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saintswhodi 01-23-2005 07:10 PM

Anybody still think Romeo Crennel
wouldn't have been the perfect coach for us? He has Hank Poteat, who they signed 11 days ago, and Randall Gay, undrafted free agent, and Troy Brown in the secondary and they are destroying what was considered the best team in the NFL. Tell me why again there were arguments against this?

ScottyRo 01-23-2005 07:53 PM

Anybody still think Romeo Crennel
Two things: I never considered the Steelers to be the best team in the NFL and I don\'t remember anyone, maybe someone, but I don\'t remember, arguing against Crennel as a great candidate for HC.

You\'re probably right about him likely having been the perfect coach for us. Too bad we\'ll never know.

saintswhodi 01-23-2005 08:26 PM

Anybody still think Romeo Crennel
There were several, \"what\'s wrong with Haslett, he deserves another chance, why would we think Romeo would be an improvement\" posts for months. All the while I and a few others were calling for Romeo. I think if he were to be our coach next year, we would make the playoffs right off.

frankeefrank 01-24-2005 12:59 AM

Anybody still think Romeo Crennel
so you are the ONE person in the world who thinks Belichick does nothing
I thought he was the D guy?

Guess I am wrong

Danno 01-24-2005 06:45 AM

Anybody still think Romeo Crennel
I can\'t remember one single post that stated Crennel wouldn\'t be a better coach than Haslet.
Who was saying that?

saintswhodi 01-24-2005 09:48 AM

Anybody still think Romeo Crennel
Here you go Danno:


Despite Whodats love affair with a defensive co-ordinator that has never been an NFL head coach.
........... seriously where does this crap come from.
and why do people keep repeating it, like somehow that is gonna make it more legitimate. I will guarantee with every last dime I own that if some highly successful \"underling\" comes to \'rescue\' the saints, he will be have his nuts in the wringer by season end. I know that you know this franchise way better than that Whodat.

Seriously, all boloney aside, do you really believe that this organization, with it\'s well documented history, will respond to an unproven head coach? Maybe for a season, sound familiar? but beyond that things will quickly unravel. Critics will say that Ditka was a steaming pile......

and so he was, I don\'t deny it. But he is not got anywhere near the savvy that Jimmy J does. It is almost like shooting fish in a barrel to attack this line of thinking, but mark my words, If Jimmy J comes back to coaching he will know what success feels like.
Crennel would be the perfect fit for many clubs, but not ours.

Maybe we should keep Haslett? can I get a 4 more years?
From this thread:

Here\' another one:

Quote: you stated..these guys interviewed last year...completed or not..they had all off season...they didn\'t go anywhere...i just really have a hard time believing that any one of these guys would come over here.. or that they would do much better than haslett if they came...if you honestly think that this is one of the most talented teams in football...then i have to question that ..not question you as a fan..because i know what people say about the abundance of talent on this team..all the sports experts..and nfl analysts..but actions speak louder than words..and even without the loss to san diego that broke our spirits..this has been a team with a total lack of do anything right week after week..there\'s not a coach alive who could come in here right now and make us winners...and there are few guys who leave as coordinators..and do a great job the first time out of the gates...and i am just sick of watching benson try to cheapskate his way into a title...if we don\'t sign a big head coach...who knows what it takes..from experience to take a squashed team..and make them legit...our chances are very slight that we will be a playoff team any time in the next 4 - 5 years..
Taken from this thread:

That was back though. Didn\'t wanna look any further. Those were directly realted to Crennel. I didn\'t even look for the \"we shouldn\'t fire Haslett\" ones of which there are more.

Danno 01-24-2005 12:00 PM

Anybody still think Romeo Crennel
OK So one person did. But thats all I asked for.

But I think he was commenting on coordinators in general, not Romeo specifically.
Reading those post it seemed like 19 out of 20 posters would prefer Romeo over Haslet.
Your post made it seem like a bunch of folks were against him. But I probably misunderstood it.

saintswhodi 01-24-2005 12:18 PM

Anybody still think Romeo Crennel
Actually that was two seperate people but no worries. I said there were several, but I lumped the \"Haslett shouldn\'t go\" corwd with the \"Crennel is not a good choice\" crowd so if there was a misunderstanding it was on me. The majority do feel Crennel would have been an obviously good choice for a head coach this year.

johnnythesaint 01-24-2005 12:37 PM

Anybody still think Romeo Crennel
Wow, I was pretty strong in my belief that Crennel would fail here in New Orleans. Having had the opportunity to watch the Pats in the post-season, I would like to say that he is someone special, you cannot fault his game-planning or his decision making. However I still believe that the Saints organization would not flourish under him.

He probably would get us into the playoffs first year, but would IMO
fall off in a manner reminiscent of our current HC. Humbly, I offer the
opinion that this team turned a corner at the end of the season. It is unprovable and contentious, but I believe now more than ever that if Haslett does indeed come back, we will see a feisty, spirited campaign next year. I think an important bond was discovered, and with better play-calling we should achieve a home field playoff spot next year. Obviously we would need to keep the majority of our skill players, but if we can strengthen our OL, and get a smarter SS then the sky is the limit.

saintswhodi 01-24-2005 12:43 PM

Anybody still think Romeo Crennel
Everyone is allowed to change their opinion JTS, I was just making a point. I wll still disagree that Crennel would be more than a one year solution as he has been a huge part of a winning organization, and I don\'t think he will lose that attitude and would most definitely attempt to instill it here. If anything, if he did go down in the 2nd year I think it would be because of \"talented\" players that don\'t make plays being pushed off the team. One year with the current guys to evaluate, then time to build with his guys. I would be all for that. Second, if he did take this team to the playoffs, that is an instant improvement.

LKelley67 01-24-2005 01:30 PM

Anybody still think Romeo Crennel
coulda-shoulda but no woulda. front office nickname perhaps... No Wood

papz 01-24-2005 04:58 PM

Anybody still think Romeo Crennel
Under the toolage of Bill, Crennel has become a great coordinator. I would love for him to come down here but that won\'t happen in a million years. He\'s going to coach Cleveland I can put my house on it. They absolutely were blown away by his interview and he\'s their top choice and it\'s about time. We\'ll see how he fairs over there first, it is his first head coaching job. I don\'t think Haslett is THAT bad, he just needs to work more extensively with our defense. Once Venturi was given the DC position, I feel Haslett entrusted it more with him and slacked off. I know he can still do it and we\'ll find out soon.

Hopefully that contract situation someone posted is true. We need to evaluate him another year before we render a decision. So far, he hasn\'t deserved it.

FireVenturi 01-24-2005 09:27 PM

Anybody still think Romeo Crennel
he will 100% be with the Browns.

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