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WhoDat!656 02-06-2015 08:55 AM

Saints Fans Better Pay Attention to the San Antonio Connection
The possibility exists but I don't see the Saints ever leaving New Orleans in my lifetime.

Last week when I talked about Saints owner Tom Benson’s love for the city of New Orleans, I mentioned how the city of San Antonio, Texas became a part of his legacy in building his $2 billion dollar business empire.

After yesterday’s surprise order by a Texas judge appointing a former mayor of San Antonio and a local attorney there to take over a trust set up for the benefit of Tom Benson’s estranged daughter, Renee Benson — I would suggest to Saints fans that they BETTER start paying attention to the “San Antonio Connection” in the fight for control of the Benson Empire.

Saints Fans Better Pay Attention to San Antonio Connection

saintsfan1976 02-06-2015 09:02 AM

Re: Saints Fans Better Pay Attention to the San Antonio Connection
Maybe that's why Tom pulled the rug out from Rita in the first place.

To keep the Saints in New Orleans.

hagan714 02-06-2015 09:07 AM

Re: Saints Fans Better Pay Attention to the San Antonio Connection

Originally Posted by saintsfan1976 (Post 640020)
Maybe that's why Tom pulled the rug out from Rita in the first place.

To keep the Saints in New Orleans.

that is possible.

but sleep with one eye open on this one. trucks rolling in the middle of the night can happen no matter what you give these billionaires

WhoDat!656 02-06-2015 09:08 AM

Re: Saints Fans Better Pay Attention to the San Antonio Connection
Don't the other 31 owners have to sign off on moving a team?

halloween 65 02-06-2015 09:23 AM

Re: Saints Fans Better Pay Attention to the San Antonio Connection

Originally Posted by WhoDat!656 (Post 640023)
Don't the other 31 owners have to sign off on moving a team?

I was under that impression also. But they have their own billionaire boys club and what one wants one usually gets.

Papa Voodoo 02-06-2015 09:42 AM

Re: Saints Fans Better Pay Attention to the San Antonio Connection
Couldn't Benson sell both franchises and replace the trust funds with the profits from the sales? Keeps the teams in N.O. and the family stays wealthy.

VegasSaint9 02-06-2015 09:44 AM

Re: Saints Fans Better Pay Attention to the San Antonio Connection
Can he sell the team to Robert Kraft please?

Beastmode 02-06-2015 10:04 AM

Re: Saints Fans Better Pay Attention to the San Antonio Connection
Good article and feel on the current climate of the situation. Only thing it leaves out is the NFL's stance. I'm not a lawyer but I don't see how the NFL would not have a say in the matter. It would leave a huge void in the market and create an inbalanced one with one dominant brand and two others that will never get close to the Cowboys.

WhoDat!656 02-06-2015 10:41 AM

Re: Saints Fans Better Pay Attention to the San Antonio Connection

Originally Posted by halloween 65 (Post 640027)
I was under that impression also. But they have their own billionaire boys club and what one wants one usually gets.

Jerra is probably still pissed that Houston got another team; I doubt he would approve of a third!

Could San Antonio support an NFL team in the long term? I personally doubt it.

Vrillon82 02-06-2015 10:54 AM

Re: Saints Fans Better Pay Attention to the San Antonio Connection
They have hard time supporting 2 in Texas, most go to being Dallas fans, I am surprised Houston got the reception it got with the Texans, but how long will it last? I remember some Oilers games the stadium get pretty empty.

Rugby Saint II 02-06-2015 11:18 AM

Re: Saints Fans Better Pay Attention to the San Antonio Connection

Tobias-Reiper 02-06-2015 11:24 AM

Re: Saints Fans Better Pay Attention to the San Antonio Connection
Hair on fire...

The assets within the trust set up in Texas do NOT include the Saints.
The assets within the trust will be managed by these people, but they still have to follow the rules of the trust. Not because they manage the trust, they can turn around and just give them all to the trustee.

Beastmode 02-06-2015 11:31 AM

Re: Saints Fans Better Pay Attention to the San Antonio Connection
From my own personal market research of living there 09-2011, no way. A lot of transplants and military in San Antonio with broad loyalties.

WhoDat!656 02-06-2015 11:59 AM

Re: Saints Fans Better Pay Attention to the San Antonio Connection

Originally Posted by Vrillon82 (Post 640041)
They have hard time supporting 2 in Texas, most go to being Dallas fans, I am surprised Houston got the reception it got with the Texans, but how long will it last? I remember some Oilers games the stadium get pretty empty.

