is handling it we look like the backward backwash State that people think we are. This could be a political disaster for Gov. Blanco and the NFL is lighting the fire.

Why was it so easy to \"make this happen\" with Governor Foster, and such a \"no go\" with Blanco.

Please don\'t reply with how the Saints don\'t make any money for the State, it\'s not true and the argument is so old. Facts are, this is all about money. Mark my words, if the Saints leave, Louisiana will be the first State to file for bankruptcy in the history of the US.

Sad Sad Sad, the Governor is pushing this too far. She is also committing political suicide- New Orleans and the River Region make up 2.5 Million of the State\'s 4 million citizens.

While I agree with your post in this regard, I also believe that Blanco has inherited a state budget that is so far in the red that our great-great-great grandchildren will be paying with all they can make. This is NOT about the Saints, it\'s about POOR management of personnel, budget, and programs all throughout the state, starting back in \'72 when the Silver Zipper (Edward Weenie Edwards) got his hands on the state coffers for the first time.

The state of Louisiana has been so mismanaged for so many years that now we ARE the backwater, backwash state that many people think we are. I happen to be in the private social service system and am privy to a lot of the incompetence and wastage that Louisiana has wrought on itself because of \"good old boy\" deals and winks and nods at trying to fix a system that was totally derelict before it went into place(think of the highway system for one).

My hope was, quite frankly, that the Gulf Coast would charge to the rescue and put up a stadium. Alas, that hasn\'t happened yet, if ever. There is something else, sadly, that is happening here that further depresses the City of New Orleans and that is it\'s National Image as a city of crime, sloth, vagary, corruption, and non-safety. If you live in the city, you know that there are more places than not that you take your life in your hands, even in daylight, to drive through, much less than walk in. Some of those neighborhoods are within spitting distance from the Super Dome also. Since there is no industry in New Orleans (Marc Morial drove it out in his tenure as Mayor) there is little industrial, business, or service base that provides large chunks of cash for sky boxes, and the like.

Sadly, Blanco is gonna call Uncle Tom\'s hand on this and away the Saints go. FOREVER!!! Cause we ain\'t getting another pro football franchise here, and quite frankly we shouldn\'t have gotten this one, because of the size of the city. But, as Republican as I am, I can\'t blame this one on Aunt Kathleen, she\'s just inherited the mess started when GOON Landrieu and John McKeithen cooked up a scheme to enrich themselves by selling a warehouse district to an unsuspecting, naive, and crooked legislature. :exclam:

spkb25 12-21-2004 06:14 PM

cya saints....
well i find this a sad day indeed. the thought of having to route for an la team and never getting to see them play because of where they would be located would leave me with no team to route for. i believe, and please honestly correct me if im wrong, but your new governess is a democrat. that is your main problem. they have no problem spending money on people who dont work but a big problem spending it on the working man. if you dont work and your a piece of dirt then that is the party for you. plain and simple they put no money into anything that can generate money. they just spend like crazy to keep any non worker happy.
its a shame to watch you guys go through this. in va we have a democrat for governor and he raised taxes. which is what they always do. this was because they couldnt balance the budget. after they raised taxes they then had a program spending about 2 million on minority programs. yep. this is after they raised taxes because they couldnt balance the budget. so what are minority programs. well they are programs that offer money to those that dont work. amazing
hope you guys keep the saints because im a fan of N.O. as well as the saints

spkb25 12-21-2004 06:34 PM

cya saints....
rdox i for one can not disagree with you because im not in N.O. and honestly dont know the stae of affairs there.
the only thing i am positive of is democrats. all they do is raise taxes and spend. there is a reason that they get the minority vote. there is a reason that all of the poor vote for them. they were suppose to be the party of the common man. well they are the party of the poor and jobless now. in my opinion that is your biggest problem. you have a democrat who looks to do nothing more then give a free ride to whoever she can on the backs of all of us. the shame is this will most likely continue because people that are worthless reamin worhtless and want something for nothing.
you may be saying what does this have to do with the saints. well if your state has to provide money for theese people well then that will take away from the funding of the saints new stadium. since that is who she was elected by to be reelected she has to make sure she offers as many free programs as she can for the sh*t of society. i have been to N.o. once. i was 18. i was surprised at all of the non workers or poor you have in that state( and i come from jersey ). i had people at every turn beging me for money. then i was surprised to see how many cubans you have there. not that i care if someone is cuban or not because that is not how i judge a man but theese cubans didnt work and were hanging in a park ( or what seem to be a park ) near the mississippi drinking in the midddle of the day. and this is what you guys should be spending money on rather then a saints stadium. are you frigan kidding me

themightyduck 12-21-2004 07:46 PM

cya saints....
If the state loses this team, I would be sorely disappointed with Blanco\'s ineptitude. She has mismanaged and botched every opportunity to work out a deal with the Saints.

