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JOESAM2002 01-08-2005 02:21 PM

Buddy Diliberto Dies At Age 74
BuddyD was a Saints institution. He will be missed!

shreveportsaint 01-08-2005 02:25 PM

Buddy Diliberto Dies At Age 74
I disagreed w/alot that Buddy D had to say, but I still enjoyed listening to him before & after the games. It won\'t be the same listening to the pre and post game shows w/o him! I\'m sure he\'ll be missed by all Saints fans

ScottBalot 01-08-2005 02:41 PM

Buddy Diliberto Dies At Age 74
Buddy will be missed by many. He was one of the most unique individuals in modern New Orleans history. I know I\'ll miss him every Sunday in the fall. Hopefully, he\'ll be able to convince the powers above to smile on the Saints next season. God Bless Buddy D.

Halo 01-08-2005 05:52 PM

Buddy Diliberto Dies At Age 74

Buddy will be missed by many. He was one of the most unique individuals in modern New Orleans history. I know I\'ll miss him every Sunday in the fall. Hopefully, he\'ll be able to convince the powers above to smile on the Saints next season. God Bless Buddy D.

What\'s going on, I know this hit you like it did me, hard. I grew up with this guy. You know a lot of people didn\'t agree with Buddy, but that was the nature of his show and the nature of his life. He said it the way he saw it and couldn\'t care if a censor didn\'t like it or if the Saints organization (or any person or organization) liked it or not. It was his brutal honesty that propelled him into greatness, an honesty not seen in many forms of media today.

Mostly, Buddy made me laugh after the game. His show was the worst produced show ever, so much so it was a comedy routine every week- like your grandfather trying to press buttons on a computer in a studio, it was a funny mess.

I missed 2 games this year and told people \"I didn\'t care about missing the game, I just wanted to listen to what Buddy had to say after the game.\"

He could make me laugh when things were bad, and it seemed like most of the time he would say what I really felt deep down in my heart but was not able to express. Sometimes I disagreed with Buddy, but to him you knew that was ok.

They read some of his personal letters today on WWL radio to fellow writers at the Clarion-Herold about what he thought about the fans. He loved the little man, he thought about the people who purchased tickets and had something to say about the team but weren\'t allowed to say anything. He cared about the sportswriters intimidated by the organization as they do, he cared about the Charles Saints Club and Abdul the Carpet Maker, he cared about telling it like it is, he cared about challenging the critics, and he cared about people in general.

He cared about all of us and tried to express what we fell. Sometimes he nailed it, sometimes he didn\'t, but he is a legend and a great great man who went to church every day, God bless him.

\"Lemme say to ya\" I\'ll miss you Buddy, I don\'t know how things will ever be the same.

Mark Clark

[Edited on 1/9/2005 by Halo]

ScottBalot 01-08-2005 08:00 PM

Buddy Diliberto Dies At Age 74

It feels like I lost a member of my family. He is the New Orleans Saints to me. Before the internet, Buddy was the DEFINITIVE source of Saints information. I used to hang on every word. I didn\'t always agree with him as well, and he could be a bit overbearing in his negativity, but he was always entertaining. He also was the only person who could make me smile after a Saints\' loss. I\'ll never forget Buddy and everything he was about. Today is a sad,sad,sad day for me and the city of New Orleans.


mutineer10 01-09-2005 01:59 AM

Buddy Diliberto Dies At Age 74
The world has lost a great Saints fan... :(

BrooksMustGo 01-09-2005 07:26 PM

Buddy Diliberto Dies At Age 74
I loved Buddy D.

I didn\'t always agree with him, but how many people can get worked up into a frothing, incoherent, passionate discussion about how to fix a 3-13 team? The guy was a classic B&Ger. Even when the team had hit rock bottom and started digging a hole in the floor, Buddy D was with them and was a forum and voice for all of us fans who really understand the statement, \"Love hurts.\"

It\'s an awful shame that Buddy D had to go without ever seeing our beloved Saints bring a Lombardi trophy back home for a monster parade down Canal Street.

But the legacy he leaves is tenacity. Buddy didn\'t quit, he honestly believed that someday the Saints could put it all together. For all the people in New Orleans and Lousiana who believe the Saints will never be anything but awful, Buddy D never gave up. Week in and week out the guy never quit on this team, never quit being a fan, never quit loving the black and gold.

Especially towards the end, Buddy would say hard things. Things that were hard to take and things that seemed awfully negative. I figure that Buddy only said the hard things because he wanted us to get better and he would not quit on his Saints.

Let\'s hope that the Saints inherit a little bit of Buddy\'s dogged tenacity. With half of his gumption, a team could be bringing that Lombardi trophy back to the Crescent City someday.

We\'ll miss you Buddy D. Thanks for sharing the 5 o\'clock ride.

duece4pres 01-10-2005 04:29 AM

Buddy Diliberto Dies At Age 74
I don\'t think any Saints fan ever agreed with or liked anything Buddy D said, because the fans knew what he was saying was the truth. He was honest about the Saints, and that is why I listened to him all the time. Whether you wanted to here it or not, he told it straight. He will be missed.

4saintspirit 01-13-2005 10:45 AM

Buddy Diliberto Dies At Age 74
All I can say is I will always miss Buddy. Not only the 5PM drive but the drive to and from the Dome for Saints games. The pre game and post game shows were always more enjoyable listening to him.

2 thoughts though --- if the saints do move I guess I am happy he won\'t be around to see it. It would have killed him. And I cannot help but thinking that next year the Saints will get some strange bounces in their favor. If I know Buddy he will find away to sneak away from heaven on Sunday to go to the saint\'s game. And if he\'s there I can imagine a little help from the new guardian angel for the saints.

CheramieIII 01-13-2005 06:57 PM

Buddy Diliberto Dies At Age 74
The man you loved to hate sometimes, but I remember growing up I could\'nt wait for the sports on WVUE everynight when Buddy was there. You\'ll never forget his voice. Sweet Dreams Buddy, you will be missed.

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