Texas fans are as bandwagon as they get. The stands were full when the Oilers were winning.

lee909 02-06-2015 12:22 PM

Re: Saints Fans Better Pay Attention to the San Antonio Connection
Simple question,if the worst happened would you be done with the Saints?

ScottF 02-06-2015 02:06 PM

Re: Saints Fans Better Pay Attention to the San Antonio Connection
so ridiculous
list the 'what ifs?' on a 100 dominoes and they still would all have to fall one by one, in the right order

Big question- you have sold out for 10 straight years, get $5 million a year from the state (who also pays Benson exorbitant rent for office space), and have a dedicated money-spending fan base... why kill the golden goose and move?

WhoDat!656 02-06-2015 03:12 PM

Re: Saints Fans Better Pay Attention to the San Antonio Connection

Originally Posted by lee909 (Post 640051)
Simple question,if the worst happened would you be done with the Saints?

Yes! New Orleans without the Saints might as well be Atlanta!

And the NFL as well!

Beastmode 02-06-2015 04:02 PM

Re: Saints Fans Better Pay Attention to the San Antonio Connection
20% of the SB's have been in New Orleans for good reason. There are only a handful of cities that can really sell that level of sizzle. I don't even know how many stadiums have been torn down since the SD, it's a lot I know that. So if these new venues are soo much better why keep coming back to the rickity old SD.

vpheughan 02-06-2015 06:49 PM

Re: Saints Fans Better Pay Attention to the San Antonio Connection
Pay attention just like they did in St. Louis, Los Angeles, Oakland and Cleveleland. If they want to move they will.

st thomas 02-06-2015 08:00 PM

Re: Saints Fans Better Pay Attention to the San Antonio Connection
it won't and never will happen ; because I said so. lil renee may have something against the big easy. and tom gave her the boot back to texas,

RailBoss 02-06-2015 11:33 PM

Re: Saints Fans Better Pay Attention to the San Antonio Connection
In my opinion it won't be San Antonio the Los Angeles market is heating up for an NFL team.

Saint in Aus 02-07-2015 08:39 AM

Re: Saints Fans Better Pay Attention to the San Antonio Connection
The city of New Orleans is world famous. It is in the best interests of the NFL and the United States to leave an NFL team there. Now way the Saints go anywhere imo.

stickman 02-07-2015 05:02 PM

Re: Saints Fans Better Pay Attention to the San Antonio Connection
Rita moving the team is one of my biggest fears if she takes over. Tom has done a lot to set himself up in the city. (Pelicans, Benson Tower, FOX 8, etc.) I don't know if Rita cares about all that or if they just want the money.

My other fear is she tries to run the team herself and the team becomes as bad as it was in the 70's.

OldMaid 02-07-2015 06:50 PM

Re: Saints Fans Better Pay Attention to the San Antonio Connection

Originally Posted by hagan714 (Post 640022)
that is possible.

but sleep with one eye open on this one. trucks rolling in the middle of the night can happen no matter what you give these billionaires

Awwwww. Yes. Ask the people of Balitmore again on how did that happen.:(

OldMaid 02-07-2015 06:59 PM

Re: Saints Fans Better Pay Attention to the San Antonio Connection

Originally Posted by RailBoss (Post 640111)
In my opinion it won't be San Antonio the Los Angeles market is heating up for an NFL team.

Exactly Railboss!! I have been thinking the same thing.

The name even fits.

Los Angeles Saints.

The City of Angels.

L.A. -big , huge, market. PR. Media. Population to sell out seats.

I just hope the Saints stay forever they are in N.O

Rita, her brother, her cousins like Dawn Jones, and Rita 's mother, Renee, are all in Gayle's way. Gayle is handling them and everything on all fronts.
I think because she is from N.O. and so rooted now in society and charity work , she would keep her teams (Pelicans too) in N.O.

Follow the power.
Gayle Benson would join select company if she takes control of Saints, Pelicans |

All depends on Gayle and her team: Mickey Loomis and the lawyers mentioned in that article.

I am done with this story.
gayle benson News, Images, Videos, Classifieds & More -
Read around. GMB has positioned herself in TB's companies quite nicely. She wants it all.

