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DJLengai 01-03-2005 07:32 PM

The Saints are Great! We're lucky to have them.
Hello fellow Saints fans,

I just wanted to take some time out to say thank you to the Saints organization for another enjoyable season. The team and coaching staff fought through adversity and did what they had to to, especially with the intense pressure of winning the last 4 games of the season, to give the team a chance to be in the playoffs.

The city of New Orleans is truly blessed to have the Saints and Hornets organizations, and I truly appreciate all of the entertainment and revenue they provide our city and state.

Aaron Brooks is a top-notch QB. AB has shown incredible poise and professionalism to deal with all of the undeserved negative press he receives, and to give the Saints an opportunity. I love watching our team play. We have the best running back in football. We have a solid secondary and a devestating D-Line.

I love coach Haslett's style and intensity. It's nice not to have a team like we had under Ditka. We have a real-deal team and I look forward to next season.

Once again, I just wanted to say thank you from the bottom of my heart to Jim Haslett, Aaron Brooks, and the Saints. You guys are great!

saintswhodi 01-03-2005 07:51 PM

The Saints are Great! We're lucky to have them.
Is this at all sarcastic?

DJLengai 01-03-2005 07:52 PM

The Saints are Great! We're lucky to have them.
Not at all, I genuinely meant every word of it.

saintswhodi 01-03-2005 07:54 PM

The Saints are Great! We're lucky to have them.
K. Welcome aboard.

BrooksMustGo 01-03-2005 09:00 PM

The Saints are Great! We're lucky to have them.
Governor Blanco? Is that you?

CHACHING 01-03-2005 09:21 PM

The Saints are Great! We're lucky to have them.
Is this kid forreal????

saintsfan1313 01-04-2005 12:01 AM

The Saints are Great! We're lucky to have them.
The kid is right, without the Saints, what another excuse would we have for drinkinh away our sorrows and being addicted to painkillers. Maybe i shared too much..........?

shadowdrinker 01-04-2005 12:47 AM

The Saints are Great! We're lucky to have them.
L.A. is still a very real threat....maybe even more so now that the recent surge the team has had..may increase value by as much as 5%..and that\'s big money when you talk about hundreds of millions...I just hope we have a team in the future

dberce1 01-04-2005 08:14 AM

The Saints are Great! We're lucky to have them.
How about yall take it easy on the newcomers??? Don\'t flog the guy on his first post, he\'s just trying to stay positive, and there\'s nothing wrong with that. If we berate all newcomers, the quality of the board will dwindle, and we\'ll be stuck having to listen to saintswhodi vs. whoever on the Brooks debate. Fresh blood is a good thing.

saintswhodi 01-04-2005 10:18 AM

The Saints are Great! We're lucky to have them.
Nice rip dberce. Thanks. Please show me where I took any shots at the newcomer? I welcomed him aboard. And I will have you know I haven\'t ripped Brooks in about a week now. The most I have said is he still needs to go, but I am not the only one. Way to stab a man when he isn\'t looking buddy. :weepy:

saintswhodi 01-04-2005 10:41 AM

The Saints are Great! We're lucky to have them.
Okay, the weepy guy has become this guy. :mad2: I can\'t believe you singled me out. Am I the only one here who has ripped Brooks? Just me? Seriously? Do you only read my posts cause most times I am agreeing with others who rip Brooks? AND, I actually praised Brooks\' performance in the last game against Carolina. Unfair dude, just unfair.

dberce1 01-04-2005 10:51 AM

The Saints are Great! We're lucky to have them.
Sorry dude, didn\'t mean to single you out. We all argue on this board, I guess it\'s kinda the place for it. You were the first to come to mind, since you are such a frequent poster. I honestly didn\'t mean anything by it.


Way to stab a man when he isn\'t looking buddy.
Sorry, this is an old habit picked up while doing time in Angola. Always had to shank a man when his back was to me.


Am I the only one here who has ripped Brooks?
My God, no. I\'m sure I\'ve even ripped Brooks a few times. It just seems you\'ve been on him as of late, but once again, that\'s cool, it\'s your opinion which you\'re entitled to.


Please show me where I took any shots at the newcomer? I welcomed him aboard.
Please show me where I said that you personally ripped on the guy. I was just saying that a couple of guys, sarcastically or not, might run this guy away who literally just posted for the fifth time. I know on the board we have the moonshiners vs. sunshiners, but this guy doesn\'t know that. He might be just a good ol\' fan, wanting to post after another long tumultuos year. Then we pounce on him like Ben on JLo\'s booty. Just sayin so man, don\'t take it to heart, wasn\'t talking bout you. I\'ll buy you a beer next time we\'re in the Dome.

[Edited on 4/1/2005 by dberce1]

saintswhodi 01-04-2005 11:02 AM

The Saints are Great! We're lucky to have them.
I turned over a new leaf for the new year my man. No sense stressing myself out over Brooks. I want him gone, it has been said, and I don\'t need to argue it as much as I have. Maybe say something here and there. But I know in the last week I have not jumped on him at all. Well, since the New Year. lol He played a nice game, and I left it at that. Just didn\'t know how I became the posterboy when I am new to that debate myself. It\'s all good.

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