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shadowdrinker 01-04-2005 12:45 AM

Do We dare?
Donte Stallworth...

This kid has been a dissapointment thus far...he did come on a little bit this year...but..should this team invest more time and money in this kid?..can he be a solid reciever for the Saints on a consistent basis?

and..if we lose or whatever...who will be the guy who steps up?..I think Pathon is an outstanding 3rd wide out...and his position shouldn't be changed...Henderson sure as heck isn't going to be a starter without major off season work..even then..I'm not convinced of his taking over the 2nd spot...

We would basically have to go get a big namer...cuz if Horn goes down..we need a big reciever to keep us competitve,and we lack that right now... should be Interesting to see what direction we go in...Either prepared for some serious changes this off season...Stallworth might very well be a coveted reciever for a trade....everyone else seems to think he's superman...go figure

WhoDat 01-04-2005 08:13 AM

Do We dare?
Stallworth stayed healthy this year, although he didn\'t have a great season. I think there are a number of pros and cons with this guy, but ultimately, he\'s worth keeping around.

For starters, he\'s got the rare strength and speed that makes WRs great. He is certainly having a hard time maturing, but he was closer to being there this year than any before. I still think it will click with this guy.

He also proved this season that he\'s a lot more than just a deep threat. I can\'t count the number of times he caught passes that lead him into monster hits. This guy is a player.

He needs to work on his hands and he needs to focus every game. I think the rest of his production concerns are on McCarthy, for misusing him in the offense, and Brooks, for often locking into Horn or Pathon. I say resign the guy, but not at big money.

JKool 01-04-2005 12:35 PM

Do We dare?
I\'m with Who on this one. Well said buddy.

Danno 01-04-2005 01:11 PM

Do We dare?
I too thought Donte improved quite a bit this year. He still has 3 more years left on a cap friendly contract so I see a ton more upside than downside.

That catch he made Sunday while getting hammered illustrates his improved concentration.

saintswhodi 01-04-2005 02:08 PM

Do We dare?
Definitely wanna keep Stallworth.

FireVenturi 01-04-2005 03:13 PM

Do We dare?

Definitely wanna keep Stallworth.
Wurd....especially if we can geta OC that will consistently throw him screens

Bise 01-04-2005 05:46 PM

Do We dare?

I too thought Donte improved quite a bit this year. He still has 3 more years left on a cap friendly contract so I see a ton more upside than downside.

That catch he made Sunday while getting hammered illustrates his improved concentration.
I think the only reason he held on to it was because the opponent \"pinned\" it to his chest when he tackled him.

I think we should keep DS but the more I watch him the more I notice that he can\'t run AND catch..... he is good at running.... and he can catch.... but not both at the same time.....

fact-o-bake 01-04-2005 05:55 PM

Do We dare?
Stallworth\'s hands frustrate me so much at times, but what I like about him is that he is a player. He competes hard. You always see him throwing his body around on blocks, and he doesn\'t run out of bounds, or jump to the ground to avoid hits. Plus I often see him on the sideline cheering on the team, or running over to congratulate teammates for good plays. If he starts catching balls consistently he will be awesome.

Euphoria 01-04-2005 06:49 PM

Do We dare?
He\'s a keeper... the problem with this debate of sorts is that you have to keep in mind he wasn\'t drafted to be the number one guy. He was drafted to be a speedster and get TD\'s.

kevinn1972 01-05-2005 11:22 AM

Do We dare?
Before this year I would have said to trade him in a heartbeat, but I think he was one of the real pleasant surprises this year. He got off to a slow start, but he really started showing me some heart, and I agree that his run blocking was pretty good. Leave him on the roster. His presence keeps Pathon working hard too.

Tobias-Reiper 01-05-2005 11:47 AM

Do We dare?

He\'s a keeper... the problem with this debate of sorts is that you have to keep in mind he wasn\'t drafted to be the number one guy. He was drafted to be a speedster and get TD\'s.
....well, he\'s fast al right... but how many TD\'s has he caught?, a poser for all...

... how about luring Muhsin Mohammad away from the Panthers?
Would you give up on Stallworth then?

ScottyRo 01-05-2005 11:57 AM

Do We dare?
There\'s no way the team can justify getting rid of stallworth unless the deal is just too sweet to pass up...and not no, but hell no to a trade for Muhsin...wasn\'t this a contract year for him?.

Stallworth is young, has a ton of potential and is doing well enough to deserve a roster spot.

Boccal 01-05-2005 12:33 PM

Do We dare?

... how about luring Muhsin Mohammad away from the Panthers?Would you give up on Stallworth then?

You must be part of Mickey\'s front office :D Stallworth is a game breaker everytime he touches the ball. Next year will be the year that he finally puts it all together and becomes the player we all thought he should be. Do you know how much respect Defenses would have to give us with Horn, Stallworth, and Henderson on the feild because of the speed factor!

Tobias-Reiper 01-05-2005 12:53 PM

Do We dare?


... how about luring Muhsin Mohammad away from the Panthers?Would you give up on Stallworth then?

