12-09-2014, 05:17 AM
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Join Date: Jan 2012
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Re: Junior bashes former teammates
Originally Posted by Danno
My guess is if they re-voted today, Junior would not be a Captain.
Why even have a vote? Just turns it into a popularity contest and you'll wind up with a "Junior" now and again,  . Let the coaches & staff designate the player who's displayed the most leadership capability, IMO. You're going to war, for crissake ... it's a business and millions of dollars are at stake here, do you want questionable leadership?
Where would the world be today if, for instance, on a day like June 6, 1944 the standard operating procedure was, "Well Sarge, the boys have decided that you're a little too mean and a little too much on the side of management, so they took a vote & Private ****bird will be leading the squad from now on" ... I shudder to think,