RDOX is entirely correct. As a native of New Orleans, I\'m so used to the incompetency and corruption in our city\'s government, I\'ve become indifferent to it. (An FBI investigation led to 24 arrests of people in our PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM. They were charged with extortion, bribery, blackmail, and theft of the school system\'s funds.)

Louisiana\'s legislature is constantly in a state of civil war, and there\'s two sides: New Orleans and the river parishes vs. the entire state north of Baton Rouge. They have consistently decried any sort of affair with the Saints (They\'re Cowboys fans, after all!), and they don\'t want to see \"the New Orleanians get their way again.\"

Louisiana\'s legislature is also a \"family run\" affair. Tauzin, Landrieu, I could go on and on. If your daddy was in Louisiana politics, then you\'ll soon find yourself in the same position. And because the names never change, businesses and politicians are best buddies. Ridiculous contracts for public contracts are constantly being made, usually because the politicians involved and the businessmen are old family friends.

We will lose the Saints eventually. It\'s only a matter of time until Benson gets so frustrated with this train wreck of a government, he\'ll pack his bags up and head for sunny Los Angeles. Meanwhile, as the state gets poorer and poorer, the powerful government names get richer and richer...

mutineer10 12-21-2004 08:23 PM

cya saints....
Hey guys, be careful! Before you know it, this thread might just get political. ;)

I don\'t live in New Orleans, or even in the state, but it depresses me on many levels to see this happening. In spite of living in the Birmingham area all my life, I\'ve been a Saints fan since I learned what a football was. My wife grew up in New Orleans, and we travel there all the time. I love the city, I love the team, and I don\'t want to lose my love of either.

I hope you guys remember this when you hit the ballot boxes next time around - assuming the team even makes it that long. Of course, like the duck said, there may be no valid choice, anyway...

BrooksMustGo 12-21-2004 09:16 PM

cya saints....

Hey guys, be careful! Before you know it, this thread might just get political. ;)

I hope you guys remember this when you hit the ballot boxes next time around - assuming the team even makes it that long.
It\'s been awhile since I\'ve lived in La, so I\'m very open to correction on this.

Wasn\'t the Mike Foster Saints deal premised on tourist taxes that never really materialized? If it\'s also right that the state is running in the red, I\'m not sure that the state is really in position to help the team. It might just be that the Saints are more solvent than the state of Louisiana right now.

It just seems to me that most folks aren\'t going to come out in force to raise taxes to keep a football team in a city that half of Lousiana things is the devil\'s anyway.

This entire fiasco makes me wish that we had an owner like Bob Kraft who used not one thin dime of public money to build his state of the art stadium.

But again, if any team moves to LA, they get tired of playing in the colosseum and move within a decade anyway. .02

[Edited on 22/12/2004 by BrooksMustGo]

dberce1 12-22-2004 12:52 PM

cya saints....
On top of all this, TAgliabue and the NFL aren\'t helping matters either. Coming out with their \"displeasure\" to the media. Sounds like a set up to me. L.A. Saints, coming right up. Ol\' Paul and Co. are just greasing up the wheels.

RDOX 12-22-2004 03:26 PM

cya saints....

On top of all this, TAgliabue and the NFL aren\'t helping matters either. Coming out with their \"displeasure\" to the media. Sounds like a set up to me. L.A. Saints, coming right up. Ol\' Paul and Co. are just greasing up the wheels.
Absolutely, and the suits at ESPN are having orgasm after orgasm thinking about Berman touting the wonders of the LOS ANGEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLEEEEESSSSSSSSSS Powda Puffs or whatever the name will be. Remember, follow the money.

One thing that I\'ll bet, Uncle Tom will find that getting the dollars in LA will be harder than he thinks. Why do you think that both Davis and Fronteria moved out? There are two major colleges 2 NBA teams, and MLB team there, meaning that there needs to be a winner, an exciting winner, in the NFL. That, the Saints, AIN\'T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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