You must be part of Mickey\'s front office :D Stallworth is a game breaker everytime he touches the ball. Next year will be the year that he finally puts it all together and becomes the player we all thought he should be. Do you know how much respect Defenses would have to give us with Horn, Stallworth, and Henderson on the feild because of the speed factor!
.. yeah.. how many games has Stallworth broken in the 3 years he\'s been here? ... \"Next yeat he\'ll put it all together\" is a phrase I jkeep reading.. I guess the law of averages says that eventually he\'ll have a good season worthy of a #13 pick overall....

Mohammad has HANDS, size, and speed... he isn\'t a track star, but he sure can get separation from defenders...don\'t know if you watched last game, but he was eating McKenzie alive.. if not for a blown call and the presure up front...

saintswhodi 01-05-2005 01:52 PM

Do We dare?
I don\'t want Stallworth gone, but I have to agree with Tobias. W/O the pressure up front, Muhammed would have eaten McKenzie\'s lunch. And everyone else\'s. He got open quite often, but not just against us. He does it every week. I remember another Panthers game I saw, the Bucs one I think, and the announcers said that the bucs knew they had to throw to Muhammed, and still couldn\'t stop it. I would be willing to take a shot on Muhammed. Let Pathon walk. Restructure Joe. Then you have Muhammed, Horn, Stallworth and Henderson. Now if we could just do something about Leon.

ScottyRo 01-05-2005 02:32 PM

Do We dare?
A) you don\'t have to bring up the QB in every post;

B) Henderson is unproven and is not a sure thing to make the roster in \'05. I\'d rather have Pathon back than trust that guy. Also, Muhammed would never make it as a Saint. The refs would start calling his pushing off if he put on the black and gold and he wouldn\'t be able to get the separation he was able to get this season.

FireVenturi 01-05-2005 02:40 PM

Do We dare?
Leon cant do everything.......block ,catch, or call plays comes to mind

saintswhodi 01-05-2005 02:43 PM

Do We dare?
Look above Scotty, I posted and didn\'t mention Leon at all. No sense in owning an Indy car if you don\'t have a capable driver though.

ScottyRo 01-05-2005 02:46 PM

Do We dare?
Oh, ok, I\'ll be sure to make a note of your achievement in not mentioning AB.

btw, there\'s no point in blaming the driver if the steering box of your Indy car isn\'t worth a crap.

saintswhodi 01-05-2005 02:49 PM

Do We dare?
Steering box? I am not a mechanic so that reference is lost on me. Is that like the steering wheel or column? Doesn\'t matter. I don\'t understand why this statement

Now if we could just do something about Leon.
would garner any response at all. Can you tell me what you thought I meant?

ScottyRo 01-05-2005 02:59 PM

Do We dare?
From my reading of some other threads, I understand that the moniker \"Leon\" is being applied to AB based on comments AB made. Thus, when you say \"we need to do something\" about him and I take into account that you are clearly anti-brooks, I infer that you most likely mean get rid of him. You\'re not the first poster on this forum to take that kind of a stance and approach to bashing brooks.

A steeriing box is part of the steering column. I\'m referring to McCarthy.

saintswhodi 01-05-2005 03:05 PM

Do We dare?
I\'m not bashing him. I gave up on that since noone explained to me how pointing out facts bashes Brooks. Sinc eHaz is most likely staying, Brooks is as well. Therefore, he will be our qb whether I like it or not. What I meant by \"doing something,\" was getting him to be a team player. Getting him to learn to audible. Getting him to work on touch passes in the off-season. Getting him to stop backing into the rush. Getting him to stop fumbling. Getting him to stop throwing into triple coverage. Meaning, improving our qb sinc ehe is gonna be here. If I hope to have this team win, I have to hope to win with him, no matter what I call him. The Leon reference was funny and it fit him, so I use it. If there was a way we could get rid of him and bring in a capable qb, I would be for it. Doesn\'t look like it\'s happening, so I wanna improve what we have. Understand?

ScottyRo 01-05-2005 03:13 PM

Do We dare?
You\'re right, \"Leon\" is funny. My deal was that there was a good thread going about WRs and you had to throw the Leon comment in there. My point is to try to get you to notice that you don\'t have to do that. We all know how you feel about AB.

My biggest issue with AB is that instead of running he has picked up a habit of scrambling around looking for a play to make, but 75% of the time he just ends up throwing the ball away. If he\'d decide to run earlier, we\'d at least gain a yard or two instead.

saintswhodi 01-05-2005 03:16 PM

Do We dare?
The comment was out of place, so I see where you are coming from. Point taken. I just got to thinking about all the firepower we would have at receiver, then I used that to bring myself down to earth again. My bad.

Tobias-Reiper 01-06-2005 06:34 AM

Do We dare?

There\'s no way the team can justify getting rid of stallworth unless the deal is just too sweet to pass up...and not no, but hell no to a trade for Muhsin...wasn\'t this a contract year for him?.

Stallworth is young, has a ton of potential and is doing well enough to deserve a roster spot.
.. you need to do better than just \"no, but hell no\"...
... this was Muhsin\'s last year of his deal, however, it is not that he picked up his game because of his contract situation, it was more that he was more visible this year because it was only him, Prhoel, and a rookie at WR... besides, this is WR we are talking about... you have to have balls thrown your way in order to shine... Mohammad has this crazy tendency of catching the ball...

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