I think it is fair to say, Rita and her mother, her brother, and her cousins are all over and out. Best they can do is get what they can , settle of sorts for a few million in trust funds , but nothing no where near close to those other trusts that are in debate. They will be forced to call it an end to this no-win war.

It is all too messy. Classless...too much private stuff for the public to know about.

stickman 02-08-2015 10:17 AM

Re: Saints Fans Better Pay Attention to the San Antonio Connection

Originally Posted by OldMaid (Post 640148)

The name even fits.

Los Angles Saints.

I hope this song doesn't become prophetic.

B_Dub_Saint 02-08-2015 02:08 PM

Re: Saints Fans Better Pay Attention to the San Antonio Connection
I have a very good source inside of the organization that states this program is going nowhere. As a matter of fact, they just got promoted in their position and the team is moving on. Business and usual.

I have know this person for a very long time and they would not lie to me. In fact they told me that Benson very much has the upper hand, and that the 3 R's are trying to collect what ever scraps that they can.

For those who know me, know that this source is credible. Just wanted to ease the tension. WhoDat in New Orleans Forever!!!

jeanpierre 02-08-2015 02:27 PM

Re: Saints Fans Better Pay Attention to the San Antonio Connection
The history doesn't jive with the article's argument...

Benson was the one who wanted to move the team to San Antonio when the city was still drying out from Hurricane Katrina...

It was Rita who stood next to Paul Tagliabue and reassured the Gulf Coast Community of South Louisiana/Mississippi/Mobile that the Saints were here to stay...

Benson then propped Rita up to become the future owner of the team; and once the team started winning again, he felt safe to stick his neck out again...

Personally have never have liked nor trusted Tom Benson; and having dealt with people that got burnt in business by Gayle, well, that's not a reassuring option...

As an outsider with limited information, but similar experience with families with large businesses, this is my take -

Rita got bored with being the female figure-head and she wanted to call the shots and felt she was ready...

Tommy didn't like her ideas or strategies and vetoed what she wanted to do...

Rita said "****" it, I'll just sit it out and then I'll do things as I see fit once I'm the boss"...

Tommy didn't like that she wouldn't do things exactly his way and he started with these public reprimands and eventually got to where we are...

Tom's time has long past....

Rita was spoiled/impatient...

Gayle's a gold digger who made a play...

Renee knows her Dad and his bullshinski and had enough...

The Dude 02-08-2015 03:56 PM

Re: Saints Fans Better Pay Attention to the San Antonio Connection

Originally Posted by Papa Voodoo (Post 640030)
Couldn't Benson sell both franchises and replace the trust funds with the profits from the sales? Keeps the teams in N.O. and the family stays wealthy.

To whom? There aren't many in Louisiana with that kind of money. An outsider is just as likely to take the team to another place, probably even more so when some city throws in a new stadium.
For the first time I am VERY VERY concerned about the future of this team here in New Orleans. The fact the mayor has the trust now if very scary and a sign that the judge is siding with Renee.

I wish the NFL would make and exception and let us, the citizens own the team like they do in Green Bay. They wont though.

Time to make some "The Grinch Who Stole Football" shirts.

LA is strongly courting the Rams right now. I have heard rumors that San Antonio is targeting the Raiders. It is just a rumor but it could be our saving grace.

SloMotion 02-09-2015 04:03 AM

Re: Saints Fans Better Pay Attention to the San Antonio Connection
I like the opinion(s) that NOLA puts on the best SuperBowl and thus, the NFL will keep a team there. It's just too prime a location to move a team from, for even any of the parties involved, IMO. I kinda' understood when the Colts moved, the Rams, the Cardinals, the Browns/Ravens fiasco, et..., but it just seems like there's too much money to be made with football in New Orleans, :).

WillSaints81 02-09-2015 08:09 PM

Re: Saints Fans Better Pay Attention to the San Antonio Connection

Originally Posted by stickman (Post 640177)
I hope this song doesn't become prophetic.

I was just thinking of this, ha! And when I first saw the video in 2008 on Metal Mania(yeah they really played 80s hair metal but new songs by old bands) I did think of the saints and that whole speculation in 2005.

saintfan 02-09-2015 11:38 PM

Re: Saints Fans Better Pay Attention to the San Antonio Connection
Hey! Maybe Terry Bradshaw will get another group together and buy the team?!?

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